Romney's tax cut plan DOES NOT ADD UP!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This is from a Salt Lake City newspaper. You know, Mormon Country. I guess they know Mitt pretty well there, huh? :clap2:
Sure it does. Romney wants to cut taxes for the most wealthy Americans and screw the rest of the country. And the Republican base "likes" it.
Sure it does. Romney wants to cut taxes for the most wealthy Americans and screw the rest of the country. And the Republican base "likes" it.

So "Voo Doo" Economics has been replaced with "Screw You" Economics.
Sure it does. Romney wants to cut taxes for the most wealthy Americans and screw the rest of the country. And the Republican base "likes" it.

So "Voo Doo" Economics has been replaced with "Screw You" Economics.

The article presupposes that the voodoo economics of the Reagan era didn't work when it clearly did, and worked very well.

This is from a Salt Lake City newspaper. You know, Mormon Country. I guess they know Mitt pretty well there, huh? :clap2:

The Salt Lake Trib? You realize that's an incredibly liberal paper, right? It was started as an Anti-Mormon Publication. Cant say it's gotten much better.

So what part of his tax plan doesnt add up? Im assuming you read the article so you can actually have a discussion on it, correct? So let's talk about it.
at balloning the deficit


and shrinking the Middle Class

they just will never stop trying to rewrite history.

They try to tell lies about Reagan all the time.

They cant refer to Nixon for obvious reasons, Ford was NEVER elected by the American people, Bush 41 they hate and Bush 43 was a complete fuck up.

They dont like any of their past presidents so they have to LIE about the reagan record to not look like complete losers.
The article presupposes that the voodoo economics of the Reagan era didn't work when it clearly did, and worked very well.

Prove it.

Fact is, we lost jobs, gas prices were up, there were gas lines, he added enormously to the debt and then left on vacation. Reagan made us a debtor nation and we are still paying for what he did.

One Obama deficit is bigger than all 8 of Reagan's and is bigger than any Reagan budget

and shrinking the Middle Class

they just will never stop trying to rewrite history.

They try to tell lies about Reagan all the time.

They cant refer to Nixon for obvious reasons, Ford was NEVER elected by the American people, Bush 41 they hate and Bush 43 was a complete fuck up.

They dont like any of their past presidents so they have to LIE about the reagan record to not look like complete losers.

I am still waiting for the last Two Term Repub President to do a commercial for Mitt, like the Clinton did. Oh wait....he is the one that screwed the country over...sorry
One Obama deficit is bigger than all 8 of Reagan's and is bigger than any Reagan budget

No, Frank. Its not. Its not even close.

What is wrong with the knee jerk rw's who don't even think about the ridiculous crap they post?

You have been PROVEN wrong every single day here on this board and yet you still spout this nonsense.

Here are THREE sources that PROVE you are WRONG.

Either admit you haven't a friggin clue or PROVE your statement.




Facts As Visuals: Government Spending Obama v. Reagan ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.

This is from a Salt Lake City newspaper. You know, Mormon Country. I guess they know Mitt pretty well there, huh? :clap2:

Obama has attempted to use the Keynesian Economic Theory going forward to European Socialism. This economic theory has never worked and European Socialism is brining France, Spain Greece and Italy toward bankruptcy. Yet, Obama believes under his control it will work. This is well beyond the realm of rational thought.

This is from a Salt Lake City newspaper. You know, Mormon Country. I guess they know Mitt pretty well there, huh? :clap2:

Obama has attempted to use the Keynesian Economic Theory going forward to European Socialism. This economic theory has never worked and European Socialism is brining France, Spain Greece and Italy toward bankruptcy. Yet, Obama believes under his control it will work. This is well beyond the realm of rational thought.

This is especially funny since its the GObP/pubpots who want to follow the austerity plan that is killing Europe.

And, last night, on 60 Min's, Etch a Sketch said he is in favor of giving illegals free health care and in favor of a SOCIALIST health care system.

Why do you ignore these FACTS?

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