Ron Paul suppressed


Media camara
Once old Ron Paul goes away, Libertarians can go back to supporting their one-half-of-one-percent vote netting Libertarian candidate and stop humping the leg of the Republican party for attention.
Liberals hate him since he is anti-war and conservatives hate him since he is for limited government.

This is the land of confusion.

I think you're confused if you think liberals are pro-war.
Ron Paul is suppressed by both parties.

Quote, "The media is trying REALLY hard to hide the fact that Ron Paul is a serious contender

Ron Paul wins a "Who Won the GOP Debate" poll in Fox News, and after seeing how Ron Paul won by a HUGE margin, Fox News decides to quickly erase it. Funny how all of the media sources, both liberal and conservative, are trying so hard to keep him under the rug. Here's the original Fox News poll: Iowa GOP Debate - Topix [40,000 votes, he got 24,000 of them... more than 4 times the guy in second place].

And these things are happening everywhere (meaning, Ron Paul getting a significant amount of support from both sides, and getting pushed off as insignificant.)

And here is the new one Fox started (Ron Paul STILL winning by a landslide): Who Won the GOP Debate? - Guess they'll have to erase this one as well.

What do Fox News, CNN, MSNBS, etc, and all these other garbage news sources have in common? They are all run by corporate interest!

Now on to MSNBC:

Once again, the Anti-Ron-Paul rhetoric is everywhere. Notice how MSNBC bolded out every republican candidate in the Iowa Straw Poll... except Ron Paul, as if he were last place or anywhere near there (Yes, they bolded out the last guy as well).

First Read - Bachmann wins Ames straw poll

These aren't just coincidence. Both sides are trying hard, real hard, to hide the fact that Ron Paul is a serious contended.

Open your eyes folks: These things are happening LEFT and RIGHT (meaning everywhere and from both liberal and conservative sources).

(Sorry, I'm not allowed to post url)

Who won the Republican Presidential Debate?

Active Cities : 6,965

Total Votes : 40,882
National Vote
Paul .....25248
Gingrich ...5863
Cain .......3169
Bachmann ...2438

Romney ...2376
Santorum ..1032
Huntsman ...423
Pawlenty .....333
Votes as of 03:09 PM, 08/14/11

FoxNews / Topix - You Decide
(Sorry, I'm not allowed to post url)

Color me surprised.
Considering he wants to end the Fed, it's obvious to anyone with a brain why he's treated the way he is by the controlled, mainstream-media.

Obamney 2012! Because you will not resist the establishment.
The media has been ignoring Ron Paul since the beginning.
The Left and the Right have also been ignoring him.
If it wasn't for the internet, there would be even less coverage.
Why? Because he is the only one that represents true change.
Quote: Originally Posted by kyzr
Ron Paul supporters need to face reality, that most voters don't like him, and won't vote for him.

No, because most media won't report the truth and the Feds turned most votes of Ron Paul to the other candidates.

Where is media?



[ame=]Ron Paul qualifies for RNC ballot and is going to Tampa - YouTube[/ame]
Ron Paul is unelctable because the voting system is controlled by the Feds. They pick up their own puppet through rigged election and justify it by fake poll. (because they also control the media.) Only one thing they couldn't control - they couldn't rigged the attendence of the campaign meeting. That's how you see in these pictures. Of course, media never report it. You only see it in Internet.

Bryan Spencer Speaks about Rigging St. Charles Caucus

[ame=]Bryan Spencer Speaks about Rigging St. Charles Caucus - YouTube[/ame]
Lawyers for Ron Paul - GOP fraud
./viewtopic.php?p=1716270by free_life2 » 06/ 07/

Your Help Is Needed – We MUST ACT QUICKLY
Are you FED UP with the fraud of the GOP in this election??…Become informed of a LAWSUIT BEING FILED soon in federal court - CIVIL RIGHTS AND VOTER FRAUD VIOLATIONS.

A group of attorneys have come together –“LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL” ( and will be on a huge conference call on Wednesday 06/06/2012 @ 7:00 pm (PST) / 10:00 pm (EST), to explain this “Heart-Pounding” event.

Free Dominion - Principled Conservative - Party and Canadian Politics - Canada Blogs • View topic - Lawyers for Ron Paul - GOP fraud

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