Russia ratchets up US tensions with arms sales to Iran and Venezuela

Hey dude.. dont cry about someone else making painting a picture with broad strokes AFTER you participation in this thread so far... And don't give me this "minority doesn't reflect the majoirty" bullshit after your statements about muslims. For real. You may not know what the word irony means but I assure you that it applies to your posts.

and dont give me this "nazi's werent' christians" bullshit. I'll bitchslap you with evidence all day long with that one.

yea! CLEARLY this is true mr "christianity is sinnless"!

Your take on terrorism is ruled by your perspective FROM a christian nation. Again, let china bomb the shit out of Ohio and we'll see how swift you are to demand violent reaction against Buddhists.

And, as impressive as "derr, uh, im smart in history is and, derr, uh chrisianity was not killing muslims during the dark ages, derrrr" is I guess you'll have to fogive me for laughing at your immediate spitpolishing of the turd that is christian history.

That guy doesn't realize terrorism is a tactic used by groups that don't have nukes, air forces, navys.

I'll name a christian nation that has a terrorist problem. Us!
Hey tough guy. You act like we are immune to being victimized. Violence begets violence. When we are richous, the world supports us and then we can't lose. Isolate ourselves and you see paying for the war can break us, just like russia was broken. So now they are retuning the favor.
This is devoid of context.

You presume the world itself is righteous.

Just because a lot of people may be doing a certain thing doesn't mean they are correct.

We are famous for our airstrikes, yet we were outraged that they flew planes into our buildings.
Again, devoid of context.

Our strikes are to mitigate violence. Once jihadists assume control of an area the violence does not stop. They victimize thei own and use that area to spread violence to other areas not under their control.

We are mad that 3000 died on sept 11 but are ok that 1 milion iraqis have died. Imagine your mother is killed in a air strike in basra and you don't have powerful military to go pay her killers back. Could you become a suicide bomber?
1. your figure is absolute horsecrap, unsupported by any real science. 1 in 4 Iraqis have not been killed

2. We aren't killing the Iraqis; we;re the ones keeping al Sadr and AQI from killing Iraqis and even the Iraqis know this.

3. We waged a war that lead to the deaths of 300,000 Americans after 2,500 were killed when all the attackers wanted to do was assume unimpeded control of their Pacific empire. Overall that war killed 55 million

Again: It's the context

Piece is patriotic. War only when necessary. Diplomacy first and as soon as possible after the bombs stop.
Yeah, and when the killers refuse to be reasoned with?

How many Carter/Chamberlain moments do you need before you become too embarrassed to repeat the same mistakes in the face of the obvious evidence?

Do you even consider that the gop emptied the treasury needlessly? its called war for profit. maybe half of what they spent was fraud. This spending has a lot to do with our economic mess. Do you even realize it?
Oh good grief.

This country was multiple trillions in debt well before Bush ever made the scene. This may come as a shock to you but history did not start November 2, 2000.

If you honestly believe that we're as evil and imperial as shogun sputters do something. Step away from the computer and do SOMETHING.

No, you think the president doesn't have that much to do with the economy. lol
No. presidents are quite capable of wrecking economies. Just ask Chavez.
Selling weapons to quasi-authoritarian regimes?? Why does that ring a bell?? Where have I heard that before??

Well you certainly haven't heard it regarding the United States. Because we've NEVER done that before. :rolleyes:
Americans need to stop thinking that there are good parts of the world and evil parts of the world. It isn't that simple.

Bill Maher said yesterday that terrorists don't hate our freedoms, they hate our bombs. And they don't want us occupying their countries and stealing their oil. Perhaps sending more troops to Afganistan means dropping more bombs and creating more anti American muslims in that region.

They only hate our bombs because it is more efficient in taking out its target. Plus, we have killed more of them with our bombs than the ones strapped on their chest. Why hate our bombs. They are the ones strapping it on. A little hypocritical. Another question, who is Bill Maher?

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