Romney's Plans for our Military...


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Does anybody know them? I haven't heard him discuss what he would do in that area as far as the size goes....

Anybody have any good resources?

There is no hot link on his homepage (for a totally different experience, go to Daily Kos: Mitt 'Free Enterprise' Romney sought and received federal bailout for Bain ) that has anything to do with the military.

It's a pretty big part of his job description so one would think that it would be there somewhere.

No matter, I'm sure some of the loyal Romney followers can tell us his plans for how many carriers he's going to field, how many divisions, the number of ships in the Navy, etc..

Details please.

Thanks in advance.
Well if he gives us a payraise that would be more than Obama's done for us.

If you want military pay-rise, Ron Paul’s the man.

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul blasted President Obama's budget-reduction proposal "
"Failing to meet the promises we have made to our troops would be unjust and immoral," Paul said in an open letter to Obama. "Our military men and women have fought bravely. In exchange, our country made a promise to them, and we must honor it."
I'd trust Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, AND Colbert (ROFL) with the military before I trust Mittens. It's a hard pill to swallow to believe that a massachusetts liberal could care much more about the military then Obama.
Does anybody know them? I haven't heard him discuss what he would do in that area as far as the size goes....

Anybody have any good resources?

There is no hot link on his homepage (for a totally different experience, go to Daily Kos: Mitt 'Free Enterprise' Romney sought and received federal bailout for Bain ) that has anything to do with the military.

It's a pretty big part of his job description so one would think that it would be there somewhere.

No matter, I'm sure some of the loyal Romney followers can tell us his plans for how many carriers he's going to field, how many divisions, the number of ships in the Navy, etc..

Details please.

Thanks in advance.

Anyone who uses large red font has no credibility..sorry
He has gone moderate on Iran (compared to the rest of the GOP field).

He only disguises his wiev. He knows he’ll lose the election if he starts talking about going to war. I think Romney are more than ready for war if he gets elected. The military-industrial complex are hungry for more contracts. They’ve supported his campaign so he have to pay them back.

Another military-industrial politician in a nice packaging just like Obama. Obama has already started the war propaganda. So after the election the war starts. US has been in constant war since 1940,, so it’s just a matter of time before they launch the attack.
Thanks for the input but I was wondering about his views on the military: You know, how many ships, whether or not he wants to militarize space, scrap certain weapons systems, buy more tanks, have fewer fleets....

You know, things that the CIC would dictate.

The foreign policy notes are nice and all but I'm more interested in how he views the job. So far, this seems to be one area where he is quite silent and that alarms me since CIC is one of the basic job duties.
Maybe Romney will let gay servicemembers serve openly! That'll help with morale. Something Obama never did...

Oh, wait....
Maybe Romney will let gay servicemembers serve openly! That'll help with morale. Something Obama never did...

Oh, wait....
I was against the whole Social experimentation thing when Clinto did I am now. DADT should have been left alone.

Socialist T!

How's your little experiment in socialism going?

By the way, the U.S. military is the most socialist institution in the world. They tell you where to eat, where to sleep, what to wear, and who you can sleep with.

And for that you get government healthcare and a check from the government every month for the rest of your life.
By the way, the U.S. military is the most socialist institution in the world. They tell you where to eat, where to sleep, what to wear, and who you can sleep with.

Probably the dumbest fucking thing ever posted.

Tell a Marine he's a Socialist and he'll kick your fucking nuts in.

Better yet - enlist - and see for yourself how flawed your observation is.

Make sure you call the Drill Sgt. a "Commie" at quarters - let us know how that goes, you asswiping stooge.
By the way, the U.S. military is the most socialist institution in the world. They tell you where to eat, where to sleep, what to wear, and who you can sleep with.

Probably the dumbest fucking thing ever posted.

Tell a Marine he's a Socialist and he'll kick your fucking nuts in.

Better yet - enlist - and see for yourself how flawed your observation is.

Make sure you call the Drill Sgt. a "Commie" at quarters - let us know how that goes, you asswiping stooge.

They have brain washed you well, comrade.

And now that the Reagan Bush tax cuts for the rich have defunded the government, your benefits will be cut as well.
By the way, the U.S. military is the most socialist institution in the world. They tell you where to eat, where to sleep, what to wear, and who you can sleep with.

Probably the dumbest fucking thing ever posted.

Tell a Marine he's a Socialist and he'll kick your fucking nuts in.

Better yet - enlist - and see for yourself how flawed your observation is.

Make sure you call the Drill Sgt. a "Commie" at quarters - let us know how that goes, you asswiping stooge.
Chrissy the Realtor doesn't have the nads to do it.
Maybe Romney will let gay servicemembers serve openly! That'll help with morale. Something Obama never did...

Oh, wait....
I was against the whole Social experimentation thing when Clinto did I am now. DADT should have been left alone.

Socialist T!

How's your little experiment in socialism going?

By the way, the U.S. military is the most socialist institution in the world. They tell you where to eat, where to sleep, what to wear, and who you can sleep with.

And for that you get government healthcare and a check from the government every month for the rest of your life.
That's because there's a thing as discipline, and unit cohesion...but YOU having never served Mr. Realtor wouldn't know that the Military operates on a different system than the rest of Society for a reason...and that would be for YOUR protection of your liberties...

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Maybe Romney will let gay servicemembers serve openly! That'll help with morale. Something Obama never did...

Oh, wait....
I was against the whole Social experimentation thing when Clinto did I am now. DADT should have been left alone.

Socialist T!

How's your little experiment in socialism going?

By the way, the U.S. military is the most socialist institution in the world. They tell you where to eat, where to sleep, what to wear, and who you can sleep with.

And for that you get government healthcare and a check from the government every month for the rest of your life.

As simple and as easy as that? Damn.......................... I wonder why I haven't had this wonderful life?

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