Rubio seems like their pick,


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Billionaire Casino Magnate Sheldon Aldelson's Israeli Paper Is Obsessed With Marco Rubio

—By Sam Brodey

| Wed Apr. 15, 2015 6:02 PM EDT

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who announced his campaign on Monday, already has one billionaire backer—Norman Braman, a Miami car dealer. But Rubio also seems to have impressed Adelson himself.

Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, also known as Crossroads GPS, is a right-wing political group created in June 2010 by GOP political operatives and "advised" by Karl Rove and former Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie to support Republican political candidates. It is often described as a "dark money" group because it is organized as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit and does not disclose its donors, despite spending millions to influence political campaigns

For those who do not know who Norman Braman, he is a Zionist billionaire.
Rubio is a fucking thief who used his business credit card for thousands of dollars worth of personal purchases: Records show Marco Rubio spent thousands with GOP credit card Tampa Bay Times

Only in politics would he be allowed to do shit like that and then get appointed to a higher level position. Of course, Florida is the quintissential banana republic where they routinely elect the fox to guard the henhouse (see Rick Scott).
Rubio is a fucking thief who used his business credit card for thousands of dollars worth of personal purchases: Records show Marco Rubio spent thousands with GOP credit card Tampa Bay Times

Only in politics would he be allowed to do shit like that and then get appointed to a higher level position. Of course, Florida is the quintissential banana republic where they routinely elect the fox to guard the henhouse (see Rick Scott).
Weird post. If it was a GOP card how was he stealing? Democrats all fund their own expenses? I call bull.
Rubio; "Everybody's second choice" is what I'm hearing. As the "first choices" begin to falter due to gaffes or money drying up, Rubio could propel ahead.

He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.
He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

I said the same thing about this other Senator who ran against a very experience and well known politician.

You're going to find this hard to believe, but that guy won.
He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

I said the same thing about this other Senator who ran against a very experience and well known politician.

You're going to find this hard to believe, but that guy won.

And we've spent 8 years hearing what a mistake his being elected supposedly was. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the GOP standard bearer had the same lack of a record?
Rubio; "Everybody's second choice" is what I'm hearing. As the "first choices" begin to falter due to gaffes or money drying up, Rubio could propel ahead.

He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

Funny that Rubio is saying he's new and fresh while harping away the same things all Repubs do. His whole plan is to take from the poor and give to the rich.
good grief, it's still a long ways off to the elections

I'd be worried over the Democrats. they threw out the old lady and said vote for her or nothing....they take you all for sheep
He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

I said the same thing about this other Senator who ran against a very experience and well known politician.

You're going to find this hard to believe, but that guy won.

And we've spent 8 years hearing what a mistake his being elected supposedly was. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the GOP standard bearer had the same lack of a record?

Finally willing to admit Obama was a mistake.
He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

I said the same thing about this other Senator who ran against a very experience and well known politician.

You're going to find this hard to believe, but that guy won.

And we've spent 8 years hearing what a mistake his being elected supposedly was. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the GOP standard bearer had the same lack of a record?

Except that Obama had much more world experience, better education and he's just plain smarter.

We can all be thankful that Rubio doesn't have a chance of being elected.
Rubio; "Everybody's second choice" is what I'm hearing. As the "first choices" begin to falter due to gaffes or money drying up, Rubio could propel ahead.

He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

That's true. He has done nothing but try to take affordable health insurance away from Americans. He says he's tee potty but he actually seems to be nothing more than anti-freedoms, liberties, rights.

But hey, that's okay cuz he'll change his mind tomorrow.
He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

I said the same thing about this other Senator who ran against a very experience and well known politician.

You're going to find this hard to believe, but that guy won.

And we've spent 8 years hearing what a mistake his being elected supposedly was. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the GOP standard bearer had the same lack of a record?

Finally willing to admit Obama was a mistake.


Just pointing out that the GOP (as always) is two-faced. You losers have spent 8 years telling us that a 1 term Senator isn't qualified to be President. Now you've got 3 in your primaries. Good luck walking back those comments.

He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

I said the same thing about this other Senator who ran against a very experience and well known politician.

You're going to find this hard to believe, but that guy won.

And we've spent 8 years hearing what a mistake his being elected supposedly was. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the GOP standard bearer had the same lack of a record?

Finally willing to admit Obama was a mistake.


Just pointing out that the GOP (as always) is two-faced. You losers have spent 8 years telling us that a 1 term Senator isn't qualified to be President. Now you've got 3 in your primaries. Good luck walking back those comments.

That statement cuts both ways...Dems will now say a 1 term Senator ISN'T qualified, and that it is really experience that is really important.

How do Liberals attack a one term senator when they just elected a half term senator.

Pot, meet kettle.
He's an empty suit that has accomplished nothing as a Senator. More good news for Hillary.

I said the same thing about this other Senator who ran against a very experience and well known politician.

You're going to find this hard to believe, but that guy won.

And we've spent 8 years hearing what a mistake his being elected supposedly was. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the GOP standard bearer had the same lack of a record?

Finally willing to admit Obama was a mistake.


Just pointing out that the GOP (as always) is two-faced. You losers have spent 8 years telling us that a 1 term Senator isn't qualified to be President. Now you've got 3 in your primaries. Good luck walking back those comments.

That statement cuts both ways...Dems will now say a 1 term Senator ISN'T qualified, and that it is really experience that is really important.

But keep dreaming.

How do Liberals attack a one term senator when they just elected a half term senator.

Well, in the first place, they don't have to since they have a candiate who is superior to any of the 1 term senators who are running. I mean, there is nothing to be gained by the GOP bringing up their qualifications because as a trio, they have accomplished nothing. Now Rubio did try to get immigration reform as the gang of 8...feel free to bring that up. Clinton is their superior in every way, shape, form, etc... The GOP won't bring up qualifications if one of the 3 1-termers are the nominee. The governors can bring it up but it's dangerous for them too.

In the second place, Obama's candidacy is much different than what Cruz, Paul, and Rubio can run. Since the GOP is committed to spending $0.00 and raising taxes $0.00 and therefore generating a ROI of $0.00, neither of the 3 (as well as the rest of the GOP field) can campaign on anything new. There can be no new programs of merit, there can be no new investments that will move the needle at all, and there can be no sizable expansion of the economy since all of them have committed to doing the least amount possible from Washington. Obama's candidacy proposed new ideas such as the ACA which, after a rough launch, has become accepted nationwide.

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