Ron Paul releases his financial and budget plans for Presidency


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Congressman Ron Paul is making strong waves in the early Republican primary season, and on June 20th, he released his four point campagin platform for financial and budgetary plans should he win the Presidency in 2012.

The primary points of the platform include demands for a balanced budget, vetoing any bill regarding funding for Planned Parenthood, entirely stop implementation of Obamacare, and lastly, repeal through Executive Order any and all regulations that are unsound, and lead to restrictions on good business practices.

Ron Paul releases his financial and budget plans for Presidency - National Finance Examiner |
Congressman Ron Paul is making strong waves in the early Republican primary season, and on June 20th, he released his four point campagin platform for financial and budgetary plans should he win the Presidency in 2012.

The primary points of the platform include demands for a balanced budget, vetoing any bill regarding funding for Planned Parenthood, entirely stop implementation of Obamacare, and lastly, repeal through Executive Order any and all regulations that are unsound, and lead to restrictions on good business practices.

Ron Paul releases his financial and budget plans for Presidency - National Finance Examiner |

Not gonna happen, wouldn't be prudent.

We are well in our way to becoming another socialist banana republic. The Parasitic Faction constitutes close to 50% of the electorate. So stick a fork in the US , it is done.

.As Always, Heil Hitler.

Ron Paul releases his financial and budget plans for Presidency

Written on parchment by quill pen, no doubt.
The primary points of the platform include demands for a balanced budget, vetoing any bill regarding funding for Planned Parenthood, entirely stop implementation of Obamacare, and lastly, repeal through Executive Order any and all regulations that are unsound, and lead to restrictions on good business practices.

Fortunately in a Constitutional Republic all are subject to the rule of law, including the Executive – who is not a dictator, by the way.

Oh, the irony.

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