Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

I urge you to check your schedules to see if you can find this.It is the story of the Soviet Union from the collapse of communism to the rise of putin.

The film maker has assembled 7 episodes based on clips from Russian TV and the BBC. It is mesmerising stuff.

Ive never heard of Adam Curtis but the man is obviously a genius.

All the familiar tropes are there. Russian housewives queuing for potatoes.Macdonalds opening in Moscow. The Rolls Royce dealership reception for the oligarchs and gangsters.Yeltsins descent into alcohol.

The Afghan War is covered and so is the Chechen debacle. They have echoes of the current disaster in Ukraine.Tthe film of russian mothers going to Chechnya to bring their sons home is heart wrenching.

There is no narration and very few subtitles.

Try and find it. Its amazing.

I urge you to check your schedules to see if you can find this.It is the story of the Soviet Union from the collapse of communism to the rise of putin.

The film maker has assembled 7 episodes based on clips from Russian TV and the BBC. It is mesmerising stuff.

Ive never heard of Adam Curtis but the man is obviously a genius.

All the familiar tropes are there. Russian housewives queuing for potatoes.Macdonalds opening in Moscow. The Rolls Royce dealership reception for the oligarchs and gangsters.Yeltsins descent into alcohol.

The Afghan War is covered and so is the Chechen debacle. They have echoes of the current disaster in Ukraine.Tthe film of russian mothers going to Chechnya to bring their sons home is heart wrenching.

There is no narration and very few subtitles.

Try and find it. Its amazing.
You're making the case for Russia being a small, bankrupt, and defeated ex-superpower Tommy!
You're making the case for Russia being a small, bankrupt, and defeated ex-superpower Tommy!
I think you can see how much suffering that the russian people can put up with. You have to admire those old Grandmas.

Ive only been there once but it is definitley not first world.

Only country ive visited whee the police are more corrupt than the crooks.
I think you can see how much suffering that the russian people can put up with. You have to admire those old Grandmas.

Ive only been there once but it is definitley not first world.

Only country ive visited whee the police are more corrupt than the crooks.
I think you can see how much suffering that the russian people can put up with. You have to admire those old Grandmas.

Ive only been there once but it is definitley not first world.

Only country ive visited whee the police are more corrupt than the crooks.
I'm fully aware of the British people's feelings toward Russia Tommy.
The question remains on Russia's ability to fight a war and win against America.

A few months ago I would have suggested that Russia couldn't unless it was a nuclear war. Lately I've come to believe that the strategic situation has come to favour Russia.

The reason being that America knows as well as all other countries involved that the rules of the war must be adhered to or nuclear war will result.

America is trying to find a way around that difficulty and may do so, but so far there's nothing we've heard of that can work.

My guess is that the war will now grind out until the summer and the Ukraine and it's people will cease to exist.

If there's anybody taking part on this board who has a viable alternative, I would sure like to hear it? Ukraine and it's people never did have to be eliminated for the sake of US victory over Russia. Russia offered peace right from the beginning, but now Russia is only going to talk peace on their terms.

America simply miscalculated that Russia could be quickly and easily defeated.

Russia made a tactical error by going into the war on gentle terms being directed by Putin.
I think you can see how much suffering that the russian people can put up with. You have to admire those old Grandmas.

Ive only been there once but it is definitley not first world.

Only country ive visited whee the police are more corrupt than the crooks.

Putin is seen as a blessing to the russians. You fail to account for all that history before 1985. It is a history of tyrants. Putin just institutionalized grift where he can manage it and the people can at least benefit some as opposed to what life on the street was like for them between the fall of communism and the rise of Putin.
Freudian slip tommy? Reagan said that about them... Reagan referred to the USSR as "a third world country with superpower status"...[it made the media/left so mad they didn't know whether to scratch their watch or wind their butts.]
On the surface it could be any advanced European nation.But when you are advised to leave all your valuables in the hotel and cross the road when you see the police coming - you know that you are in a strange place.
Putin is seen as a blessing to the russians. You fail to account for all that history before 1985. It is a history of tyrants. Putin just institutionalized grift where he can manage it and the people can at least benefit some as opposed to what life on the street was like for them between the fall of communism and the rise of Putin.
Its a sorry history going back centuries.The doc charts the rise of the bandit class in Russia.Out of chaos the scoundrels profit.
Its a sorry history going back centuries.The doc charts the rise of the bandit class in Russia.Out of chaos the scoundrels profit.
I took a Russian History class at university thinking it would be interesting. It was the most depressing thing I have ever had to study. It more or less ran from when they were warring tribes to modern times. There was no bright spot in it ever. The only thing I got useful out of it was that the professor used to pay for upscaled stays by packing extra clothes and selling them to people during those early days after the fall of communism. Said he didn't even have to make any extra effort. If people saw him wearing a leather coat or Levi jeans, people would come up to him wanting to buy them off him right on the street for many times what he paid for them.
Never been there. But it sounds similar.
But you , the little Welsh Communist , have probably never had a passport to travel even into England .

I have been in Russia many times . Many times and in many cities .
The big cities are at least as affluent as anywhere else in the world .
But above anything else , the people are very smart and tremendously highly educated . Far, far ahead of us ( UK) and out of sight of their US counterparts .

Let that sink in and remember I have never had any political affiliations or obligations to anybody or , latterly , any organisation .
Unlike you I speak from a high vantage point in intelligence and experience .
Your comments are worthless .
I took a Russian History class at university thinking it would be interesting. It was the most depressing thing I have ever had to study. It more or less ran from when they were warring tribes to modern times. There was no bright spot in it ever. The only thing I got useful out of it was that the professor used to pay for upscaled stays by packing extra clothes and selling them to people during those early days after the fall of communism. Said he didn't even have to make any extra effort. If people saw him wearing a leather coat or Levi jeans, people would come up to him wanting to buy them off him right on the street for many times what he paid for them.
They want all of the good things that the West can offer. whether it be a Big Mac or a mansion in Belgravia.

There is no reason why they cant have a similar lifestyle to the rest of us. Apart from having centuries of bad/corrupt leadership.

Putin will be gone soon but I have no great hopes that a decent regime will take over.
On the surface it could be any advanced European nation.
not sure I follow...the claim is that they [Russia/USSR] were/are a third world country... not sure an "advanced" country fits that description
But when you are advised to leave all your valuables in the hotel and cross the road when you see the police coming - you know that you are in a strange place.
Can't argue with in America we just have to be careful who we say that about, we can say it about Canada where that is probably not true, but not about Mexico even if it were to be true.
not sure I follow...the claim is that they [Russia/USSR] were/are a third world country... not sure an "advanced" country fits that description

Can't argue with in America we just have to be careful who we say that about, we can say it about Canada where that is probably not true, but not about Mexico even if it were to be true.
You are warned to leave valuabkles in the hotel to keep the police frrom taking them.not the local gangsters.

The police in western europe are not generally corrupt enough to "tax" you on the street. That is what I was driving at. We tend to call a policeman when we have a problem. Not avoid them.

You get a similar warning in Paris and Rome,,but that is warning you against the pick pockets not the police.
You are warned to leave valuabkles in the hotel to keep the police frrom taking them.not the local gangsters.

The police in western europe are not generally corrupt enough to "tax" you on the street. That is what I was driving at. We tend to call a policeman when we have a problem. Not avoid them.

You get a similar warning in Paris and Rome,,but that is warning you against the pick pockets not the police.
I had a friend that worked in Russia from about 1985 to 2010. He said, The relationship between the people and government is far different than in the US. There is little interaction between the people and the government and when there is, it is rarely instigated by the people. The phrase that government is of the people, by the people, and for the people would be laughable.
You are warned to leave valuabkles in the hotel to keep the police frrom taking them.not the local gangsters.

The police in western europe are not generally corrupt enough to "tax" you on the street. That is what I was driving at. We tend to call a policeman when we have a problem. Not avoid them.

You get a similar warning in Paris and Rome,,but that is warning you against the pick pockets not the police.
I get that, just wasn't sure if you were referring to some EU countries as third world countries like Russia/USSR has been described

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