Russia loves sanctions!Capital of oligarchs is going back to Russia!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Russia loves western sanctions, manufacturing in Russia is growing up, almost all Russians are with Putin. And do billions of oligarch's money is going back home.
No chance for western presstitutes and Merkel & Co to change it.

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That's good to hear.

Because the point of the sanctions wasn't to hurt the Russian people.

The point of the sanctions was to hurt the corrupt thieves around kleptocrat Putin who have looted the Russian people with Putin's consent.
That's good to hear.

Because the point of the sanctions wasn't to hurt the Russian people.

The point of the sanctions was to hurt the corrupt thieves around kleptocrat Putin who have looted the Russian people with Putin's consent.

But why the entirely Russian people is with Putin and ready to WWIII with the West?
To die for Putin's kleptocracy?

Western 'intelligence' are dumb morons and know not Russian mindset.
That's good to hear.

Because the point of the sanctions wasn't to hurt the Russian people.

The point of the sanctions was to hurt the corrupt thieves around kleptocrat Putin who have looted the Russian people with Putin's consent.
Uncle Sam initiated sanctions against Russia are to hurt the Russian people to make them oppose Putin. Uncle Sam´s message is: "I take over countries as I like and I support terrorists as I like."
That's good to hear.

Because the point of the sanctions wasn't to hurt the Russian people.

The point of the sanctions was to hurt the corrupt thieves around kleptocrat Putin who have looted the Russian people with Putin's consent.
Uncle Sam initiated sanctions against Russia are to hurt the Russian people to make them oppose Putin. Uncle Sam´s message is: "I take over countries as I like and I support terrorists as I like."

Instead all Russians are with Putin now.
That's good to hear.

Because the point of the sanctions wasn't to hurt the Russian people.

The point of the sanctions was to hurt the corrupt thieves around kleptocrat Putin who have looted the Russian people with Putin's consent.

But why the entirely Russian people is with Putin and ready to WWIII with the West?
To die for Putin's kleptocracy?

Western 'intelligence' are dumb morons and know not Russian mindset.

The West doesn’t want and isn’t going to have WWIII with Russia.

That is complete nonsense you read from pro-Russian conspiratorial web sites.
That's good to hear.

Because the point of the sanctions wasn't to hurt the Russian people.

The point of the sanctions was to hurt the corrupt thieves around kleptocrat Putin who have looted the Russian people with Putin's consent.
Uncle Sam initiated sanctions against Russia are to hurt the Russian people to make them oppose Putin. Uncle Sam´s message is: "I take over countries as I like and I support terrorists as I like."

The sanctions are not targeted against Russia.

The sanctions are targeted at specific individuals and institutions of Putin’s inner circle kleptocracy.

Stop reading nonsense from pro-Russian propaganda news sources.
That's good to hear.

Because the point of the sanctions wasn't to hurt the Russian people.

The point of the sanctions was to hurt the corrupt thieves around kleptocrat Putin who have looted the Russian people with Putin's consent.
Uncle Sam initiated sanctions against Russia are to hurt the Russian people to make them oppose Putin. Uncle Sam´s message is: "I take over countries as I like and I support terrorists as I like."

The sanctions are not targeted against Russia.

The sanctions are targeted at specific individuals and institutions of Putin’s inner circle kleptocracy.

Stop reading nonsense from pro-Russian propaganda news sources.
Stop reading Uncle Sam´s and his slaves´ propaganda outlets.The sanctions directly target the Russian economy.

EU sanctions against Russia over Ukraine crisis - Newsroom - European Commission

"The economic sanctions are generally believed to have helped weaken the Russian economy and to intensify the challenges that Russia was already facing.

A 2015 data analysis confirmed Russia's entry into a recession, with negative GDP growth of -2.2% for the first quarter of 2015, as compared to the first quarter of 2014. Further, the combined effect of the sanctions and the rapid decline in oil prices in 2014 has caused significant downward pressure on the value of the ruble and flight of capital out of Russia. At the same time, the sanctions on access to financing have forced Russia to use part of its foreign exchange reserves to prop up the economy. These events forced the Central Bank of Russia to stop supporting the value of the ruble and increase interest rates.

Russia's ban on western imports had the additional effect on these challenging events as the embargo led to higher food prices and further inflation in addition to the effects of decreased value of the ruble which had already raised the price of imported goods.

In 2016 agriculture has surpassed the arms industry as Russia's second largest export sector after oil and gas."

"As of 2015, the losses of EU have been estimated as €100 billion, with Italy in particular losing over €1.25 billion. The German business sector, with around 30,000 workplaces depending on trade with Russia, also reported being affected by the sanctions. The sanctions had an impact on numerous European market sectors, including energy, agriculture, and aviation. In March 2016, the Finnish farmers' union MTK stated that the Russian sanctions and falling prices have put farmers under tremendous pressure. Finland's Natural Resources Institute LUKE has estimated that last year farmers saw their incomes shrink by 40 percent compared to the previous year.

In February 2015, Exxon Mobil reported losing about $1 billion due to sanctions.

In 2017, the UN Special Rapporteur Idriss Jazairy published a report on the impact of sanctions, stating that the EU countries were losing about "3.2 billion dollars a month" due to them. He also noted that the sanctions were "intended to serve as a deterrent to Russia but run the risk of being only a deterrent to the international business community, while adversely affecting only those vulnerable groups which have nothing to do with the crisis" (especially people in Crimea, who "should not be made to pay collectively for what is a complex political crisis over which they have no control")"
International sanctions during the Ukrainian crisis - Wikipedia
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