Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To Biracial Oreo Cookie

I don't listen to Rush so I wouldn't say whether he is or is not a racist. But, if someone - for argument's sake - let's call him 'Obama' - can say 'typical white people' and not be a racist, then someone else can say 'bi-racial oreo cookie' and not be a racist too.

Or is it only racist when da white guy say it?

You can't even admit it, lol.

Let's see, a black man starting a thread about perceived racism. Makes you look like a whiner.

BougieLand: Folks who cry Racism… when there’s none there to speak of (a guest post)
I don't listen to Rush so I wouldn't say whether he is or is not a racist. But, if someone - for argument's sake - let's call him 'Obama' - can say 'typical white people' and not be a racist, then someone else can say 'bi-racial oreo cookie' and not be a racist too.

Or is it only racist when da white guy say it?

You can't even admit it, lol.

Let's see, a black man starting a thread about perceived racism. Makes you look like a whiner.

BougieLand: Folks who cry Racism… when there’s none there to speak of (a guest post)

Sure Rush wasn't racist, it was perceived racism the type that only smart people see and dumb jackasses refuse to see, I got it.
Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To Biracial Oreo Cookie | News One

California Girl will say Rush wasn't being racist.

Quite honestly, nobody gives a fuck anymore about your racial sensibilities.

Translation: Rush Limbaugh is a rightwinger and rightwingers calling out other rightwingers on their racism is not permitted, rightwinger Rule 101 thou shalt not criticize other rightwingers.

Look you half a macaca, nobody gives a fuck about your offended racial sensibilities, we just don't fucking care, grow a pair and shut the fuck up and not necessarily in that order
When the left (and Charlie) call out the racism on the left, I'll take their outrage about racism on the right seriously. Until then, this is just more race baiting for the sake of it.

I've even said that some white liberals are more racist than white conservatives because they hide it more and even quoted Malcolm X and MLK on this yet you have amnesia, right? No, you just can't admit what Rush said was racist and you coming up with excuses.

I don't know what he said... in context.... I tend to take accusations of racism seriously - even with all the hard work by idiots to trivialize it.

However, I notice that you claim that 'some white liberals' are more 'racist than white conservatives'.... and you refuse to recognize it from blacks? Blacks aren't racist? Really?
When the left (and Charlie) call out the racism on the left, I'll take their outrage about racism on the right seriously. Until then, this is just more race baiting for the sake of it.

I've even said that some white liberals are more racist than white conservatives because they hide it more and even quoted Malcolm X and MLK on this yet you have amnesia, right? No, you just can't admit what Rush said was racist and you coming up with excuses.

I don't know what he said... in context.... I tend to take accusations of racism seriously - even with all the hard work by idiots to trivialize it.

However, I notice that you claim that 'some white liberals' are more 'racist than white conservatives'.... and you refuse to recognize it from blacks? Blacks aren't racist? Really?

There are black racists, Jesse Lee Peterson is one for example and some extreme NOI people.
I've even said that some white liberals are more racist than white conservatives because they hide it more and even quoted Malcolm X and MLK on this yet you have amnesia, right? No, you just can't admit what Rush said was racist and you coming up with excuses.

I don't know what he said... in context.... I tend to take accusations of racism seriously - even with all the hard work by idiots to trivialize it.

However, I notice that you claim that 'some white liberals' are more 'racist than white conservatives'.... and you refuse to recognize it from blacks? Blacks aren't racist? Really?

There are black racists, Jesse Lee Peterson is one for example and some extreme NOI people.

I know there are black racists, Charlie. I've met a few. I've also met a few white racists.

For the record, from what I have now seen of what Rush said... and I have sourced it - it does offend me... I do see it as a racist remark. The difference between us is that I will not read one interpretation of what someone said and immediately assume it was racist. I do that because - quite often - I find that, when put in the original context, it is not racist.

As I said, I take racism seriously. It is a pity that more posters on USMB do not.
Limbaugh is a typical knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-thought process right winger. You find them everywhere, from truck stops to lounging in front of the TV in the trailer park.

Such creatures are largely ignored by those of us who actually think.

The big difference is someone pays Limbaugh millions to show his ass on the radio every day. Those are the folks who need to be chastised.
I've even said that some white liberals are more racist than white conservatives because they hide it more and even quoted Malcolm X and MLK on this yet you have amnesia, right? No, you just can't admit what Rush said was racist and you coming up with excuses.

I don't know what he said... in context.... I tend to take accusations of racism seriously - even with all the hard work by idiots to trivialize it.

However, I notice that you claim that 'some white liberals' are more 'racist than white conservatives'.... and you refuse to recognize it from blacks? Blacks aren't racist? Really?

There are black racists, Jesse Lee Peterson is one for example and some extreme NOI people.

Bass, the next time you accuse someone of racism you must first post the name of at least one racist liberal and at least one racist black person if you want the rightwingloons to take you seriously.

I don't know what he said... in context.... I tend to take accusations of racism seriously - even with all the hard work by idiots to trivialize it.

However, I notice that you claim that 'some white liberals' are more 'racist than white conservatives'.... and you refuse to recognize it from blacks? Blacks aren't racist? Really?

There are black racists, Jesse Lee Peterson is one for example and some extreme NOI people.

Bass, the next time you accuse someone of racism you must first post the name of at least one racist liberal and at least one racist black person if you want the rightwingloons to take you seriously.


Or, he could just not say 'white liberal racists' and 'while conservative racists'... he could just condemn all racists - liberal and conservative, black, white, hispanic or sky blue pink.... but please, Ravi, don't let honesty get in the way.... it's just inconvenient.
There are black racists, Jesse Lee Peterson is one for example and some extreme NOI people.

Bass, the next time you accuse someone of racism you must first post the name of at least one racist liberal and at least one racist black person if you want the rightwingloons to take you seriously.


Or, he could just not say 'white liberal racists' and 'while conservative racists'... he could just condemn all racists - liberal and conservative, black, white, hispanic or sky blue pink.... but please, Ravi, don't let honesty get in the way.... it's just inconvenient.

As he pointed out to you, he has.
Is the thread-starter the same one who, the other day, referred to gays as faggots? If so, you get no sympathy from me.

Probably. Having said that, I think Limbaugh is back on Oxy again.
Bass, the next time you accuse someone of racism you must first post the name of at least one racist liberal and at least one racist black person if you want the rightwingloons to take you seriously.


Or, he could just not say 'white liberal racists' and 'while conservative racists'... he could just condemn all racists - liberal and conservative, black, white, hispanic or sky blue pink.... but please, Ravi, don't let honesty get in the way.... it's just inconvenient.

As he pointed out to you, he has.

Only after I called him on singling out 'whites' on both sides. Personally, I just dislike racism.... and I don't give a rat's ass what color that racist is.
Is the thread-starter the same one who, the other day, referred to gays as faggots? If so, you get no sympathy from me.

Probably. Having said that, I think Limbaugh is back on Oxy again.
Yeah. Must be back on the hillbilly heroin (oxycontin) ;) Look whats on the front table in this sketch :eek: :lol:

I don't listen to Rush so I wouldn't say whether he is or is not a racist. But, if someone - for argument's sake - let's call him 'Obama' - can say 'typical white people' and not be a racist, then someone else can say 'bi-racial oreo cookie' and not be a racist too.

Or is it only racist when da white guy say it?

So what you're saying is that all the rightwing nuts who said Obama was racist for saying 'typical white person' should be calling out Rush for this.

:lol: Oops.
I don't listen to Rush so I wouldn't say whether he is or is not a racist. But, if someone - for argument's sake - let's call him 'Obama' - can say 'typical white people' and not be a racist, then someone else can say 'bi-racial oreo cookie' and not be a racist too.

Or is it only racist when da white guy say it?

So what you're saying is that all the rightwing nuts who said Obama was racist for saying 'typical white person' should be calling out Rush for this.

:lol: Oops.

They should.
Is the thread-starter the same one who, the other day, referred to gays as faggots? If so, you get no sympathy from me.

Probably. Having said that, I think Limbaugh is back on Oxy again.

Rush is just desperate for attention at this point. His radio show still has its millions of retarded fans,

but he can't get arrested in the rest of the media nowadays. It must burn his fat ass.
Or, he could just not say 'white liberal racists' and 'while conservative racists'... he could just condemn all racists - liberal and conservative, black, white, hispanic or sky blue pink.... but please, Ravi, don't let honesty get in the way.... it's just inconvenient.

As he pointed out to you, he has.

Only after I called him on singling out 'whites' on both sides. Personally, I just dislike racism.... and I don't give a rat's ass what color that racist is.
That's why I told him to bring up other names from now on before he accuses a "conservative" of racism.

This reminds me of an idiot on another forum that insisted that everyone type out the Pledge of Allegiance or he'd think those that didn't hated America.

But you seem to enjoy making the Bass jump through hoops for some odd reason.
As he pointed out to you, he has.

Only after I called him on singling out 'whites' on both sides. Personally, I just dislike racism.... and I don't give a rat's ass what color that racist is.

This reminds me of an idiot on another forum that insisted that everyone type out the Pledge of Allegiance or he'd think those that didn't hated America.

what if you left out "under God" when reciting it?

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