Russia Hoax flattened... racist angle gets redundant. What’s next on the Fake News reel?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015
There seems to be a spinning rotation by Fake News last two years while the economy is booming. The respect for law enforcement and military has been back to being respected. Not to mention the great tax cuts. All while Trump is in office. But yet every couple of months the Fake News continue to have a failing hit job coming back yet again. One month is Trump hates dogs. Next minute it’s celebrity Trump gossip.

When will the redundancy end?
There seems to be a spinning rotation by Fake News last two years while the economy is booming. The respect for law enforcement and military has been back to being respected. Not to mention the great tax cuts. All while Trump is in office. But yet every couple of months the Fake News continue to have a failing hit job coming back yet again. One month is Trump hates dogs. Next minute it’s celebrity Trump gossip.

When will the redundancy end?

When Trump and his band of Criminals are behind bars where they belong.
There seems to be a spinning rotation by Fake News last two years while the economy is booming. The respect for law enforcement and military has been back to being respected. Not to mention the great tax cuts. All while Trump is in office. But yet every couple of months the Fake News continue to have a failing hit job coming back yet again. One month is Trump hates dogs. Next minute it’s celebrity Trump gossip.

When will the redundancy end?

Never...they despise the man on a visceral level...they'd dance like jumping beans if he was assassinated. It's truly amazing how close we were to a communist takeover/coup. The intel heads who hatched the plot should swing from a yard arm.
There seems to be a spinning rotation by Fake News last two years while the economy is booming. The respect for law enforcement and military has been back to being respected. Not to mention the great tax cuts. All while Trump is in office. But yet every couple of months the Fake News continue to have a failing hit job coming back yet again. One month is Trump hates dogs. Next minute it’s celebrity Trump gossip.

When will the redundancy end?

When Trump and his band of Criminals are behind bars where they belong.

Of course the Fake News bot goes to its “behind bars” routine.
There seems to be a spinning rotation by Fake News last two years while the economy is booming. The respect for law enforcement and military has been back to being respected. Not to mention the great tax cuts. All while Trump is in office. But yet every couple of months the Fake News continue to have a failing hit job coming back yet again. One month is Trump hates dogs. Next minute it’s celebrity Trump gossip.

When will the redundancy end?

Never...they despise the man on a visceral level...they'd dance like jumping beans if he was assassinated. It's truly amazing how close we were to a communist takeover/coup. The intel heads who hatched the plot should swing from a yard arm.

You just won an award.
There seems to be a spinning rotation by Fake News last two years while the economy is booming. The respect for law enforcement and military has been back to being respected. Not to mention the great tax cuts. All while Trump is in office. But yet every couple of months the Fake News continue to have a failing hit job coming back yet again. One month is Trump hates dogs. Next minute it’s celebrity Trump gossip.

When will the redundancy end?

When Trump and his band of Criminals are behind bars where they belong.

Of course the Fake News bot goes to its “behind bars” routine.

Do you mean if we observe all the evidence then all the facts are just fake news and anyone bringing that up is a Fake News Bot? Well Comrade, that would make you a Kremlin Bot.
When Trump and his band of Criminals are behind bars where they belong.

If you are too stupid to realize what I just said, you would be too stupid to understand any links along those lines. It would be a waste of everyone's time and effort. We already took the time and the effort. Go back and read previous posts. Or are you too stupid and lazy to do even that.
No I realize what you said it is just more Trump hate with no facts who is the stupid one fuck nuts
No I realize what you said it is just more Trump hate with no facts who is the stupid one fuck nuts

The basis has already been stated. You just ignore it. When are you going to stop giving him so many free rides? Wait until next year. He'll be down to about 33% approval rating and then what? All the Dems have to do is present a dead body and it gets elected.
No I realize what you said it is just more Trump hate with no facts who is the stupid one fuck nuts

The basis has already been stated. You just ignore it. When are you going to stop giving him so many free rides? Wait until next year. He'll be down to about 33% approval rating and then what? All the Dems have to do is present a dead body and it gets elected.
Just you wait. Any day now.
The switched over to White Supremacy very quickly and that’s their new pet Mueller.
The basis has already been stated. You just ignore it. When are you going to stop giving him so many free rides? Wait until next year. He'll be down to about 33% approval rating and then what? All the Dems have to do is present a dead body and it gets elected.
You still have not stated any facts, Russia debunked so you are going on him being orange, a bad man, resist.
All the dems have is dead beets so you are on the right track there.
When are you going to realize CNN is fake news
The basis has already been stated. You just ignore it. When are you going to stop giving him so many free rides? Wait until next year. He'll be down to about 33% approval rating and then what? All the Dems have to do is present a dead body and it gets elected.
You still have not stated any facts, Russia debunked so you are going on him being orange, a bad man, resist.
All the dems have is dead beets so you are on the right track there.
When are you going to realize CNN is fake news

You slept through the Mueller report and then the Mueller congressional. You sit there with your hands over your ears and your eyes screaming "LaLaLaLa" over and over again. The Russians did, in fact, assist Trump in getting elected. There is no way of really knowing how many of the memes you characters still use originated from the GRU (Russian, Putin). There is no way of knowing just how much of the division that you spew even today that originated from the same source. And there is no way of knowing which of you are really working for Putin even today. Had you actually listened to Mueller, the FBI and the CIA, you would know that the obstruction of the Russians are happening even today. They haven't quit. And the denial of it by Trump and his committee of criminals as well as Moscow Mitch is still covering it up. It's not been debunked. What's been shown is that Trump and his cast of criminals are complicant in it up to their elbows even today since not one single one of them will allow any steps to be taken to lessen it.

You are a traitor and not an American. You are a Russian Agent.
I have no words that is so fucking stupid I am speech less.
I think you do need to get out of your moms basement though

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