Ron Paul’s Campaign Touts Endorsement Of Pastor Who Advocates Killing Gay People

Candidates are going to accept endorsements. Its how they get elected (think james madison) to act outraged about them is ridiculous.

So if someone accepted and touted the endorsement of David Duke on their website, you wouldn't second guess your support for that candidate?
Candidates are going to accept endorsements. Its how they get elected (think james madison) to act outraged about them is ridiculous.

So if someone accepted and touted the endorsement of David Duke on their website, you wouldn't second guess your support for that candidate?

I. Never said anything about what candidates put on their website. If duke endorsed a candidate, it wouldn't stop me from voting for the candidate.
I. Never said anything about what candidates put on their website. If duke endorsed a candidate, it wouldn't stop me from voting for the candidate.

Paul not only accepted the endorsement but put it on his website.
I. Never said anything about what candidates put on their website. If duke endorsed a candidate, it wouldn't stop me from voting for the candidate.

Paul not only accepted the endorsement but put it on his website.

And that makes sense. As it goes along with his ideological vision of states rights.
Plus it goes along with trying to get elected. The people who follow this guy will be More likely to vote for Paul now.
Where does it say that?:

Is this the latest fax you got from the DNC? "Here, post this! Don't bother reading it just post it!" :lol:

From the Link:
The third reason is that Ron Paul’s strictly Constitutional civics is far closer to Biblical civics than any of the other candidate’s on a whole range of issues including non-interventionism in international politics, limitations on what can be a crime, limits of jurisdiction, the rights of interposition and civil resistance.....
Yeah.....let's hear it for......

Many Republicans advocate doing something to gay people. Republicans in Texas want to make them criminals and if anyone marries them, a felon. It's in their Texas Republican Party State Platform.

Islam feels the same way about homosexuality. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat.

Except it's the REPUBLICAN Texas State Party Platform. "Republican", as in "Republican".
Where does it say that?:

Is this the latest fax you got from the DNC? "Here, post this! Don't bother reading it just post it!" :lol:

From the Link:
The third reason is that Ron Paul’s strictly Constitutional civics is far closer to Biblical civics than any of the other candidate’s on a whole range of issues including non-interventionism in international politics, limitations on what can be a crime, limits of jurisdiction, the rights of interposition and civil resistance.....
Yeah.....let's hear it for......

Hilarious. Both Gawd and Jesus approved of slavery. Gawd said a woman must marry her rapist.
Many Republicans advocate doing something to gay people. Republicans in Texas want to make them criminals and if anyone marries them, a felon. It's in their Texas Republican Party State Platform.

Islam feels the same way about homosexuality. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat.

Except it's the REPUBLICAN Texas State Party Platform. "Republican", as in "Republican".

If you care so much why aren't you helping LGBT world wide? It's not political. You really don't get it do you?

Oh and I'd like a link to an official Texas Republican Party website that states this. If you would be so kind.
Where does it say that?:

Is this the latest fax you got from the DNC? "Here, post this! Don't bother reading it just post it!" :lol:

From the Link:
Yeah.....let's hear it for......

Hilarious. Both Gawd and Jesus approved of slavery. Gawd said a woman must marry her rapist.

Link to Jesus saying this in the New Testament please? If you wouldn't mind backing up your claim.
Mad Scientist completely misses the point in his blind rush to defend anything Paul does. Why would anyone accept the endorsement of someone who's advocates the death penalty for killing gays?

Here's one of the more interesting parts of what he said:

Reached by phone, Kayser confirmed to TPM that he believed in reinstating Biblical punishments for homosexuals — including the death penalty — even if he didn’t see much hope for it happening anytime soon. While he said he and Paul disagree on gay rights, noting that Paul recently voted for repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, he supported the campaign because he believed Paul’s federalist take on the Constitution would allow states more latitude to implement fundamentalist law.

Especially since under Kayser’s own interpretation of the Constitution there is no separation of Church and State. “Under a Ron Paul presidency, states would be freed up to not have political correctness imposed on them, but obviously some state would follow what’s politically correct,” he said. “What he’s trying to do, whether he agrees with the Constitution’s position or not, is restrict himself to the Constitution. That is something I very much appreciate.”

Long story short: He supports Paul because if it was up to Ron Paul, states could decide to outlaw homosexuality once again among other things. Which is a good example of how Ron Paul is Anti-Federalist and not Libertarian.

I too recall how Obama was not responsible for the statements and positions of his FRIEND and Pastor for 20 years. Suddenly what a Pastor believes IS important?

I don't give a shit what this guy believes. He's not RON PAUL and he's not running for President.

But you sure as shit thought what Jeremiah Wright said was important. You know I can dumpster dive and prove that in a heartbeat.

And here you are being the hypocritical and partisan retard that you are doing your thang.
Mad Scientist completely misses the point in his blind rush to defend anything Paul does. Why would anyone accept the endorsement of someone who's advocates the death penalty for killing gays?

Here's one of the more interesting parts of what he said:

Long story short: He supports Paul because if it was up to Ron Paul, states could decide to outlaw homosexuality once again among other things. Which is a good example of how Ron Paul is Anti-Federalist and not Libertarian.

I too recall how Obama was not responsible for the statements and positions of his FRIEND and Pastor for 20 years. Suddenly what a Pastor believes IS important?

I don't give a shit what this guy believes. He's not RON PAUL and he's not running for President.

But you sure as shit thought what Jeremiah Wright said was important. You know I can dumpster dive and prove that in a heartbeat.

And here you are being the hypocritical and partisan retard that you are doing your thang.

JW is insane.

Somehow I just can't imagine sitting in a pew with my husband and my kids with some crazy mother trucker screaming God damn America on an every Sunday basis.

This would not be my fave Sunday morning in church with a maniac screaming his head off.
I too recall how Obama was not responsible for the statements and positions of his FRIEND and Pastor for 20 years. Suddenly what a Pastor believes IS important?

I don't give a shit what this guy believes. He's not RON PAUL and he's not running for President.

But you sure as shit thought what Jeremiah Wright said was important. You know I can dumpster dive and prove that in a heartbeat.

And here you are being the hypocritical and partisan retard that you are doing your thang.

JW is insane.

Somehow I just can't imagine sitting in a pew with my husband and my kids with some crazy mother trucker screaming God damn America on an every Sunday basis.

This would not be my fave Sunday morning in church with a maniac screaming his head off.

And someone who, "authored a paper arguing for criminalizing homosexuality and even advocated imposing the death penalty against offenders based on his reading of Biblical law" is sane?
Voters dismissed Obama's pastor. So, let's see if voters dismiss Paul's pastor.

Yes, liberals cared nothing for the fact that big o went to an America hating, racist pastors church for 20 years.

Only absolute hypocrites can't see the difference.

Is this Pastor actually his Pastor? I've been on the fly dealing with some of my local provincial politics so I haven't found out more about this.

But if this is just an endorsement by some Pastor out there of RP, well hell's bells wait till you see what endorsements of democrats I can come up with in 2012:D

I'm thinking Sirhan Sirhan endorsing Obama. Oh wait. :badgrin:

Ayers (for others that have short term memory loss) who was the domestic terrorist who launched Obama's career in politics loved Sirhan Sirhan so much he and his wife dedicated a book to the man that assassinated Bobby Kennedy.

The Pastor in question probably has not met Paul and there's a good chance Paul doesn't even know who he is.

The Obamas sat in Wrights pews for 20 years. That makes it more than plane that obama hates America. If he didn't, he would never have gone back after the first "God damn America!"
Islam feels the same way about homosexuality. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat.

Except it's the REPUBLICAN Texas State Party Platform. "Republican", as in "Republican".

If you care so much why aren't you helping LGBT world wide? It's not political. You really don't get it do you?

Oh and I'd like a link to an official Texas Republican Party website that states this. If you would be so kind.

Funny, I went to Google and typed in, "Republican State Party Platform Texas" and a PDF of the offical document was the third thing that popped up:,cf.osb&fp=d4bbda87bf5c44b5&biw=1742&bih=882

Then you click on Republican websites from counties from all over Texas they link to it:

2010 Republican Party of Texas Platform and Rules « « Tarrant County Republican Party Tarrant County Republican Party

Course, you could go the "Official State Party Website" and it's listed right under "About the Party":

About the Party :: TexasGOP - Republican Party of Texas

What is it about "Search Engines" and Republicans? Are they afraid they might find out the truth? When it comes to the Internet, they are completely helpless. They can spew Fox Talking Points but can't use a "search engine"? Not even to find something "Republican"?

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