Romney's history making screw up.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Now that the dust has settled somewhat and people are beginning to understand just what happened, it appears, that Romney made history.

Six hours after the American Consulate in Libya issued a statement after hearing there might be protests due to a youtube vid denigrating Islam, Romney maps the statement to Obama and calls it "disgraceful". Then after learning the full story, that A. Obama didn't issue the statement and B. It was issued prior to the protests..Romney doubles down. This was done during an ongoing American crisis. Even some conservatives are pretty shocked.

Some are saying this is Romney's "jump the shark" moment. Basically, I personally think that happened when the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare. But this does illustrate what a poor candidate and politician Romney is..and it also made history..because this is the first time a Presidential Candidate has done something like this.

However..Romney did get one thing right..the Disgraceful part. applied to Romney.

OBAMA'S ARAB SPRING-- US Embassies burn ALL OVER the Middle East, Americans die.. Obama goes to Vegas.

ABSENT LEADERSHIP- Policies of Appeasement- The new Carter years.
It took the Appeasement Administration over 24 hours to respond.. To calm and reassure a Nation under attack once more on 9-11.. the only release was an apology to the very Terrorists who slaughtered Americans.

I'm willing to give Romney a mulligan for Tuesday night. He had incomplete information, and made an incorrect statement.

Doubling down on Wednesday because he's afraid of losing support of the far right wing, however, shows he's not ready for the presidency.
It took the Appeasement Administration over 24 hours to respond.. To calm and reassure a Nation under attack once more on 9-11.. the only release was an apology to the very Terrorists who slaughtered Americans.



[ame=]George W. Bush at Booker Elementary School( 9/11/01) - YouTube[/ame]

That's the way the last Republican President reacted to a crisis.

In any case..the "Press Release" Romney was talking about..wasn't issued by the White House..and was issued PRIOR TO ANY PROTESTS.
Romney acted presidential while Obama slept.

Indeed.......and looked it too, by the way!!!

Reality is 95% perception. As this shit esclates all over the map, Romney looks decisive while Obama looks like he's hoping this shit will just blow over FTG.

At the end of the day, what will endure? That on the anniversary of 9/11, the administration was sitting around the White House playing pocket pool as our embassy was stormed = more living in Disney.

Everythings good Warrior bro........:rock:
I'm willing to give Romney a mulligan for Tuesday night. He had incomplete information, and made an incorrect statement.

Doubling down on Wednesday because he's afraid of losing support of the far right wing, however, shows he's not ready for the presidency.

It was a first, Joe.

This is something new.
And post 911 GWs approval rating was what - 70 something percent? What's Barry's, post this crisis?

Epic fail
Could someone link me to this apology? I haven't seen it.
It took the Appeasement Administration over 24 hours to respond.. To calm and reassure a Nation under attack once more on 9-11.. the only release was an apology to the very Terrorists who slaughtered Americans.



[ame=]George W. Bush at Booker Elementary School( 9/11/01) - YouTube[/ame]

That's the way the last Republican President reacted to a crisis.

In any case..the "Press Release" Romney was talking about..wasn't issued by the White House..and was issued PRIOR TO ANY PROTESTS.


Interesting that as the election approaches, every k00k on this forum wants to push the narrative back to 2008, or 2004 or 2001.

But its 2012 assholes ande all of this lefty shit is going to be mothballed in 2 months!!!:D
Romney sells out his country to make political hay

Not ready for prime time folks
And post 911 GWs approval rating was what - 70 something percent? What's Barry's, post this crisis?

Epic fail

I've given Bush points for his speech at the WTC. That was a very fine moment for him. It also brought the nation..and much of the world together.

But he really screwed up after that.
It took the Appeasement Administration over 24 hours to respond.. To calm and reassure a Nation under attack once more on 9-11.. the only release was an apology to the very Terrorists who slaughtered Americans.



[ame=]George W. Bush at Booker Elementary School( 9/11/01) - YouTube[/ame]

That's the way the last Republican President reacted to a crisis.

In any case..the "Press Release" Romney was talking about..wasn't issued by the White House..and was issued PRIOR TO ANY PROTESTS.


Interesting that as the election approaches, every k00k on this forum wants to push the narrative back to 2008, or 2004 or 2001.

But its 2012 assholes ande all of this lefty shit is going to be mothballed in 2 months!!!:D


Have you paid any attention to Rmoney's polling after this gaffe?

Obama has the highest tracking since March of this year.

Factor in the swing on electoral college votes and the only one who is going to be upset on election night is the Necons and Rmoney.


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