Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times.

But spending as a percentage of GDP is declining, revenue is still lower than pre-pandemic.

2019 and 2020 revenues were $3.4 trillion. Last year was $4.9 trillion.
Cut spending to 2019's $4.4 trillion and we'd have a $500 billion surplus.

The sensible compromise is easy, for every dollar in spending cuts we get a dollar in tax increases.

$20 in cuts for every $1 in new taxes.
The pandemic is over, no need to spend $2 trillion more this year than in 2019.
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

Well, Congress and Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times.
Ronald Reagan never raised the debt ceiling. That has always been the job of the congress.

It's a collective responsibility.

Other than that, the house Republicans passed a bill and the senate Democrats are doing nothing. I’m not sure what you’re complaining about.

I hate to agree with you, but you're not wrong. On the record, I disagree with Republican debt demands, but it's not unreasonable to ask for some spending reduction in principle. But more than that, Biden got out-coached by McCarthy, plain and simple. Biden didn't think this would happen, but it did. And now he looks pretty piss-weak.
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

Since... the blame game started. Trying to do all they can to put the president in a position where he loses the next election.
The US electoral system is so SHIT it's unbelievable. It is literally leading to people trying to destroy everything.
Well, Congress and Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times.
/——/ Against Reagan’s wishes, but you already knew that, Troll,
NY Times 1987—
President Reagan today accused Congress of an inability to control Federal spending as he vowed anew to veto a spending bill to run the Government.

In his weekly radio address, Mr. Reagan assailed the $562 billion spending bill the House approved by one vote Thursday to finance the Government in the 1987 fiscal year, which begins Wednesday. Mr. Reagan urged the Senate to remove ''the most objectionable parts'' from the legislation.

In approving the bill, the House had lumped together 13 individual appropriation bills, instead of voting on such measures separately.
/——/ Against Reagan’s wishes, but you already knew that, Troll,
NY Times 1987—
President Reagan today accused Congress of an inability to control Federal spending as he vowed anew to veto a spending bill to run the Government.

In his weekly radio address, Mr. Reagan assailed the $562 billion spending bill the House approved by one vote Thursday to finance the Government in the 1987 fiscal year, which begins Wednesday. Mr. Reagan urged the Senate to remove ''the most objectionable parts'' from the legislation.

In approving the bill, the House had lumped together 13 individual appropriation bills, instead of voting on such measures separately.

Oh fuck off -- Reagan spent like a drunken sailor on weekend leave in a red light district. Yes, the Dems also spent but look at the scoreboard. The debt-GDP ratio doubled between 1981 and 1989. Facts are not your friends.
Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

You’re a pantload. No President has ever raised the debt limit. No President has ever had any such authority or ability.

You’re too stupid to breathe, Elmo Dud.
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Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times. Donald Trump raised the debt ceiling twice

Since when have the Republicans been hardliners on the debt ceiling.

The time to cut costs is during the budget negotiations.

If the US defaults, every American will suffer.

True – Republicans never have a problem raising the debt ceiling when a Republican is in office.

Further proof that Republicans holding the country hostage with threats of a credit default has nothing to do with ‘decreasing’ government spending and everything to do with partisan political theater.
But spending as a percentage of GDP is declining, revenue is still lower than pre-pandemic.

2019 and 2020 revenues were $3.4 trillion. Last year was $4.9 trillion.
Cut spending to 2019's $4.4 trillion and we'd have a $500 billion surplus.

The sensible compromise is easy, for every dollar in spending cuts we get a dollar in tax increases.

$20 in cuts for every $1 in new taxes.
The pandemic is over, no need to spend $2 trillion more this year than in 2019.
When Biden took office federal revenues were 17.36% of GDP. Spending was 29.26% of GDP, down from a high of 31.12% in 2020. In 2022 revenues were actually up, guess my radio source was off the mark, at 19.23%. But spending was DOWN, at 24.64% of GDP. You would not get to 4.4 trillion in total spending if you eliminated ALL of discretionary spending. I mean ALL OF IT. That is 16% of a 6 trillion dollar plus 2022 budget. You would still be short by half a trillion dollars. Like I said, the Republicans are not serious here. Social Security payments are about five percent of GDP, Defense spending is right at 3.5% of GDP.

Cut spending to 22% of GDP, that is about a half a trillion dollar cut and comes in at 5.61 trillion dollars. That is not achievable without trimming defense spending. Increase revenue to 22% of GDP and boom, you have a balanced budget. And that works out to my proposed dollar per dollar trade off for spending cuts and increased revenues.


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