Ruh-roh. Study finds intelligence causes racism


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
The Atlantic has an article (How Intelligence Leads to Stereotyping, A new study complicates the trope of the stupid bigot) about a finding somewhere that the better you are at recognizing patterns (a common way to measure intelligence), the more quickly you'll form stereotypes, which, as everyone knows, is racist or, worse, anti-Semitic.

If, for example, you notice that American Jews keep getting us into wars for Israel against countries that pose zero threat to us, you're too smart for your own good. You must immediately un-notice Jewish warmongering, because, while there is no law against ignorance and stupidity, it gets easier every year to be arrested for anti-Semitism. (One of the first things the Bolsheviks did when they took over Russia was make anti-Semitism a capital offense.)

Un-noticing may seem hard at first, but with practice, anyone can do it. George Orwell has some handy exercises in 1984: War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Once you've mastered those, you're ready for the big leagues: the US Congress. Russia is our enemy. Israel is our friend. Military expenditures are defense spending. You get the idea.

It's smart to be stupid.
Deep down, most of your average goy Cohenservatives know that their party's line on Israel is counterproductive to the U.S. in the long term, but they're deathly afraid of being excluded from the apple pie, country club and football reacharound if they voice any legitimiate concerns over how much sway AIPAC holds over American foreign policy. Although, to be fair, they're usually pretty clued-up on the behavioural habits of Basketball-Americans, so they've got that going for them.
I've long thought that anti-Racists lack observation skills, and therefor don't notice general racial differences.

Like I've never met an Italian which didn't have OCD, they all seem to be obsessive about ordering things, controlling things, cleaning things, obsessive about getting theirs, including greed, or fashion and literally have panic attacks when those things don't work out.

On the inverse, it's obviously far less common in Northern Europeans, or non-Whites to behave like this.
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I've long thought that anti-Racists lack observation skills, and therefor don't notice general racial differences.

Like I've never met an Italian which didn't have OCD, they all seem to be obsessive about ordering things, controlling things, cleaning things, obsessive about getting theirs, including greed, or fashion and literally have panic attacks when those things don't work out.

On the inverse, it's obviously far less common in Northern Europeans, or non-Whites to behave like this.
Exactly. Take the Ivy League professor who just spent a semester convincing his students that race isn't real: if, on the last day of class, a masked gunman ran into the classroom, put a gun against his head, and screamed, "You've two seconds to tell me how many black students you have in this class or I'll blow your fucking head off!" The poor thing would squeak "nine!" immediately and be absolutely right.

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