Russian Foreign Ministry releases commentary on the US foreign policies


Nov 14, 2012
The Russians have summed up their experience with the US foreign policies and the Foreign Ministry released the following message (auto-translated):

"Commentary of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian MFA in connection with the report of the US intelligence services

It is noteworthy that the statements of representatives of various American authorities on key issues of international relations, in particular concerning security problems and assessments of relevant threats to the United States, often have serious Differences. The logical inconsistencies in speeches on this topic by the high representatives of the Washington politician are increasingly misleading the expert community and observers.

Thus, from the estimates of global threats to the security of the United States, set out by the country's intelligence coordinator, D. Coates, in the Senate on 29 January, it follows that the main danger is not international terrorism. Despite the fact that he actually refutes recent allegations about the "victory" of the Americans over ISIL, the terrorist risks mentioned, but in the background. The focus was on the need to confront Russia and China, which Washington considers to be its main rivals, as well as Iran and the DPRK.

It was on this understanding of priorities that the speech of the US chief Scout was built. And American legislators willingly agreed with that.

This approach is, of course, regrettable. In general, it seems that the United States, despite such a hard lesson in its history as al-Qaeda's attacks of 11 September 2001, has lost interest in international anti-terrorist cooperation.

Instead of countering real challenges, Washington prefers fictional threats, setting its public to confrontation with States that are not going to inflict any harm on Americans. On the contrary, the United States is constantly trying to exert pressure on Russia, China, Iran and the DPRK with economic sanctions and demonstrations of military force at their borders.

Moreover, as we see in Syria, Washington is not averse to using even outright terrorists for its geopolitical purposes. Eight years of the Syrian war, the American Security services, contrary to their own legislation, support and hide from retaliation thugs directly associated with al-Qaeda, in vain hoping with their help to change power in Damascus.

The report, which was presented by D. Coates, still noted that Russia "would like to establish cooperation with the United States in the areas of convergence of American and Russian interests." This is true, including our willingness to cooperate closely in the fight against terrorism. However, it is not silent whether they aspire to the same in Washington.

Judging by the constant-sounding anti-Russian rhetoric from the United States, it seems that there are persistently looking for the enemy at all, not where it really is. Such a delusion is very dangerous."
There are smart people in USA who do realize how dangerous it is to play with the fire, but not too many.

WSJ: By George P. Shultz, William J. Perry and Sam Nunn

April 10,

The U.S., its allies and Russia are caught in a dangerous policy paralysis that could lead—most likely by mistake or miscalculation—to a military confrontation and potentially the use of nuclear weapons for the first time in nearly 74 years. A bold policy shift is needed to support a strategic re-engagement with Russia and walk back from this perilous precipice. Otherwise, our nations may soon be entrenched in a nuclear standoff more precarious, disorienting and economically costly than the Cold War. The most difficult task facing the U.S. is also the most important—to refocus on America’s most vital interests
Opinion | The Threat of Nuclear War Is Still With Us


Stephen Cohen:

Nearly three years of unsubstantiated Russiagate allegations—against both Trump and Putin—have escalated the new Cold War and made efforts to diminish it through traditional détente-like policies exceedingly difficult, perhaps impossible. In particular, those allegations have virtually criminalized the kinds of “cooperation” and “contacts” that kept the nuclear peace between the United States and Soviet Russia in the 20th century.

Considering its damage to American political institutions and to US and international security, Russiagate is the most egregiously fraudulent political scandal in modern American history. But considerable evidence points to President Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan as the actual godfather of Russiagate.
Will the Mueller Report Make the New Cold War Even Worse?

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