Rush Limbaugh’s Ratings Are In a State Of Complete Collapse


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Bad ratings news is rolling in for Rush Limbaugh as his show has fallen to 22nd in New York and 37th in Los Angeles. Limbaugh’s ratings are in a state of major decline.

Rush Limbaugh’s claim to radio fame has always been that he is a right wing talker who brings big ratings to major markets in blue states, but this isn’t the case anymore.

As Jerry Del Colliano, publisher of the radio-centric Inside Music Media put it, “We’re watching the end of right-wing conservative talk radio. The genre is dying among ratings and dying among advertisers … Rush is at the end of his career. His constituency is all wearing Depends. And he’s getting himself into trouble he doesn’t need. So can you put Humpty Dumpty back together again? They have been able to improve their advertising picture, but they have not been able to come back.”

The answer for why Limbaugh’s show is dying can be found in demographics. Rush’s average listener is 66 years old. Younger people aren’t turning on their radios to listen to Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, and Savage. Their audience mirrors that of the Republican Party. It’s white, conservative, and male.
Right wing talk radio isn't going away. It's like porn for cons.

They'll listen to some Hannity and Levin and then complain about how the most famous news people are liberals. Fuckin lunatics :cuckoo:
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Bad ratings news is rolling in for Rush Limbaugh as his show has fallen to 22nd in New York and 37th in Los Angeles. Limbaugh’s ratings are in a state of major decline.

Rush Limbaugh’s claim to radio fame has always been that he is a right wing talker who brings big ratings to major markets in blue states, but this isn’t the case anymore.

As Jerry Del Colliano, publisher of the radio-centric Inside Music Media put it, “We’re watching the end of right-wing conservative talk radio. The genre is dying among ratings and dying among advertisers … Rush is at the end of his career. His constituency is all wearing Depends. And he’s getting himself into trouble he doesn’t need. So can you put Humpty Dumpty back together again? They have been able to improve their advertising picture, but they have not been able to come back.”

The answer for why Limbaugh’s show is dying can be found in demographics. Rush’s average listener is 66 years old. Younger people aren’t turning on their radios to listen to Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, and Savage. Their audience mirrors that of the Republican Party. It’s white, conservative, and male.

The High Cost of Rush: Talker Bleeds Millions From His Carriers As Toxic Talk Slumps, Cumulus Seems Set To Part Ways With Rush Limbaugh - The Daily Beast
Rush Limbaugh will be dropped for Randi Rhodes on the NYC station....

Randi has been known to bring huge ratings wherever she has been...... :eusa_whistle:
Ha ha, dumbass. You idiots have been predicting Rush's demise ever since he started 25+ years ago. Do us all a favor and hold your breath until he's gone. Should be any second now right? Morons.

Twenty five years of radio excellence....
That is outstanding... :eusa_clap:
Bad ratings news is rolling in for Rush Limbaugh as his show has fallen to 22nd in New York and 37th in Los Angeles. Limbaugh’s ratings are in a state of major decline.

Rush Limbaugh’s claim to radio fame has always been that he is a right wing talker who brings big ratings to major markets in blue states, but this isn’t the case anymore.

As Jerry Del Colliano, publisher of the radio-centric Inside Music Media put it, “We’re watching the end of right-wing conservative talk radio. The genre is dying among ratings and dying among advertisers … Rush is at the end of his career. His constituency is all wearing Depends. And he’s getting himself into trouble he doesn’t need. So can you put Humpty Dumpty back together again? They have been able to improve their advertising picture, but they have not been able to come back.”

The answer for why Limbaugh’s show is dying can be found in demographics. Rush’s average listener is 66 years old. Younger people aren’t turning on their radios to listen to Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, and Savage. Their audience mirrors that of the Republican Party. It’s white, conservative, and male.

Bodecca's been predicting the end of Rush since way back on Hannity
Oh, golly gee whiz! :rolleyes:

An article from May 2013 and it's suddenly news now?

You lefties have absolutely nothing better to do than cry doom and gloom for a man who continues to have millions of listeners. He leads the way for other conservatives that fill the air waves all over the USA.

Where's Liberal Radio? :eusa_whistle:
Oh, golly gee whiz! :rolleyes:

An article from May 2013 and it's suddenly news now?

You lefties have absolutely nothing better to do than cry doom and gloom for a man who continues to have millions of listeners. He leads the way for other conservatives that fill the air waves all over the USA.

Where's Liberal Radio? :eusa_whistle:

Lol, I didn't notice that! Lol, what a loser the OP is.

Ill believe it when I see it. At the rate Rush is going, he will be on the radio, popular as ever, until he dies, and then you guys will still be complaining about him.
BTW guno, weren't you and plasma whining about a post i made about an article back in 2013 because you for some reason thought i posted it yesterday instead of back? Now you want to post an even older article now as if it means something?

Why is posting a may 2013 article now alright, but me posting a Dec 2013 article back in December of 2013 outdated?

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