Ron Paul: “Good News” That Secession Is Happening

Didn't work out too good the last time it was tried here.

Won't work out any better if it's attempted again.

I agree with that. We rode the wave to become the wealthiest, freest most powerful country on earth and then the leaches took over. Eventually attempted again, you will eventually do the same thing.

Alexander Tytler: The average age of the world's greatest civilisations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.

Selfishness, the rise of "liberalism." Liberalism having nothing to do with actual liberalism, it's a term that justifies pillage and plunder.

“And all States are doing is reasserting the 10th amendment, and only a tiny portion of that. States are Constitutionally far more autonomous than the central state authoritarian leftists in DC have implemented.”

Ignorant nonsense.

States and local jurisdictions are subject to Federal laws and the rulings of Federal courts, as codified by Article VI of the Constitution (Cooper v. Aaron).

And as a fact of Constitutional case law the states may not 'secede' absent the consent of Congress and all the other states.(Texas v. White)

The states are in no way 'autonomous,' as the American citizens who reside in the states are first and foremost citizens of the United States, one people, citizens of one Nation, residents of the states subordinate to that – where state governments may not interfere with the relationship between the people and their Federal government, and the states may not take from the people their citizenship nor violate the inalienable rights of American citizens. (US Term Limits v. Thornton).

Read the Constitution. When you get to the Bill of Rights, focus on the 9th and 10th amendments
States have the right to determine the location of the state capitol, the boundaries of counties, and the qualifications needed for a physician to obtain a license to practice medicine.

States do not have the 'right' to 'secede' from the Union, or otherwise violate the rights of the American citizens residing in the states, including the right of citizens to retain their status as American citizens.
States have the right to determine the location of the state capitol, the boundaries of counties, and the qualifications needed for a physician to obtain a license to practice medicine.

Didn't take me up on reading the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and other Amendments, did you? So you think those are the powers hat the 10th amendments gives States? Why did they bother writing it, and then bolstering it with the 9th amendment to cover that?

States do not have the 'right' to 'secede' from the Union, or otherwise violate the rights of the American citizens residing in the states, including the right of citizens to retain their status as American citizens.

Now after not reading what is there, you are reading what isn't there
We are really tired of having our rights stripped by these politicians under secret orders, and we are not going to take it anymore.
Besides, how will those states replace the income they get from the federal gov't? I doubt any of them send more taxes to Washington than they receive in federal monies.

You mean that fake "money" the Fed is printing like toilet paper ?

That "fake money" pays your bills, gets roads repaired, pays for doctor visits, and more. Yes, there are problems, but quitting the USA isn't a solution.

Don't you think preparing for the inevitable crash is wise ? There will be no federal government to rely on. They are playing with monopoly money

Preparation for a crash is a good idea. However, that is not the topic here. The topic is states seceding from the Union.

and seceding may be a very good way to begin preparing for a better future. Not just a way to bring back a past.
Why was there no cry for secession when Bush violated the constitution? Why was there no cry for secession when Reagan and George H. Bush pardoned so many illegal immigrants?

I'm not sure I get the Reagan one, but W had a lot of people who gave him a pass on economics because they supported the war on terror. Now however, I think W is part of what is driving secession. We have since Reagan had 4 Presidents, two from each party, and all 4 were tax and spend liberals. We are fed up with it.

Reagan pardoned almost 3 million illegal immigrants in 1986.
You poor baby, having to live in a state of security you demanded because you were paranoid about terrorists.
Fuck you scum bag. I never asked for protection from those pansy ass pussies.
No one has ever chosen the country of their birth, If you hate it here so much then GTFO. Freest, safest country on earth and you spoiled brats still bitch even though you supported every step towards police state this country ever took, mostly because liberals opposed it.
Spoken like a true scum-bag criminal. Pay for the protection and like it or GTFO.

You're a fucking slave and you like it you pansy ass. First you scream nothing's wrong then you admit we are heading to a police state. Make up your mind.
Oh there's lots of stuff wrong, mostly because of conservatives' fearful short-sightedness and now people like you want to play dine-and-dash and skip out on the bill. A decade ago people like you were saying "Please protect us from terrorists Mr. Bush, I will gladly trade my privacy for security." and the classic "If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about" while calling people terrorist sympathizers if they opposed domestic surveillance. I remember even if you choose to forget.
Fuck you ass hole, I've paid millions for this fucking security that I never asked for in the first place. I fought against this DHS nazi like organization from the start. You are nothing. You're a lying POS.

You have paid millions??
Why was there no cry for secession when Bush violated the constitution? Why was there no cry for secession when Reagan and George H. Bush pardoned so many illegal immigrants?

I'm not sure I get the Reagan one, but W had a lot of people who gave him a pass on economics because they supported the war on terror. Now however, I think W is part of what is driving secession. We have since Reagan had 4 Presidents, two from each party, and all 4 were tax and spend liberals. We are fed up with it.

Reagan pardoned almost 3 million illegal immigrants in 1986.

I know, but why would that one thing make States secceed? With HW, Clinton, W and Obama, it's not stop government growth and obliteration of State rights, it's not just one thing, not even Obamacare
Why was there no cry for secession when Bush violated the constitution? Why was there no cry for secession when Reagan and George H. Bush pardoned so many illegal immigrants?

I'm not sure I get the Reagan one, but W had a lot of people who gave him a pass on economics because they supported the war on terror. Now however, I think W is part of what is driving secession. We have since Reagan had 4 Presidents, two from each party, and all 4 were tax and spend liberals. We are fed up with it.

Reagan pardoned almost 3 million illegal immigrants in 1986.

I know, but why would that one thing make States secceed? With HW, Clinton, W and Obama, it's not stop government growth and obliteration of State rights, it's not just one thing, not even Obamacare

I have no idea. I think secession is a ridiculous idea.
Fuck you scum bag. I never asked for protection from those pansy ass pussies.
No one has ever chosen the country of their birth, If you hate it here so much then GTFO. Freest, safest country on earth and you spoiled brats still bitch even though you supported every step towards police state this country ever took, mostly because liberals opposed it.
Spoken like a true scum-bag criminal. Pay for the protection and like it or GTFO.

You're a fucking slave and you like it you pansy ass. First you scream nothing's wrong then you admit we are heading to a police state. Make up your mind.
Oh there's lots of stuff wrong, mostly because of conservatives' fearful short-sightedness and now people like you want to play dine-and-dash and skip out on the bill. A decade ago people like you were saying "Please protect us from terrorists Mr. Bush, I will gladly trade my privacy for security." and the classic "If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about" while calling people terrorist sympathizers if they opposed domestic surveillance. I remember even if you choose to forget.
Fuck you ass hole, I've paid millions for this fucking security that I never asked for in the first place. I fought against this DHS nazi like organization from the start. You are nothing. You're a lying POS.

You have paid millions??
You might have heard about this new fangled thing called taxes.
No one has ever chosen the country of their birth, If you hate it here so much then GTFO. Freest, safest country on earth and you spoiled brats still bitch even though you supported every step towards police state this country ever took, mostly because liberals opposed it.
Spoken like a true scum-bag criminal. Pay for the protection and like it or GTFO.

You're a fucking slave and you like it you pansy ass. First you scream nothing's wrong then you admit we are heading to a police state. Make up your mind.
Oh there's lots of stuff wrong, mostly because of conservatives' fearful short-sightedness and now people like you want to play dine-and-dash and skip out on the bill. A decade ago people like you were saying "Please protect us from terrorists Mr. Bush, I will gladly trade my privacy for security." and the classic "If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about" while calling people terrorist sympathizers if they opposed domestic surveillance. I remember even if you choose to forget.
Fuck you ass hole, I've paid millions for this fucking security that I never asked for in the first place. I fought against this DHS nazi like organization from the start. You are nothing. You're a lying POS.

You have paid millions??
You might have heard about this new fangled thing called taxes.

Yes I have. You have paid millions in taxes? How old are you?
No one has ever chosen the country of their birth, If you hate it here so much then GTFO. Freest, safest country on earth and you spoiled brats still bitch even though you supported every step towards police state this country ever took, mostly because liberals opposed it.
Spoken like a true scum-bag criminal. Pay for the protection and like it or GTFO.

You're a fucking slave and you like it you pansy ass. First you scream nothing's wrong then you admit we are heading to a police state. Make up your mind.
Oh there's lots of stuff wrong, mostly because of conservatives' fearful short-sightedness and now people like you want to play dine-and-dash and skip out on the bill. A decade ago people like you were saying "Please protect us from terrorists Mr. Bush, I will gladly trade my privacy for security." and the classic "If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about" while calling people terrorist sympathizers if they opposed domestic surveillance. I remember even if you choose to forget.
Fuck you ass hole, I've paid millions for this fucking security that I never asked for in the first place. I fought against this DHS nazi like organization from the start. You are nothing. You're a lying POS.

You have paid millions??
You might have heard about this new fangled thing called taxes.

If you are 50 years old, then in order to have paid "millions" in taxes, you would have had started working when you were 16 and paid just under $59k a year in taxes. Every year.

“And all States are doing is reasserting the 10th amendment, and only a tiny portion of that. States are Constitutionally far more autonomous than the central state authoritarian leftists in DC have implemented.”

Ignorant nonsense.

States and local jurisdictions are subject to Federal laws and the rulings of Federal courts, as codified by Article VI of the Constitution (Cooper v. Aaron).

And as a fact of Constitutional case law the states may not 'secede' absent the consent of Congress and all the other states.(Texas v. White)

Only boot-licking fools believe that decision is valid. A bunch of Lincoln appointed cronies were on the court when it was handed down. You have to be terminally naive to believe any justice appointed by Lincoln would rule the states had no right to secede.

The states are in no way 'autonomous,' as the American citizens who reside in the states are first and foremost citizens of the United States, one people, citizens of one Nation, residents of the states subordinate to that – where state governments may not interfere with the relationship between the people and their Federal government, and the states may not take from the people their citizenship nor violate the inalienable rights of American citizens. (US Term Limits v. Thornton).

That's pure bullshit. the states existed prior to the federal government, so it's absurd to claim citizens who reside in the states are first and foremost citizens of the United States. That's Lincoln cult propaganda. Seceding doesn't take anything from the citizens residing in the state that secedes. They can remain citizens of the United States as long as they like, but that right won't protect them in a state that secedes any more than it would protect them in Iran.
States have the right to determine the location of the state capitol, the boundaries of counties, and the qualifications needed for a physician to obtain a license to practice medicine.

States do not have the 'right' to 'secede' from the Union, or otherwise violate the rights of the American citizens residing in the states, including the right of citizens to retain their status as American citizens.
Wrong, as always.

Whenever we need to know how servile boot-licking toadies view things, we can always turn to you.
You're wrong. "We will change America back" is a premise, a premise which implies that something is wrong in America today, which didn't exist in past times.

Yes, something is wrong in America today. We have an ever growing central leftist authoritarian government which doesn't even consider Constitutional limits on their power to be a speed bump

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

It means the Federal government (google the meaning of the word Federal) is prohibited from doing anything it is not specifically authorized to do. That includes both exceeding it's authority and making up rights like the right to an abortion. Government is regulating interstate commerce, taking land from one citizen and giving it to another, confiscating and redistributing money and even requiring citizens to enter into private contracts with corporations. Our government is a rogue, criminal organization which is oppressing it's people.

Yeah, something is wrong in America today.

Wow, you really do hate our government, and many of the people who are or want to become Americans.

Yes, asshole, I'm a racist. I didn't say anything about immigration. This is why arguing with liberals is pointless and I just start insulting you. Go fuck yourself.

Where do you suppose a government exists that would best suit you? I suppose time travel is out of the question, and most Americans don't want to go back to the Gilded Age or adopt Ayn Rand's vision of utopia.

Follow the Constitution, including the 10th amendment and I'm happy. Wow, I wish I said that before, wait, I did, repeatedly. But you have the butt hurt that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist and you see it in every post that doesn't even discuss race or immigration.

I didn't call you a racist, I simply made a statement about the hate you hold for all Americans and those who so aspire. Many who aspire to become citizens of the US are white, Alex Trebek is one. Maybe you do hate Canadians, they have a socialized system of health care, I suppose that's sufficient case for an asshole like you to hate them all.

As for following the Constitution it's obvious you are no Constitutional Scholar, and the document is vague on many issues. One of which a hot head like you missed. The language in the 10th suggests the people, can you explain why? Have you, or can you, think about the wording and wonder how "The People" can decide on issues as broad as health care or war and peace?

Maybe they did, they reelected President Obama after he signed the PPACA. It took a whole lot of money and the building of an astroturf movement by making false claims to fool some of the people - but not all of us.

The holders of the Golden Goose, i.e. health care, out of greed and self interest created a long period of discontent.
Spoken like a true scum-bag criminal. Pay for the protection and like it or GTFO.

You're a fucking slave and you like it you pansy ass. First you scream nothing's wrong then you admit we are heading to a police state. Make up your mind.
Oh there's lots of stuff wrong, mostly because of conservatives' fearful short-sightedness and now people like you want to play dine-and-dash and skip out on the bill. A decade ago people like you were saying "Please protect us from terrorists Mr. Bush, I will gladly trade my privacy for security." and the classic "If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about" while calling people terrorist sympathizers if they opposed domestic surveillance. I remember even if you choose to forget.
Fuck you ass hole, I've paid millions for this fucking security that I never asked for in the first place. I fought against this DHS nazi like organization from the start. You are nothing. You're a lying POS.

You have paid millions??
You might have heard about this new fangled thing called taxes.

If you are 50 years old, then in order to have paid "millions" in taxes, you would have had started working when you were 16 and paid just under $59k a year in taxes. Every year.
To many rightwing nitwits, it 'feels' like 'millions.'
I didn't call you a racist, I simply made a statement about the hate you hold for all Americans and those who so aspire. Many who aspire to become citizens of the US are white, Alex Trebek is one. Maybe you do hate Canadians, they have a socialized system of health care, I suppose that's sufficient case for an asshole like you to hate them all..

I made no reference to immigrants or immigration at all. Go fuck yourself, asshole
Spoken like a true scum-bag criminal. Pay for the protection and like it or GTFO.

You're a fucking slave and you like it you pansy ass. First you scream nothing's wrong then you admit we are heading to a police state. Make up your mind.
Oh there's lots of stuff wrong, mostly because of conservatives' fearful short-sightedness and now people like you want to play dine-and-dash and skip out on the bill. A decade ago people like you were saying "Please protect us from terrorists Mr. Bush, I will gladly trade my privacy for security." and the classic "If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about" while calling people terrorist sympathizers if they opposed domestic surveillance. I remember even if you choose to forget.
Fuck you ass hole, I've paid millions for this fucking security that I never asked for in the first place. I fought against this DHS nazi like organization from the start. You are nothing. You're a lying POS.

You have paid millions??
You might have heard about this new fangled thing called taxes.

Yes I have. You have paid millions in taxes? How old are you?
50+, why?
Spoken like a true scum-bag criminal. Pay for the protection and like it or GTFO.

You're a fucking slave and you like it you pansy ass. First you scream nothing's wrong then you admit we are heading to a police state. Make up your mind.
Oh there's lots of stuff wrong, mostly because of conservatives' fearful short-sightedness and now people like you want to play dine-and-dash and skip out on the bill. A decade ago people like you were saying "Please protect us from terrorists Mr. Bush, I will gladly trade my privacy for security." and the classic "If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about" while calling people terrorist sympathizers if they opposed domestic surveillance. I remember even if you choose to forget.
Fuck you ass hole, I've paid millions for this fucking security that I never asked for in the first place. I fought against this DHS nazi like organization from the start. You are nothing. You're a lying POS.

You have paid millions??
You might have heard about this new fangled thing called taxes.

If you are 50 years old, then in order to have paid "millions" in taxes, you would have had started working when you were 16 and paid just under $59k a year in taxes. Every year.

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