Ron Johnson - Trump lost

Just think about it. You have boxes of ballots delivered and being counted long after the counters have gone home.

You have hundred if not thousands of watchers filing affidavits. Some of those watches were Dems and one of them said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

You have Rep watchers kicked out of counting areas and paper put over the windows so no one can see what's going on.

Hell the Dominion machines took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden.

Anyone who thinks Bidung got 81 million real votes is dumber than dirt.
First paragraph is bullshit. You were lied to and you repeat those lies

Second paragraph is nonsense. Affidavits mean nothing unless corroborated with actual evidence. None have been.

No actual poll watchers were kicked out. People trying to create disturbances were prevented from doing so

You know all this but hey… ya gotta believe
You sure do like to believe the lies you are told. But then being a lefty loon who voted for an incompetent idiot you would.

Oh and if you think all those mail in ballots were for Bidung then it just proves what an idiotic lefty loon you are.
Mail in ballots.

Newsflash. Dems took the pandemic seriously. They used mail in ballots heavily.
Trump won and the Left can deny it until the cows come home.....doesn't matte not one bit!

America voted for Trump, and Biden and his gang of thugs stole this election from him, and that's that.

That is all there is to it. ;)
Tommy seems to always remind us that he is a loser. He hasn’t won a damn thing in his life and is still crying because Trump is a bigger success than Tommy could ever think of being. Jealousy and envy are pretty ugly, and Tommy keeps proving it.
Of course they did and the minute the Dems pushed for as many mail in ballots as they could get anyone with a working brain cell, which excludes you, knew there would be big problems with the election. and boy were they right.

Anyone who believes Bidung got 81 million votes is dumber than dirt. That means you.
That's not true. Its fake news from the Gateway pundit.

Trump and other Republicans have attacked this method of voting as improper, though it's worth noting more Wisconsin voters claimed that status in counties won by Trump than in those won by Biden, according to an analysis by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. There's no way to know how those "indefinitely confined" people specifically voted, however.

The indefinitely confined status sparked an array of legal challenges after clerks in the heavily Democratic Milwaukee and Dane counties contended in the spring that all voters could claim that status due to a COVID-19 stay-at-home order in place at the time. The Wisconsin Election Commission and an initial order from the Wisconsin Supreme Court said that was wrong, and the clerks rescinded their advice

A final ruling from the state Supreme Court released Dec. 14 affirmed that initial order and said it's up to each voter whether they meet the requirements for being "indefinitely confined" — not clerks or anyone else.

Later that same day, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden and election officials in a lawsuit brought by Trump on the matter.

The majority decision said "ballots would not count" if voters falsely claimed they were indefinitely confined. But the court did not give licens
e to throw out large numbers of ballots without making determinations about the status of each individual voter, as Trump had sought. That decision would have to be made on a case-by-case basis.


The ruling specifically denied Trump's request to throw out all the votes. While the court said any ballots cast by people who falsely claimed that status wouldn't count, that's a determination that would have to be made on a case-by-case basis

Which means that would have had to have happened one by one, as the state received requests for absentee ballots, which they did not do or even try to do,

And NOTE! as mentioned, Trump won counties had more absentee requests for indefinitely confined, than Biden won counties, even if they were going through them one by one request before the election.

Other links on it.
USA Today "fact check" = unadulterated bullshit
Trump didn't lose. Trump won the Presidency in 2020. However, it was stolen from him by the Democrats with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.
Meanwhile, the Maricopa County My Pillow Super Cyber Ninja Trumpster Audit™ is proceeding swimmingly.

Here are some texts between a Cyber Ninja™ and a Trump campaign official a while back, with the Cyber Ninja™ guy begging for more money to make their security look better.

Of course, the Trumpsters won't "see" any issues with a Trump campaign official involved like this. Nothing to "see" here.


Mail in ballots.

Newsflash. Dems took the pandemic seriously. They used mail in ballots heavily.
If you keep screwing over producers in a nation, then you end up with less producers.

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