Ruminations on New Hampshire


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
For Democrats, a guy from a neighboring state won. Big whoop. when the race hits bigger states with people of color, Hillary is going to mop the floor with Bernie, no matter how many college kids show up looking for free tuition.

For Republicans.

Christie, Carly and Carson will all drop out shortly Good riddance.

Rubio fatally wounded himself with his robotic repeating himself. I suspect he'll come in Fourth or fifth in SC, and that's going to be it for him.

Bush will hang around until the end of South Carolina, but after that, he's probably out of money.

Cruz did well enough, given it is New Hampshire. On to South Carolina, he might place second or third, or he might even pull an upset against Trump again. Panic time in the GOP if that happens, they hate Cruz with a passion.

Kasich is finally going to get a second look by the voters. In a sane world, I have to ask why this guy ISN'T the front runner. Centrist, lots of experience, a guy with a record of getting things done. Generally likable. Or he might melt under the new scrutiny.

Trump's win might end up being as signifigant as Pat Buchanan's win in 1996. He won't be the nominee, but he brings issues to the table the GOP is going to have to deal with.
For Democrats, a guy from a neighboring state won. Big whoop. when the race hits bigger states with people of color, Hillary is going to mop the floor with Bernie, no matter how many college kids show up looking for free tuition.

For Republicans.

Christie, Carly and Carson will all drop out shortly Good riddance.

Rubio fatally wounded himself with his robotic repeating himself. I suspect he'll come in Fourth or fifth in SC, and that's going to be it for him.

Bush will hang around until the end of South Carolina, but after that, he's probably out of money.

Cruz did well enough, given it is New Hampshire. On to South Carolina, he might place second or third, or he might even pull an upset against Trump again. Panic time in the GOP if that happens, they hate Cruz with a passion.

Kasich is finally going to get a second look by the voters. In a sane world, I have to ask why this guy ISN'T the front runner. Centrist, lots of experience, a guy with a record of getting things done. Generally likable. Or he might melt under the new scrutiny.

Trump's win might end up being as signifigant as Pat Buchanan's win in 1996. He won't be the nominee, but he brings issues to the table the GOP is going to have to deal with.

I agree with most of your ruminations. The only one I "disagree" with is that Bush will be out of money after Carolina. His war chest is HUGE and could take him well past Super Tuesday. If his poll numbers don't increase, I think he'll be convinced to drop out and put that money behind the establishment candidate...which could very well be Kasich.
For Democrats, a guy from a neighboring state won. Big whoop. when the race hits bigger states with people of color, Hillary is going to mop the floor with Bernie, no matter how many college kids show up looking for free tuition.

For Republicans.

Christie, Carly and Carson will all drop out shortly Good riddance.

Rubio fatally wounded himself with his robotic repeating himself. I suspect he'll come in Fourth or fifth in SC, and that's going to be it for him.

Bush will hang around until the end of South Carolina, but after that, he's probably out of money.

Cruz did well enough, given it is New Hampshire. On to South Carolina, he might place second or third, or he might even pull an upset against Trump again. Panic time in the GOP if that happens, they hate Cruz with a passion.

Kasich is finally going to get a second look by the voters. In a sane world, I have to ask why this guy ISN'T the front runner. Centrist, lots of experience, a guy with a record of getting things done. Generally likable. Or he might melt under the new scrutiny.

Trump's win might end up being as signifigant as Pat Buchanan's win in 1996. He won't be the nominee, but he brings issues to the table the GOP is going to have to deal with.
good analysis, Trump will win. i don't like the hillary winning because of minorities, that seems like some sort of twisted backhanded racism. women don't like her because she's snakey.
i've known bernie for decades, i knew he was politically delusional, but now he seems like a crackpot to me.
we are waking up to great news here in vermont, Trump wins new hampshire !!
For Democrats, a guy from a neighboring state won. Big whoop. when the race hits bigger states with people of color, Hillary is going to mop the floor with Bernie, no matter how many college kids show up looking for free tuition.

For Republicans.

Christie, Carly and Carson will all drop out shortly Good riddance.

Rubio fatally wounded himself with his robotic repeating himself. I suspect he'll come in Fourth or fifth in SC, and that's going to be it for him.

Bush will hang around until the end of South Carolina, but after that, he's probably out of money.

Cruz did well enough, given it is New Hampshire. On to South Carolina, he might place second or third, or he might even pull an upset against Trump again. Panic time in the GOP if that happens, they hate Cruz with a passion.

Kasich is finally going to get a second look by the voters. In a sane world, I have to ask why this guy ISN'T the front runner. Centrist, lots of experience, a guy with a record of getting things done. Generally likable. Or he might melt under the new scrutiny.

Trump's win might end up being as signifigant as Pat Buchanan's win in 1996. He won't be the nominee, but he brings issues to the table the GOP is going to have to deal with.

I agree with most of your ruminations. The only one I "disagree" with is that Bush will be out of money after Carolina. His war chest is HUGE and could take him well past Super Tuesday. If his poll numbers don't increase, I think he'll be convinced to drop out and put that money behind the establishment candidate...which could very well be Kasich.
we can all celebrate no more bushes or clintons. i'm a big fan of both georges, jeb leaves me cold.
Feeling the left is starting to see the writing on the wall? tsk tsk
what do they expect? they run two old Fogies trying to out Socialist each other. one a corrupted old hag, the other a Career Politician who wants to bring Socialism down on us and who has been sucking a living off taxpayers for YEARS and accomplished NOTHING in all that time.
For Democrats, a guy from a neighboring state won. Big whoop. when the race hits bigger states with people of color, Hillary is going to mop the floor with Bernie, no matter how many college kids show up looking for free tuition.

For Republicans.

Christie, Carly and Carson will all drop out shortly Good riddance.

Rubio fatally wounded himself with his robotic repeating himself. I suspect he'll come in Fourth or fifth in SC, and that's going to be it for him.

Bush will hang around until the end of South Carolina, but after that, he's probably out of money.

Cruz did well enough, given it is New Hampshire. On to South Carolina, he might place second or third, or he might even pull an upset against Trump again. Panic time in the GOP if that happens, they hate Cruz with a passion.

Kasich is finally going to get a second look by the voters. In a sane world, I have to ask why this guy ISN'T the front runner. Centrist, lots of experience, a guy with a record of getting things done. Generally likable. Or he might melt under the new scrutiny.

Trump's win might end up being as signifigant as Pat Buchanan's win in 1996. He won't be the nominee, but he brings issues to the table the GOP is going to have to deal with.

Well Joe, think you did a pretty good analysis this time around. Still think there is a few wildcards in the race though.

South Carolina is an open primary state. If Carson does not drop, how will that effect the African American vote for Hillary? Maybe some, maybe none, maybe a lot. I really do not know, but you would think it would have to have some effect.

As far as Cruz.............neither he nor the Donald can win with the other in the race. Once the establishment has one candidate, they will win virtually every primary until 1 of them drops. They can put off this reality as long as there are 3 establishment candidates running, but when it gets down to 2, they are either going to have to cut a political deal, or they will hand the establishment another victory.

As far as the Democrats, it is not IF Hillary wins SC, it is by how much that is going to shape the DNC strategy. If she doesn't win big, expect a lot of grumbling from Democrats to kick her to the curb. There is no way in hell she shouldn't win big, and anything less than that will start the bell tolling on another Clinton Presidency.

Kasich is finally going to get a second look by the voters. In a sane world, I have to ask why this guy ISN'T the front runner. Centrist, lots of experience, a guy with a record of getting things done. Generally likable. Or he might melt under the new scrutiny.


Two things I don't like about Kasich.

First of all is it comes across that he has a caustic personality. He doesn't endear himself to people. While not important to the job he does it does tend to turn people off.

Second of all is that he is a mainstream moderate compromising Republican that will not be that much different from a Democrat.

Republicans like him never make much of a difference. The best you are going to get out of him is a decrease in the rate of increase. He will never reverse the damage done by the Liberals. Under him the welfare state increases, the size of government increases, the border is not sealed, debt increases and we just get more of the same.

He has been a better governor of Ohio than any Democrat. He would be a better President than any Democrat. However, just being better isn't good enough because the bar is so low.
NH shows the incredible mess Hillary's campaign has become. Her 22-point beating is bad enough but when the demos are studied it's really damning and the vaunted Hillary machine doesn't have enough fingers to plug all the leaks in their dyke's dike.

Bernie beat her among both men and women overall, but also among both men and women with or without college degrees. He beat her among both previous and first time primary voters, he beat her among gun owners and non-gun owners. He bested her among moderates and liberals, all age groups below 45, was even among those 45-64 age group. The only age group Hillary won was 65+, but she did also manage to win voters of households earning $200K or more a year. In other words, Hillary was only a hit among the older wealthier voters. All that on the heels of course of losing 84% of the younger votes in Iowa a week ago.

No problem Hillary's handlers thought. We'll shore up the youngsters before NH, and launched an incredible strategery to do so by dusting off 81-year-old faded feminist Gloria "Where the boys are" Steinem to talk some sense to the kids. Seemed easy enough as she'd already figured out the young women really didn't care at all about Bernie. They were only with him because the young guys liked him, so if they followed along they might be able to meet the guys and get laid or something. They named it the Airhead Offensive and it sure seems like it worked, in a backfired sort of way at least.

Also in need of more support from the next generations of female voters, the Clinton camp then went younger when they propped 78-year-old Madeleine Albright up before a Hillary rally crowd whereupon she informed the world that women who don't support other women, simply because they're women, have a special reserved spot in hell awaiting them. Great line, huh? It brought out Hillary's familiar laugh, but didn't help her with the under 65 gals in NH.

Great campaign planning. Bring in two old battleaxes to help get female support, and both of them alienate their targets by insulting them.

There will be more self-destructive moves coming from the desperate Clinton campaign. Hillary's also turned to her old slimey pal Sidney Blumenthal along with David Brock to start the destroy Bernie stuff in the usual Clinton style. So look for those two to get the whisper campaigns and whatnot going to help bring down Sanders. Looking to kill two birds with one stone. Eliminate Bernie and corral his supporters in the aftermath. That's a plan. Destroy a candidate with an intense smear campaign, and then expect his followers to forgive and forget. Yep, solid plan there you betcha!

And, on the FBI front...
The biggest thing out of NH is that Mrs. Bosnia Clinton lost to Sanders by 11 percent of ALL women. That is huge. Mrs. Clinton said she had work to do regarding women. WTF? Too late for that Mrs. Clinton all you have now are promises and trying to change the past.
Feeling the left is starting to see the writing on the wall? tsk tsk
what do they expect? they run two old Fogies trying to out Socialist each other. one a corrupted old hag, the other a Career Politician who wants to bring Socialism down on us and who has been sucking a living off taxpayers for YEARS and accomplished NOTHING in all that time.
as a vermonter i can say that if bernie were elected president or vice, he wouldn't be our senator anymore. :)
Hillary can't wait to get to the South where she will make speeches with black women on stage behind her condemning police
for killing blacks for no reason.....

And Dems will love it.

And for effect she will go into her black southern voice when she does it.
Well Joe, think you did a pretty good analysis this time around. Still think there is a few wildcards in the race though.

South Carolina is an open primary state. If Carson does not drop, how will that effect the African American vote for Hillary? Maybe some, maybe none, maybe a lot. I really do not know, but you would think it would have to have some effect.

I don't think it will have any effect at all. Most African Americans wrote Carson off as a Republican Uncle Tom months ago.

As far as Cruz.............neither he nor the Donald can win with the other in the race. Once the establishment has one candidate, they will win virtually every primary until 1 of them drops. They can put off this reality as long as there are 3 establishment candidates running, but when it gets down to 2, they are either going to have to cut a political deal, or they will hand the establishment another victory.

I really don't think so. If you combine ALL the establishment guys- you still have less than 25% of the national vote. So assuming the Establishment, Cruz and Trump all go into the convention with 1/3 of the delegates, that could mean a brokered convention.

As far as the Democrats, it is not IF Hillary wins SC, it is by how much that is going to shape the DNC strategy. If she doesn't win big, expect a lot of grumbling from Democrats to kick her to the curb. There is no way in hell she shouldn't win big, and anything less than that will start the bell tolling on another Clinton Presidency.

I don't think you will see much grumbling about Hillary after SC. The thing about NH, it's only a big deal until it happens.

Looking at RedState, he points out that when you factor out incumbents, NH hasn't picked a winner since 1988. They either lose the primary (Hart, Tsongas, Buchanan, McCain in 2000, Hillary in 2008) or they lose in the General - (Dukakis, Gore, McCain in 2008 or Romney)
The biggest thing out of NH is that Mrs. Bosnia Clinton lost to Sanders by 11 percent of ALL women. That is huge. Mrs. Clinton said she had work to do regarding women. WTF? Too late for that Mrs. Clinton all you have now are promises and trying to change the past.

Guy, NH Picks losers. The last time a non-incumbent won NH and took the presidency was 1988.
Hillary can't wait to get to the South where she will make speeches with black women on stage behind her condemning police
for killing blacks for no reason.....

And Dems will love it.

And for effect she will go into her black southern voice when she does it.
it bothers me that people think some Americans should vote a certain way because of their ethnicity.

this is why why have such division, at least one of the reasons. the guy i follow on identity politics is kevin jackson, he's a radio guy was on megan last night.
i agree with kevin how insulting it is, i may start a new thread.
For Democrats, a guy from a neighboring state won. Big whoop. when the race hits bigger states with people of color, Hillary is going to mop the floor with Bernie, no matter how many college kids show up looking for free tuition.

For Republicans.

Christie, Carly and Carson will all drop out shortly Good riddance.

Rubio fatally wounded himself with his robotic repeating himself. I suspect he'll come in Fourth or fifth in SC, and that's going to be it for him.

Bush will hang around until the end of South Carolina, but after that, he's probably out of money.

Cruz did well enough, given it is New Hampshire. On to South Carolina, he might place second or third, or he might even pull an upset against Trump again. Panic time in the GOP if that happens, they hate Cruz with a passion.

Kasich is finally going to get a second look by the voters. In a sane world, I have to ask why this guy ISN'T the front runner. Centrist, lots of experience, a guy with a record of getting things done. Generally likable. Or he might melt under the new scrutiny.

Trump's win might end up being as signifigant as Pat Buchanan's win in 1996. He won't be the nominee, but he brings issues to the table the GOP is going to have to deal with.
Kasich is a Rino that's why... Might as well have an "d" in front of his name. Dumbass
The biggest thing out of NH is that Mrs. Bosnia Clinton lost to Sanders by 11 percent of ALL women. That is huge. Mrs. Clinton said she had work to do regarding women. WTF? Too late for that Mrs. Clinton all you have now are promises and trying to change the past.

Guy, NH Picks losers. The last time a non-incumbent won NH and took the presidency was 1988.

Do people in second place usually win the nomination after being crushed by every demographic? Especially women by double digits? Kinda tells me that the meme that the democrat push that they have the women's vote sewed up is just that a story. A story the makes women seem like not thinking ideologues. Maybe that is why Mrs. Bosnia Clinton got crushed.

Good job on your part trying to make the best of a crushing defeat. Kinda like the 1st mate telling the captain of the Titanic that they are taking on water not to worry.
The biggest thing out of NH is that Mrs. Bosnia Clinton lost to Sanders by 11 percent of ALL women. That is huge. Mrs. Clinton said she had work to do regarding women. WTF? Too late for that Mrs. Clinton all you have now are promises and trying to change the past.

Guy, NH Picks losers. The last time a non-incumbent won NH and took the presidency was 1988.

Jake, she was crushed in every demographic. No one like her, only the die hards are still voting for her. 11 percent, a 11 percent.
Jake, she was crushed in every demographic. No one like her, only the die hards are still voting for her. 11 percent, a 11 percent.

Dude, I'm not Jake.... try paying attention, your bad grammar and childish rants are bad enough.

The reality is, Hillary should be MORE worried if she WON New Hampshire, as New Hampshire hasn't picked a non-incumbent winner since 1988.

Just ask Pat Buchanan!

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