Rude Columbia U left winger interupts interview


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Trying to find a vid link if it's on the net yet, but here is the story....

Last night on Bill O'Reilly, Jesse Watters was at Columbia U asking students their opinion on the Muslim hearings Peter King is having. Funny, huh? Fox going to a left wing campus and allowing their opinions to be broadcast worldwide? Thought Fox was bias. Guess not. Anyway, here is what happened:

The Fox reporter was interviewing a Columbia U student. Good civil interview on both parts. And here comes a bearded, commie hat wearing left winger that leans over the reporters shoulder and starts mocking FoxNews. So, Watters stops his civil interview, and asks him what the issue is? The lib says "Fox news is the problem you guys are more fanatical than the terrorists".

Watters then pursues this conversation and asks what is so crazy and what Fox has said that is so untrue? Of COURSE the libtard had nothing to offer. Just "FoxNews is bad Mmmkay" response as usual.

Then the classic....

Watters said "Well, maybe you just don't comprehend what Fox is reporting"

Libtard said (with an incredibly smug smirk) "Oh, yes, me with my multiple graduate degrees can't comprehend FoxNews haha"

So, a few points. One, we see once again the liberal idea that having a paper certificate guarantees intellectual superiority. False.

Second, this left wing idiot looked about 26-27 years old. I bet my house on it that the kid has NEVER had a real job. He's spent a quarter century getting "my multiple graduate degrees" and learning from professors whats right and wrong with the world, but never doing anything productive at all. Just sitting in classrooms whining about FoxNews, while the rest of us work. He'll be a 35 year old, unemployed liberal with "multiple graduate degrees" and no work experience....whining about how the rich control everything and saying he can't find a job that he deserves. Great.
Can't find a video link yet, but saw the rerun this morning. It was classic. The liboron displayed every single stereotype of a liberal.

One female Columbia U student said "I don't think war is the answer to fighting terror." So the Fox reporter asked "What should we fight it with?" and she responded "With love."

Hey, Fox gave the liborons an open mic to speak to millions of people. They showed themselves.
O'Reilly will probably show it tonight.

Maybe. He showed it last night, probably wont' show it twice in one night. It wasn't that outrageous or shocking. Fox was being very civil, as were the Columbia U students. But this one clown just had to interrupt a very civil interview, in which Fox was allowing the left wing view to be broadcast to the world (yeah, thought they never did that ????).

The best was when the kid got called out for literally knowing nothing about any of the issues Fox was reporting on, and he said "Yeah, me and my multiple graduate degrees can't comprehend FoxNews" (smuggly).

For one, "multiple" graduate degrees? How about leave college and use them to get a freakin' job!!!! Second, it was so obvious that his professors simply told him that "Fox News" was the big bad boogey man, but he had likely never watched one hour of the network in his life.
Columbia University commands 60,000 dollars a year! :eek:

As stupid as those people were last night, Columbia University should drop their tuition to about 600 dollars a year.
If we wanted, we could fight the wars with Love. Just sayin'.

Have you checked out O'Reilly's ( geeze I haven't been there in ages! ) website for the vid?

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