Russian apologist need to read this

Russia has filed a complaint to the UN Security Council for non-compliance by the US and Ukraine with the Convention on the prohibition of biological weapons - Russia's permanent representative to the UN
Iraq was bombed back into the Stone аge for less, for example...
Do you see any similarities to US media’s treatment of Putin and Russia? Don’t be a dupe of the state controlled media forever.

Yes, come on AZ. We are all being fooled.

Ukraine attacked Russia. Any that say Russia attacked first are just tools and puppets of the government controlled media, after all.

When somebody can only parrot the same thing ad nauseum about anything, I can take it as nothing but a joke.


And I guess that makes gipper the real hero.

Yes, come on AZ. We are all being fooled.

Ukraine attacked Russia. Any that say Russia attacked first are just tools and puppets of the government controlled media, after all.

When somebody can only parrot the same thing ad nauseum about anything, I can take it as nothing but a joke.


And I guess that makes gipper the real hero.

Nice satire, for a second I thought you were serious.
Nice satire, for a second I thought you were serious.

And there is a "double irony" in that, if you got where the images came from. The one that worked within the system and knew it was a bunch of lies. And the "outsider" that thought it was all conspiracy and lies and believed a ton of nutcase conspiracy theories. Who if seen as he really was, was just a homeless man living on the street and breaking into the homes of his friends to steal food on occasion.

Sorry, almost any time somebody starts to scream "conspiracy", I generally laugh and dismiss them. They really do have the minds of children, and should never be taken seriously. I can accept that some things may be that. But when one screams all things are, that is when I know I am dealing with somebody that is a few cards short of a full deck.

As always, I really have no agenda. And simply call things as I see them without all the political feldercarb. Which means I feel free to mock any that I think are complete tools. To me, it ultimately is really simple. Who invaded who? Unless one actually can claim that Ukraine invaded Russia, then there is no justification for this nonsense.

And yes, I even laugh at the inbred "Moron Label" types of pedo-NAZIs that are trying to express their concern and fighting for Ukraine. Laughing as I am sure the government is happy using them as front line cannon fodder. Which is probably the best use such types can be used for. Probably too inbred to realize they are fighting for the government that is led by a Jew.

And yes, my opinion of the top rung of the current Russian leadership is only slightly above those kind of morons.

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