Romney or Santorum...who do the Dems want?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Romney or Santorum...who do the Dems want to run against Obama. Gingrich is all but gone. But Santorum is picking up money and momentum. Who would the Dems rather see as the GOP nominee?
As someone who would like President Obama to win a second term......and would like him to have the luxury of majorities in both houses......I can very honestly say that I cannot choose between the two.

Since policy statements at this stage of the game are, for the most part, meaningless grabs for the support of the base and pleas for funding........I don't even have to consider them. The GOP platform is the GOP platform.....there will be little difference between these two and any other GOP nominee when it comes time to move to the center and try to sway voters.

So....we are left to discuss personality and charisma. They are both stiffs who have none.

Santorum is more comfortable in meet and greets.....but not by much. Romney will have more $$ by far.....but Obama's purse will counter his easily. Santorum is a bit more genuine.....meaning he is more apt to believe the crazy shit he says.....than Romney is.

It is a toss up.
Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey! Rickey!

An EDIT in every pot!!!
I want Romney.

Not because he is easier to beat, but because I care about America.

Santorum would really hurt America.
Romney or Santorum...who do the Dems want to run against Obama. Gingrich is all but gone. But Santorum is picking up money and momentum. Who would the Dems rather see as the GOP nominee?

Romney would be harder to beat, IMO. Some of Santorum's views may only play well in the primaries.
Of all the overpaid tools who have a snowballs chance in hell of occupying The Whitehouse next January, I suppose that the current resident is the least 'toolish'.

Romney and Santorum both scare me for the same reason. I do believe they'll put the interests of their respective religious cults ahead of The American People at large when push comes to shove. And it will.
I really don't think Santorum is electable. He is an exteme that might appeal to the Far Right of the GOP, but not the general. Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. So I expect most Dems are rooting for Santorum.

I was rooting for Newt until I had a nightmare that he won...
Romney's the imminently beatable nice guy, moderate candidate who will put a nice face on the party. If the political winds hit his jib just right, he could even stumble into the White House and do a halfass decent job by modern standards.

Santorum would get beat like a drum, completely battered and washed out. Vitter / Craig would be a more viable ticket than anything with Santorum on the top.
Under the right economic conditions, Romney could win

Santorum is unelectable

I want Romney.

Not because he is easier to beat, but because I care about America.

Santorum would really hurt America.

I really don't think Santorum is electable. He is an exteme that might appeal to the Far Right of the GOP, but not the general. Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. So I expect most Dems are rooting for Santorum.

I was rooting for Newt until I had a nightmare that he won...

Yep.... you guys keep rooting for Romney.

That is a sure sign Santorum scares the shit out of ya'll.

He will mop the floor with the Marxist in Chief.
I want Romney.

Not because he is easier to beat, but because I care about America.

Santorum would really hurt America.

Scares the shit out of me. I used to run with that evangelical crowd. :eek:

Has anyone else noticed how the republicans seem to be keeping afloat a somewhat desperate "anyone but Romney" plea?

What do you think Romneys numbers would look like if he were knee deep in Lutheran stuff instead of up to his blood-line in Mormonism? When I was a regular at evangelical gatherings, Mormonism was considered an evil cult, most likely directly spawned of Satan Himself :evil: by literally everyone familiar with it, and most were. I don't see that attitude changing much in the last 10 years.

:dunno: Will the evangelicals want to play at all, given a choice between Mitt and BO?
Under the right economic conditions, Romney could win

Santorum is unelectable

I want Romney.

Not because he is easier to beat, but because I care about America.

Santorum would really hurt America.

I really don't think Santorum is electable. He is an exteme that might appeal to the Far Right of the GOP, but not the general. Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. So I expect most Dems are rooting for Santorum.

I was rooting for Newt until I had a nightmare that he won...

Yep.... you guys keep rooting for Romney.

That is a sure sign Santorum scares the shit out of ya'll.

He will mop the floor with the Marxist in Chief.

General Election: Santorum vs. Obama

Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Santorum (R) Spread
RCP Average 1/12 - 2/3 -- 49.8 41.2 Obama +8.6
Rasmussen Reports 2/2 - 2/3 1000 LV 44 45 Santorum +1
USA Today/Gallup 1/27 - 1/28 907 RV 51 43 Obama +8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/22 - 1/24 RV 53 38 Obama +15
PPP (D) 1/13 - 1/16 700 RV 50 42 Obama +8
CBS News/NY Times 1/12 - 1/16 1021 RV 49 38 Obama +11
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 RV 52 41 Obama +11

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Santorum vs. Obama
Under the right economic conditions, Romney could win

Santorum is unelectable

I really don't think Santorum is electable. He is an exteme that might appeal to the Far Right of the GOP, but not the general. Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. So I expect most Dems are rooting for Santorum.

I was rooting for Newt until I had a nightmare that he won...

Yep.... you guys keep rooting for Romney.

That is a sure sign Santorum scares the shit out of ya'll.

He will mop the floor with the Marxist in Chief.

General Election: Santorum vs. Obama

Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Santorum (R) Spread
RCP Average 1/12 - 2/3 -- 49.8 41.2 Obama +8.6
Rasmussen Reports 2/2 - 2/3 1000 LV 44 45 Santorum +1
USA Today/Gallup 1/27 - 1/28 907 RV 51 43 Obama +8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/22 - 1/24 RV 53 38 Obama +15
PPP (D) 1/13 - 1/16 700 RV 50 42 Obama +8
CBS News/NY Times 1/12 - 1/16 1021 RV 49 38 Obama +11
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 RV 52 41 Obama +11

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Santorum vs. Obama

Rasmussen is clearly an untrustworthy poll. I didn't know they were so incompetant. Good to know. I like it when true colors show up.
Under the right economic conditions, Romney could win

Santorum is unelectable

I want Romney.

Not because he is easier to beat, but because I care about America.

Santorum would really hurt America.

I really don't think Santorum is electable. He is an exteme that might appeal to the Far Right of the GOP, but not the general. Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. So I expect most Dems are rooting for Santorum.

I was rooting for Newt until I had a nightmare that he won...

Yep.... you guys keep rooting for Romney.

That is a sure sign Santorum scares the shit out of ya'll.

He will mop the floor with the Marxist in Chief.

Maybe 20 years ago, but not now. Santorum's views will not allow him to win the general. I think he is probably a good conservative, but his time has past.
I really don't think Santorum is electable. He is an exteme that might appeal to the Far Right of the GOP, but not the general. Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. So I expect most Dems are rooting for Santorum.

I was rooting for Newt until I had a nightmare that he won...

Santorum's positions on social issues is the same as Reagan's, Bush-41 and Bush-43. All guys who won pretty easily.
I really don't think Santorum is electable. He is an exteme that might appeal to the Far Right of the GOP, but not the general. Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. So I expect most Dems are rooting for Santorum.

I was rooting for Newt until I had a nightmare that he won...

Santorum's positions on social issues is the same as Reagan's, Bush-41 and Bush-43. All guys who won pretty easily.

You think so? No, I think Santorum is WAY over the edge...

Rick Santorum thinks pregnancy through rape is God's gift? Seriously? | Kate Harding | Comment is free |

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