Ron Johnson - Trump lost

"Taylored" talking points, huh? And "to" much of a dullard to understand?
Yes, very carefully crafted talking points....And you are still a total fucking dullard.

I don't think that nutbag is running for reelection, he knows a competent D could defeat him.

When he first ran for the senate he vowed to only serve 2 terms.

He is in his second 2 term which will end this year.

He has not said if he is running for election next year.

It will be interesting to see if he breaks his vow or not.
I listened to the clip too. Nothing was taken out of context. He bragged about his 1.5 million previous votes, and then admitted the reason Trump lost is 51,000 Republicans didn't vote for him.
Like I said....You're too much of a fucking dullard to recognize a politician working to maintain his taking points.

He only referred to the raw vote totals and nothing else....Sorry about your extremely low I.Q.
And by saying such a thing, you've proven yourself an idiot incapable of rational discourse.

Why are you Trumpists so goddamn dumb? I'd love to discuss things with one of you with normal intellect, but do they even exist?

No, that's one of the requirements to be a trump person.

None of them has anything close to normal intellect.
Tommy Tainant
Oh the Judge knows. No Judge wants to be a part of overturning a Presidential election. That's why none of them wanted to view the evidence.

Now we are stuck with a stuttering fuck of an incompetent boob running things.

Congrats. I know you are glad even though your a Brit. Your own Govt. called Bidumb an imbecile. Which he is.
It is because there is no evidence.
There was all kinds of evidence which no Judge wanted see. Hell there were hundred if not thousands of signed affidavits by the watchers that were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

No one signs an affidavit for the hell of it.
Oh and by disagreeing you have proven yourself to be someone who doesn't want to believe the evidence. Which there is plenty of.

You'd rather believe the lie that Bidumb won by 81 million votes. A Bidumb who never campaigned. He got 81 million votes?? You have proven yourself to be an idiot incapable of rational discourse.

81 million votes in a pigs ass.
So you dont have any actual evidence. You just have an opinion that you feel strongly about. IOW a conspiracy theory.
Every cogent American knows that the November 2020 election was stolen. Most of us knew it was likely to be stolen even before Election Day.

In the key "swing states," operatives of the Democrat Party worked through the courts, legislatures and other political entities to establish voting rules that (a) made fraudulent voting easy, and (b) ensured that there would not be a sufficiently robust paper trail to prove the results. These voting rule changes were usually illegal and mostly unconstitutional, but our courts have washed their figurative hands of these issues.

Using fear of Covid as an excuse, they pleaded for relaxed mail-in votes, with (in places) no traceability of the voters and votes, no real authentication procedure, and no one in a position to call, "Foul!" Once the fraudulent votes were cast, they were either destroyed or stored along with legitimate votes and, since there was no traceability, the evidence of the fraud was irretrievably lost.

Courts reviewing the issues and wanting no part of a political circus, tossed out case after case on technical not timely filed, cases filed too late, lack of legal standing...but even if they had agreed to hear the "evidence," there was no direct evidence of the fraud; it had all been either destroyed or never existed in the first place due to the lax authentication rules. The only evidence was circumstantial. Essentially all key indicators of election success pointed in Trump's favor, percentages of Biden votes in certain key districts defied logical explanation, etc.

And in the aftermath, all Republican efforts to restore election integrity as it existed prior to 2020 are excoriated by Leftists in politics and Media as "voter suppression!" As if voting in person or with legitimate Absentee Ballots were insurmountable obstacles to voting...but they weren't insurmountable in 2008 and 2012, when O'Bama won, were they?

Ultimately, the Democrats are politically demanding that all of the laxity that allowed the theft of 2020 be made permanent, while at the same time, they try to buy millions of votes with "free" giveaways, so that they won't experience the bloodbath that they so richly deserve next November. And if they are able to naturalize the 20-30 million illegals by 2024, the country is fucked. Which is what they want.
Do you have any actual evidence that it didn't happen?? No you do not. You just believe Bidumb got 81 million votes when he never campaigned.
Trumps people stated that it was the most secure election in history. They might have a better idea than you or me. Meanwhile, you make yourself a figure of ridicule by persisting with this nonsense.

I suspect that you just want to be a victim and are happy to continue in the absence of anything to bolster your delusions.
So you dont have any actual evidence. You just have an opinion that you feel strongly about. IOW a conspiracy theory.

You are replying to a crazy person who believed that trump would return to the presidency last March suggesting using the same violence as what was happening in Myanmar at the time.

It's a waste of time to read or reply to posts from people as totally bat crap crazy as that claudette poster.

crazy .png

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