Rush Limbaugh falls from number one


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Finally the liberals have got what they want. Liberals say Rush is not important and no one listens to him. Well maybe the are right in their world. Limbaugh's new book, "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans" Fell from number one to number two on Amazon. Maybe after it is released at the end of October it might see some more action.
Finally the liberals have got what they want. Liberals say Rush is not important and no one listens to him. Well maybe the are right in their world. Limbaugh's new book, "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans" Fell from number one to number two on Amazon. Maybe after it is released at the end of October it might see some more action.

From the headline, I was hoping that this was evidence of some sort of rudimentary learning capacity in his audience but on closer examination, it's probably not.
He fell? I guess he'll be stuck on the ground until help arrives

Yes, he was number one but fell to number two, of course for a person who the left says is ignored being number 1 with a book that isn't going to be released for another month proves their point. Not.
Hell, I'll betcha anywhere in the top 10 makes ya a bundle. Does he even have to be concerned with making money from book sales?
Finally the liberals have got what they want. Liberals say Rush is not important and no one listens to him. Well maybe the are right in their world. Limbaugh's new book, "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans" Fell from number one to number two on Amazon. Maybe after it is released at the end of October it might see some more action.

I don't know of any Liberal that claims no one listens to Rush, otherwise where would conservatives get all that misinformation that Faux News happens to leave out?

Rush is not important to the left because we know most of what he spews is made up and rather crude.
He writes those books just to piss off liberals.

Another grand success for the master of fun stuff.

My, those kindergarteners through 1st grade liberals will be livid.

Yes, those with a single parent too stoked to read to them. But since they're all budding liberals it doesn't really matter. Besides, unless the kids are pushing crack they have no money to buy books and it's a cinch they mommas ain't gon' buy them no books unless they're printed on hemp and can be shredded and smoked.
He writes those books just to piss off liberals.

Another grand success for the master of fun stuff.

Piss of liberals? We're not the ones reading his gibberish. We mostly laugh at him and the ones that believe his rantings.
He writes those books just to piss off liberals.

Another grand success for the master of fun stuff.

My, those kindergarteners through 1st grade liberals will be livid.

Yes, those with a single parent too stoked to read to them. But since they're all budding liberals it doesn't really matter. Besides, unless the kids are pushing crack they have no money to buy books and it's a cinch they mommas ain't gon' buy them no books unless they're printed on hemp and can be shredded and smoked.

or, made into Bible to wipe their asses.
He writes those books just to piss off liberals.

Another grand success for the master of fun stuff.

Piss of liberals? We're not the ones reading his gibberish. We mostly laugh at him and the ones that believe his rantings.

And liberals don't listen to his radio program.

Which is why they can quote him word-for-word so often.

Think about that if you're allowed to think.
Finally the liberals have got what they want. Liberals say Rush is not important and no one listens to him. Well maybe the are right in their world. Limbaugh's new book, "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans" Fell from number one to number two on Amazon. Maybe after it is released at the end of October it might see some more action.

I don't know of any Liberal that claims no one listens to Rush, otherwise where would conservatives get all that misinformation that Faux News happens to leave out?

Rush is not important to the left because we know most of what he spews is made up and rather crude.

Then why do they start so many threads on here about him and why do liberals across the country constantly cry about him?
He writes those books just to piss off liberals.

Another grand success for the master of fun stuff.

My, those kindergarteners through 1st grade liberals will be livid.

Yes, those with a single parent too stoked to read to them. But since they're all budding liberals it doesn't really matter. Besides, unless the kids are pushing crack they have no money to buy books and it's a cinch they mommas ain't gon' buy them no books unless they're printed on hemp and can be shredded and smoked.

Ha,ha, another conservative under the impression that Liberals are all poor, living in ghettos, getting food stamps and welfare and conservatives are all the rich ones!
Bwahahaha! You need to update your mantra - maybe it's Republican/consrvatives that are pushing crack and have no money to buy books - after all, it's the Red states that get most of the welfare.

The following from a rw source:

A big myth being perpetrated all over America by liberals is that “rich” people are all Republican businesspeople and conservative corporate fatcats who have power over the rest of us. This is nonsense. The fact is that “conservatives” are statistically lower on the income scale than Democrats, and Republican business interests long ago lost control of the nation’s wealth. This is happening as the nation itself gets poorer, while liberals are getting richer and richer.

Who are the richest people in America? Republicans?

No! That is a myth.

The richest people and richest congressional districts in America today are all Democrat. Here are the facts from a study in 2008.

The (Liberal) Rich Get Richer | RedState

In the 2008 election John McCain’s anti- tax, smaller government, pro business policies resonated with the voters of 21 states. If voters in 20 of those states were aware of the fact that they are largely dependant on the federal government—and the taxes it collects—their votes may have been different.

In the 2008 election Barack Obama won 29 states. Incredibly the voters in 16 of the 17 states that pay more to the federal government than they receive voted for Obama and his supposed big-spending, high-taxes, socialist agenda. If you include Rhode Island which amazingly got as much money as it paid Obama won 17 of the 18 states that are not a net drain on the federal government.

Red States Are Welfare States | American Reality
Finally the liberals have got what they want. Liberals say Rush is not important and no one listens to him. Well maybe the are right in their world. Limbaugh's new book, "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans" Fell from number one to number two on Amazon. Maybe after it is released at the end of October it might see some more action.

I don't know of any Liberal that claims no one listens to Rush, otherwise where would conservatives get all that misinformation that Faux News happens to leave out?

Rush is not important to the left because we know most of what he spews is made up and rather crude.

Then why do they start so many threads on here about him and why do liberals across the country constantly cry about him?

Probably for the same reason that the right starts threads about Democratic politicians especially Obama. Does that mean they care about them? I don't think so. I don't know anyone that "cries" about Rush, just because we call out his bloopers doesn't mean we are crying about him.
He fell? I guess he'll be stuck on the ground until help arrives

Yes, he was number one but fell to number two, of course for a person who the left says is ignored being number 1 with a book that isn't going to be released for another month proves their point. Not.

Wasn't Palin's book #1 some time back? Does that mean it's good journalism? No. It just means every salivating conservative is going out and buying the books that their heroes, whether knowledgeable or not, are writing.

Considering that Rush himself will probably buy millions to give out to his drooling fans, I would say, that being #1 is not an indication that what he writes is good or true.

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