Rubio: Big goverment and biased media makes me thirsty!


Jul 20, 2011

Marco Rubio's PAC, Reclaim America, has sold more than $100K in water bottles since he paused to quench his parched throat during his SOTU reponse.

In one week, the PAC has sold more than 4,000 water bottles, each bottle will cost you a $25 donation

Thanks to CNN playing the clip of Rubio taking a sip 155 times in one day! And a special nod should go out to Wolf Blizter for asking "Could this be career ending?"

You gotta love Rubio cleaning up on an attempted biased media smear.

Rubio Rakes in $100k+ for the Sip Heard 'Round the Beltway
Good for him for being opportunistic.

I don't think anyone can argue that Wolf isn't an idiot. His Jeopardy! appearance is a classic.
rubio wants to flood the nation with democrat voters. his amnesty grants immediate legalization to every illegal.
rubio wants to flood the nation with democrat voters. his amnesty grants immediate legalization to every illegal.

They already voted anyways. What difference does it make?

At least now maybe they won't be allowed to vote twice.

It wouldn't stop until all of central America is part of this country. :eusa_shhh:
don't immigrants from South America know that thanks to their Hero Obama,,WE ARE BROKE and 16.5 Trillion in debt? and they expect handouts? full medical care for their anchor-babies? didn't the millions pf Mexicans who took busses home from the USA tell them we were sinking cause of the Democrats?

Marco Rubio's PAC, Reclaim America, has sold more than $100K in water bottles since he paused to quench his parched throat during his SOTU reponse.

In one week, the PAC has sold more than 4,000 water bottles, each bottle will cost you a $25 donation

Thanks to CNN playing the clip of Rubio taking a sip 155 times in one day! And a special nod should go out to Wolf Blizter for asking "Could this be career ending?"

You gotta love Rubio cleaning up on an attempted biased media smear.

Rubio Rakes in $100k+ for the Sip Heard 'Round the Beltway

Attempting to save face you mean? It's still the most hysterical response I've ever seen including Bobby Jindal's.
I still say that Jindal's response was THEE WORSE...absolutely.

But this was just too awkward.

Not detrimental, but he does have some awkward egg on his face.


Marco Rubio's PAC, Reclaim America, has sold more than $100K in water bottles since he paused to quench his parched throat during his SOTU reponse.

In one week, the PAC has sold more than 4,000 water bottles, each bottle will cost you a $25 donation

Thanks to CNN playing the clip of Rubio taking a sip 155 times in one day! And a special nod should go out to Wolf Blizter for asking "Could this be career ending?"

You gotta love Rubio cleaning up on an attempted biased media smear.

Rubio Rakes in $100k+ for the Sip Heard 'Round the Beltway

Attempting to save face you mean? It's still the most hysterical response I've ever seen including Bobby Jindal's.

Hating on Latinos. How racist of you, G.
Rubio is going to have to get his shit together and not look more nervous than a teenager trying to unlatch his first bra next time he's in the national spotlight.

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