Runaway Toyotas

The Government attacking Toyota raises suspicions of abuse of power - even if the issues are valid. This is just one of the many reasons why the government should not own a corporation.

LOL, Yeah like a private corp will not abuse their power on anyone.
The Government attacking Toyota raises suspicions of abuse of power - even if the issues are valid. This is just one of the many reasons why the government should not own a corporation.

Is GM Owner Federal Government Playing Politics with Toyota Recall?

Media overlook Obama administration Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

However, as Caruso-Cabrera pointed out, it was the Obama administration’s Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood who determined that Toyota had to recall these vehicles over reports of sticky acceleration pedals.

“Ray LaHood is on the record saying that he told them they had to do this,” Caruso-Cabrera said. “They had to stop selling. Are you looking into whether or not that was absolutely necessary? Are you convinced this was necessary?”

LOL, Yeah like a private corp will not abuse their power on anyone.

How odd. You are concerned that a private individual may abuse the wee bit of power he yields - but are somehow sanguine about the enormous aggregated power of more than 2 million federal employees - backed up with guns and the ability to toss you in jail.

Go figure.
LOL, Yeah like a private corp will not abuse their power on anyone.

How odd. You are concerned that a private individual may abuse the wee bit of power he yields - but are somehow sanguine about the enormous aggregated power of more than 2 million federal employees - backed up with guns and the ability to toss you in jail.

Go figure.

I said Corp not individual.

Keep trying though.
A corporation is just a group of private individuals.

The fact that you do not grok how powerless even a large corporation such as Toyota is when targeted by the power of the U.S. Government is quite telling.
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A corporation is just a group of private individuals.

so is a government.

The difference being that the government has guns and can throw people in jail.

A corporation has and does neither.

There is also the aspect that your relationship with the corporation is voluntary. You do not have to purchase its goods or services. Just try not paying your taxes to the government (unless of course you are an Obama appointee) and see what happens.
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A corporation is just a group of private individuals.

so is a government.

The difference being that the government has guns and can throw people in jail.

A corporation has and does neither.

There is also the aspect that your relationship with the corporation is voluntary. You do not have to purchase its goods or services. Just try not paying your taxes to the government (unless of course you are an Obama appointee) and see what happens.

Or whatever they changed their name to.
so is a government.

The difference being that the government has guns and can throw people in jail.

A corporation has and does neither.

There is also the aspect that your relationship with the corporation is voluntary. You do not have to purchase its goods or services. Just try not paying your taxes to the government (unless of course you are an Obama appointee) and see what happens.

Or whatever they changed their name to.

Dishonest piece of crap.

Name one American Citizen that Blackwater has put into jail or pulled guns on?

The difference being that the government has guns and can throw people in jail.

A corporation has and does neither.

There is also the aspect that your relationship with the corporation is voluntary. You do not have to purchase its goods or services. Just try not paying your taxes to the government (unless of course you are an Obama appointee) and see what happens.

Or whatever they changed their name to.

Dishonest piece of crap.

Name one American Citizen that Blackwater has put into jail or pulled guns on?


Ya... I knew you could respond to that.

Your silence is deafening.
Toyota has been the victim of a systemic attack, which is quite suspicious.

Overall, they are #17 on the list of complaints regarding auto companies; where is the witch hunt for the others?

Big Government has a good (albeit long) piece on Toyota.

Firestone Revisited: Was Toyota a Takedown Target in the Name of NUMMI? - Big Government

There may or may not be a connection. (I have a strong suspicion there is). The government (we the taxpayers) own 60% of GM, a failing American made brand. Toyota (a Japanese brand for those who were unaware of such things) has the largest market share in the world. Toyota suddenly has a serious problem with about .000000000001 % of their vehicles and Congress goes ape shit over it. Uuuummmmmm..............
^^^ That is the correct motorcycle.

It's also important to note that GM is a UAW shop; Toyota is not.
[There may or may not be a connection. (I have a strong suspicion there is). The government (we the taxpayers) own 60% of GM, a failing American made brand. Toyota (a Japanese brand for those who were unaware of such things) has the largest market share in the world. Toyota suddenly has a serious problem with about .000000000001 % of their vehicles and Congress goes ape shit over it. Uuuummmmmm..............

From their first U.S. factory in 1988, the Japanese company’s success in the U.S. is extraordinary. In 2003, the Camry became the best-selling car in the U.S. and still is. In 2005, Fortune magazine stated: “By nearly every measure, Toyota is the world’s best auto manufacturer. It may be the world’s best manufacturer, period.” In 2006, Toyota became the third-biggest seller of cars and trucks in the U.S. In 2007, Toyota captured second place in the U.S. market, replacing Ford, which had held the No. 2 position since 1931. In 2008, as GM declined and temporarily avoided bankruptcy, Toyota surpassed their unionized competitor becoming the largest automaker in the world.

I drive 35K a year obn business each year for 30 years.
Count 'em:
1976 Ford Mustang II blew up in 1979 with 90K-junk
1976 Chevrolet blew up in 1983 86K
1983 Chevrolet Cavalier-piece of shit blew up in 1985 with 97K
1985 Toyota Corolla bought new in 1985 sold in 1990 240K for $1500 in good shape
1990 Toyota Corolla bought new in 1990 sold in 1995 with 265K for $1250 in good shape
1995 Toyota Camry bought new in 1995 sold in 1999 with 195K for $2200 in great shape
1999 Toyota Sienna Van bought new and is driven daily now with 240K,slight oil leak in gasket. Runs great.
Just bought a 2010 Camry for $17,200. Great car and price.
Numerous other American, German and a SAAB thrown in along the years. Most of them were JUNK, especially the American cars.
Liberal media hype and the kicker is the right wing clowns blame Obama in this Toyota problem and believe the media hype. Why? Because they are dumb asses. Folks that believe Obama was born in Kenya, there are death panels in the health care bill and Sarah Palin is brilliant are complete fools.
They believe anything media says.
GM can't compete on quality and value, so the government is tearing down Toyota.

It's ugly.

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