Roughly 43,000 absentee ballot counted in DeKalb County in 2020 violated chain of custody rule

Look at your source..... absentee ballots are meant to be counted.
I know!

Us citizens have a constitutional right to vote AND A RIGHT for our vote, to be COUNTED! What good is the right to vote, without the vote being counted?

This is why courts in election suits, near always, rule in favor of the citizen vote being counted and don't let NOT dotting an eye in procedure, take their vote away by not counting it.
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You were free to demand election audits, but your side didn’t. Because they knew it was all good, so all they could do was make up the Russia Collusion Hoax to pretend the election was “stolen” by President Trump.

You only demand election audits when you lose? Sounds pretty childish.
No one is engineering a high rise or bridge, silly one!

So I guess you don't want perfection from them either....

Rules aren't about perfection, they are about being followed. But you got the election result you wanted, so you don't care like the useless hack you are.
Look at your source..... absentee ballots are meant to be counted.
LEGAL absentee ballots are meant to be counted.

Ballot harvesting is ILLEGAL in Georgia. Dumping bundles of Mail-in ballots in drop boxes is ILLEGAL in Georgia.
I know!

Us citizens have a constitutional right to vote AND A RIGHT for our vote, to be COUNTED! What good is the right to vote, without the vote being counted?

This is why courts in election suits, near always, rule in favor of the citizen vote being counted and don't let NOT dotting an eye in procedure, take their vote away by not counting it.
What good is the right to vote if some cheating bastards dump hundreds of ILLEGAL votes in drop boxes?
Though the videos mentioned are not presented here, they are in possession by the state officials.

Watch the video in the linked article.

Heather Mullins, a reporter for Real America’s Voice, told John Fredericks on his radio show today (that's September 3, 2021) that True the Vote has a not yet released video of 240 ballot traffickers wearing gloves dropping off backpacks of ballots in about 24 dropboxes each in Georgia in the middle of the night.

“From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,” True The Vote’s document says. “According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot dropboxes.”

In other words, what the document says is that True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states.

From there, the document continues, True The Vote gathered surveillance video on the drop boxes in Georgia and is attempting to gather similar such surveillance video from other states. The document states that True The Vote has obtained one full petabyte of surveillance footage on drop boxes—two million minutes of video—which it says is broken into 73,000 individual video files. The group is expected to begin releasing some of these videos, which purportedly show the same people going multiple times to the same drop boxes, in the coming weeks.
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Though the videos mentioned are not presented here, they are in possession by the state officials. night/

Your sources are crap.
So I guess you don't want perfection from them either....

Rules aren't about perfection, they are about being followed. But you got the election result you wanted, so you don't care like the useless hack you are.
There are other measures in the same election law that I linked to, that are checks in the process, that will catch a rule that might be missed.

there are like 10 measures and checks in the rules for the process.....overlapping.... they're for the same purpose. If any 1 or two of three are flubbed up, there's another 7 guidelines that will catch it....

and of course I'd like to see every election rule followed perfectly, in Republican counties as well... But I know that is impossible, and we've never had a perfect election in our History.

It's foolish to think we have had a perfect election, or even could.

Just because all I's ar not dotted, does not mean it was fraud, or any election....trying to anger your voters in to believing there was purposeful election fraud, and that's the reason you lost is DANGEROUS.... And a LIE a big fat, deceitful, lie.
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What good is the right to vote if some cheating bastards dump hundreds of ILLEGAL votes in drop boxes?
What's your solution for those hundreds of bad votes in a national election?

Disenfranchise and throw out the other 10,000 votes of citizens?

it simply doesn't work that way, no matter how much, you wish it could.

you prosecute the cheaters, not the good guys too...
There are other measures in the same election law that I linked to, that are checks in the process, that will catch a rule that might be missed.

there are like 10 measures and checks in the rules for the process.....overlapping.... they're for the same purpose. If any 1 or two of three are flubbed up, there's another 7 guidelines that will catch it....

and of course I'd like to see every election rule followed perfectly, in Republican counties as well... But I know that is impossible, and we've never had a perfect election in our History.

It's foolish to think we have had a perfect election, or even could.

Just because all I's ar not dotted, does not mean it was fraud, or any election....trying to anger your voters in to believing there was purposeful election fraud, and that's the reason you lost is DANGEROUS.... And a LIE a big fat, deceitful, lie.

So no fraud, ever?

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