Romney or Obama? The Choice


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
* We can choose the man who has balanced every budget he’s ever managed, or we can choose the man who has tripled the deficit and who has piled up more debt in 45 months than Bush did in 8 years. (Bush racked up $5.1 trillion in debt in 8 years, while Obama has piled up $5.5 trillion in just 45 months.)

* We can choose the man has a proven record of creating jobs, both as governor and as a businessman, or we can choose the man who has given us the worst record of job growth in 70 years. (Obama keeps talking about how he's created "5 million jobs," but he fails to mention that we've also lost about 5 million jobs. The total number of jobless people has only decreased by 200,000 since he took office--from 12.3 million in January 2009 to 12.1 million as of last month.)

* We can choose the man who will allow us to develop our abundant natural supplies of oil to become energy independent, or we can choose the man who has cut in half the number of oil drilling leases on federal lands and who has tried to shut down the very private drilling that has caused an increase in overall domestic oil production.

* We can choose the man who understands that government can’t tax and borrow its way out of economic troubles, or we can choose the man who has told us that he will raise taxes on all taxpayers by 2014, who thinks that business owners are not responsible for their own success, and who continues to push for “stimulus” bills that would require us to once again borrow hundreds of billions of dollars. (For those who haven't heard, Obama's newly released economic "recovery" plan calls for ending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2014. Yes, you read correctly: Obama is now proposing to abolish Bush middle-class tax cuts in 2014. Go read the plan. It's right there in fairly plain English.)
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* We can choose the man who has balanced every budget he’s ever managed, or we can choose the man who has tripled the deficit and who has piled up more debt in 45 months than Bush did in 8 years. (Bush racked up $5.1 trillion in debt in 8 years, while Obama has piled up $5.5 trillion in just 45 months.)

* We can choose the man has a proven record of creating jobs, both as governor and as a businessman, or we can choose the man who has given us the worst record of job growth in 70 years. (Obama keeps talking about how he's created "5 million jobs," but he fails to mention that we've also lost about 5 million jobs. The total number of jobless people has only decreased by 200,000 since he took office--from 12.3 million in January 2009 to 12.1 million as of last month.)

* We can choose the man who will allow us to develop our abundant natural supplies of oil to become energy independent, or we can choose the man who has cut in half the number of oil drilling leases on federal lands and who has tried to shut down the very private drilling that has caused an increase in overall domestic oil production.

* We can choose the man who understands that government can’t tax and borrow its way out of economic troubles, or we can choose the man who has told us that he will raise taxes on all taxpayers by 2014, who thinks that business owners are not responsible for their own success, and who continues to push for “stimulus” bills that would require us to once again borrow hundreds of billions of dollars. (For those who haven't heard, Obama's newly released economic "recovery" plan calls for ending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2014. Yes, you read correctly: Obama is now proposing to abolish Bush middle-class tax cuts in 2014. Go read the plan. It's right there in fairly plain English.)

* With congress the way it is do you actually think he can balance a budget? The Democrats, like Mitch McConnell, will do everything in their power to make sure Mitt fails. They seen how effective this was against Obama, and I believe it will become the strategy of the future.

* This same man has been running around the country telling anyone who will listen that government cannot create jobs. Is he lying?

* See the first point

* This man wants to make the US more militaristic by beefing up our security around the world, take action against Lybia, Syria, Egypt and Iran. No where in his budget does he explain where he is going to get the money for this. Maybe China?
* This same man has been running around the country telling anyone who will listen that government cannot create jobs. Is he lying?

Romney will reduce government and taxes stifiling job growth and creation.

Obama takes your tax money to fund jobs like Solyndra.
* We can choose the man who has balanced every budget he’s ever managed, or we can choose the man who has tripled the deficit and who has piled up more debt in 45 months than Bush did in 8 years. (Bush racked up $5.1 trillion in debt in 8 years, while Obama has piled up $5.5 trillion in just 45 months.)

* We can choose the man has a proven record of creating jobs, both as governor and as a businessman, or we can choose the man who has given us the worst record of job growth in 70 years. (Obama keeps talking about how he's created "5 million jobs," but he fails to mention that we've also lost about 5 million jobs. The total number of jobless people has only decreased by 200,000 since he took office--from 12.3 million in January 2009 to 12.1 million as of last month.)

* We can choose the man who will allow us to develop our abundant natural supplies of oil to become energy independent, or we can choose the man who has cut in half the number of oil drilling leases on federal lands and who has tried to shut down the very private drilling that has caused an increase in overall domestic oil production.

* We can choose the man who understands that government can’t tax and borrow its way out of economic troubles, or we can choose the man who has told us that he will raise taxes on all taxpayers by 2014, who thinks that business owners are not responsible for their own success, and who continues to push for “stimulus” bills that would require us to once again borrow hundreds of billions of dollars. (For those who haven't heard, Obama's newly released economic "recovery" plan calls for ending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2014. Yes, you read correctly: Obama is now proposing to abolish Bush middle-class tax cuts in 2014. Go read the plan. It's right there in fairly plain English.)

* With congress the way it is do you actually think he can balance a budget? The Democrats, like Mitch McConnell, will do everything in their power to make sure Mitt fails. They seen how effective this was against Obama, and I believe it will become the strategy of the future.

* This same man has been running around the country telling anyone who will listen that government cannot create jobs. Is he lying?

* See the first point

* This man wants to make the US more militaristic by beefing up our security around the world, take action against Lybia, Syria, Egypt and Iran. No where in his budget does he explain where he is going to get the money for this. Maybe China?

Go ahead newbie. Lay it out there. Can the government create jobs like Mittens promises or does the government not create jobs like Mittens says? Which is it?

Does it cost money to wage war newguy? Where will Mittens get this money? China?

And after the way a Dem POTUS has been treated by rethugs in Congress, tell me which Dems will be all gung ho about working with a Rethug in the WH?

Is it true that what goes around comes around? Guess the rethugs should have thought about the future a little more before they made every Dem in Congresss hate them.
* This same man has been running around the country telling anyone who will listen that government cannot create jobs. Is he lying?

Romney will reduce government and taxes stifiling job growth and creation.

Obama takes your tax money to fund jobs like Solyndra.

Now just what taxes stifiling job growth and creation are you or Mittens talking about.
Be specific.

Are you sure that lack of consumer demand is not why greater job growth isn't happening?
And of course you will say that there is plenty of demand, it is the taxes.

And again I ask; which taxes. And proof of the great demand for consumer goods that would create more jobs here.
Why don't people understand what Romney said? Is it because they listen to the spin of their chosen media instead of to the man himself?

Why don't people understand what Romney said? Is it because they listen to the spin of their chosen media instead of to the man himself?


I don't know of to many moochers , fools and bleeding hearts who will see the light.
The only way out of the mess we face is to get people out to vote Romney.

The word mess was used to keep it soft.
* We can choose the man who has balanced every budget he’s ever managed, or we can choose the man who has tripled the deficit and who has piled up more debt in 45 months than Bush did in 8 years. (Bush racked up $5.1 trillion in debt in 8 years, while Obama has piled up $5.5 trillion in just 45 months.)

* We can choose the man has a proven record of creating jobs, both as governor and as a businessman, or we can choose the man who has given us the worst record of job growth in 70 years. (Obama keeps talking about how he's created "5 million jobs," but he fails to mention that we've also lost about 5 million jobs. The total number of jobless people has only decreased by 200,000 since he took office--from 12.3 million in January 2009 to 12.1 million as of last month.)

* We can choose the man who will allow us to develop our abundant natural supplies of oil to become energy independent, or we can choose the man who has cut in half the number of oil drilling leases on federal lands and who has tried to shut down the very private drilling that has caused an increase in overall domestic oil production.

* We can choose the man who understands that government can’t tax and borrow its way out of economic troubles, or we can choose the man who has told us that he will raise taxes on all taxpayers by 2014, who thinks that business owners are not responsible for their own success, and who continues to push for “stimulus” bills that would require us to once again borrow hundreds of billions of dollars. (For those who haven't heard, Obama's newly released economic "recovery" plan calls for ending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2014. Yes, you read correctly: Obama is now proposing to abolish Bush middle-class tax cuts in 2014. Go read the plan. It's right there in fairly plain English.)

* With congress the way it is do you actually think he can balance a budget? The Democrats, like Mitch McConnell, will do everything in their power to make sure Mitt fails. They seen how effective this was against Obama, and I believe it will become the strategy of the future.

* This same man has been running around the country telling anyone who will listen that government cannot create jobs. Is he lying?

* See the first point

* This man wants to make the US more militaristic by beefing up our security around the world, take action against Lybia, Syria, Egypt and Iran. No where in his budget does he explain where he is going to get the money for this. Maybe China?

Go ahead newbie. Lay it out there. Can the government create jobs like Mittens promises or does the government not create jobs like Mittens says? Which is it?

Does it cost money to wage war newguy? Where will Mittens get this money? China?

And after the way a Dem POTUS has been treated by rethugs in Congress, tell me which Dems will be all gung ho about working with a Rethug in the WH?

Is it true that what goes around comes around? Guess the rethugs should have thought about the future a little more before they made every Dem in Congresss hate them.

Romney promised that the government would create jobs?

No, actually, he didn't. See, this is what happens when you get your 'facts' from the media instead of listening to the person.
Can the government create jobs like Mittens promises or does the government not create jobs like Mittens says? Which is it?

Romney - Get government out of the way to create jobs.

Obama = take tax money to buy jobs
Now just what taxes stifiling job growth and creation are you or Mittens talking about.
Be specific.

Income tax < $250K

Creates / frees up capital.

Puts more money in pockets driving demand.
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* We can choose the man has a proven record of creating jobs, both as governor and as a businessman, or we can choose the man who has given us the worst record of job growth in 70 years. (Obama keeps talking about how he's created "5 million jobs," but he fails to mention that we've also lost about 5 million jobs. The total number of jobless people has only decreased by 200,000 since he took office--from 12.3 million in January 2009 to 12.1 million as of last month.)

Your economic guru explains:

"I came in and the jobs had been just falling off a cliff. And I came in and they kept falling for 11 months. And then we turned around and we're coming back. And that's progress.

"And if you're going to suggest to me that somehow the day I got elected, somehow jobs should immediately turn around, well that would be silly. It takes a while to get things turned around. We were in a recession; we were losing jobs every month, we've turned around, and since the turn around we've added 50,000 jobs. That's progress.

"There will be some people who try to say, 'Well governor, net-net you've only added a few thousand jobs since you've been in.' Yeah, but ... we were in free-fall for three years and the last year of that I happened to be here and then we've turned it around as a state, private sector, government sector turned it around and now we're adding jobs.... I'm very pleased that over the last two, two-and-a-half years we've seen pretty consistent job growth."

--Mitt Romney, 2006
OK folks, time for the big question.

While I support freedom of religion as a basic tenant of this country I also hold dear the concept of equality regardless of race, or gender. I do not think that someone who's religeous heritage places women and people of color as second class citizens, (or lower), should be president, do you? That same heritage comes from an orgainization that dis-approves of soda pop but owns Coca Cola, considers gambling to be in-appropriate but has invested huge sums in casino's. It's an orgainization that will dismiss a mortgage for one of it's own that has financial difficulty but walk right on by a starving black person on the street. They will fogive startup loans to paid up members and refuse loans to non members even tho the business had the same merits.

I know, I lived in SLC for 10 years and watched these things happen.

We all know that the Muslim's consider Christians to be "infidel" and that it is not a sin to spill the blood of an infidel, but did you know that Brigham Young said exactly that from the pulpit. Tis true!!! His sermon on the subject is part of the record books.

If you ask them about past atrocities, such as the Mountain Meadow Massacre they will say that later "revelation" showed them their error. Hockeypuck!! A true revelation is ALWAYS true, it doesn't change from week to week or year to year. They were operating on the basis of "revelation" in the first place.

I find it inconcievable that if Mitt Romney considers himself to be a devout Mormon, which I am certain that he does, that his religeous heritage would not dramatically influence his policies and purposes. It most certainly does not bode well for mainstream Christians, people of color, nor for any business not operated by bona fide paid up member of the LDS.
* We can choose the man who has balanced every budget he&#8217;s ever managed, or we can choose the man who has tripled the deficit and who has piled up more debt in 45 months than Bush did in 8 years. (Bush racked up $5.1 trillion in debt in 8 years, while Obama has piled up $5.5 trillion in just 45 months.)

* We can choose the man has a proven record of creating jobs, both as governor and as a businessman, or we can choose the man who has given us the worst record of job growth in 70 years. (Obama keeps talking about how he's created "5 million jobs," but he fails to mention that we've also lost about 5 million jobs. The total number of jobless people has only decreased by 200,000 since he took office--from 12.3 million in January 2009 to 12.1 million as of last month.)

* We can choose the man who will allow us to develop our abundant natural supplies of oil to become energy independent, or we can choose the man who has cut in half the number of oil drilling leases on federal lands and who has tried to shut down the very private drilling that has caused an increase in overall domestic oil production.

* We can choose the man who understands that government can&#8217;t tax and borrow its way out of economic troubles, or we can choose the man who has told us that he will raise taxes on all taxpayers by 2014, who thinks that business owners are not responsible for their own success, and who continues to push for &#8220;stimulus&#8221; bills that would require us to once again borrow hundreds of billions of dollars. (For those who haven't heard, Obama's newly released economic "recovery" plan calls for ending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2014. Yes, you read correctly: Obama is now proposing to abolish Bush middle-class tax cuts in 2014. Go read the plan. It's right there in fairly plain English.)

* With congress the way it is do you actually think he can balance a budget? The Democrats, like Mitch McConnell, will do everything in their power to make sure Mitt fails. They seen how effective this was against Obama, and I believe it will become the strategy of the future.

* This same man has been running around the country telling anyone who will listen that government cannot create jobs. Is he lying?

* See the first point

* This man wants to make the US more militaristic by beefing up our security around the world, take action against Lybia, Syria, Egypt and Iran. No where in his budget does he explain where he is going to get the money for this. Maybe China?

Romney has proven he can work on a bipartisan basis. When he was governor he had to deal with a legislature that was 85% Democratic, yet he rebated $270 million in capital gains taxes back to taxpayers, cut property taxes for seniors, and held state spending to virtually zero real growth (just 2.2% AFI).

Romney is not saying he will create government jobs, so I don't understand your second point. In fact, he has said he will reduce the federal workforce via attrition. He will create jobs by stimulating the private sector with pro-growth policies, as opposed to the anti-business, anti-growth polices that Obama has pursued.

You have distorted Romney's positions on defense and foreign policy. He will indeed strengthen the military, but he has not advocated the other positions you describe.
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I find it inconcievable that if Mitt Romney considers himself to be a devout Mormon, which I am certain that he does, that his religeous heritage would not dramatically influence his policies and purposes.

Got a guess on how much fuck Americans dont give ?
Maybe you should. It's hard enough to wade thru political rhetoric, but when hipocracy is part of the culture you grew up with then whatever is said is NOT what you get.
* This same man has been running around the country telling anyone who will listen that government cannot create jobs. Is he lying?

Romney will reduce government and taxes stifiling job growth and creation.

Obama takes your tax money to fund jobs like Solyndra.

Now just what taxes stifiling job growth and creation are you or Mittens talking about.
Be specific.

Are you sure that lack of consumer demand is not why greater job growth isn't happening?
And of course you will say that there is plenty of demand, it is the taxes.

And again I ask; which taxes. And proof of the great demand for consumer goods that would create more jobs here.

Wow, are you serious? Google "A Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Increases" (I'd post a link, but I can't post links yet.) And are you not aware of the slew of new taxes that will take effect in January with Obamacare?

Question: Why do you suppose Ronald Reagan was able to overcome a very severe recession and was able to deliver robust job growth by his fourth year?

Google "The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth."

Every single major tax cut since the 1920s has been followed by an increase in federal revenue and sustained economic growth. For example, the Bush tax cuts were followed by a huge increase in federal revenue and by 52 consecutive months of economic growth. The deficit only rose because Congress and Bush's spending binge was so lavish that it outpaced the substantial rise in revenue. (Yet, Obama has made Bush look almost frugal when it comes to spending.)
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OK folks, time for the big question.

While I support freedom of religion as a basic tenant of this country I also hold dear the concept of equality regardless of race, or gender. I do not think that someone who's religeous heritage places women and people of color as second class citizens, (or lower), should be president, do you? That same heritage comes from an orgainization that dis-approves of soda pop but owns Coca Cola, considers gambling to be in-appropriate but has invested huge sums in casino's. It's an orgainization that will dismiss a mortgage for one of it's own that has financial difficulty but walk right on by a starving black person on the street. They will fogive startup loans to paid up members and refuse loans to non members even tho the business had the same merits.

I know, I lived in SLC for 10 years and watched these things happen.

We all know that the Muslim's consider Christians to be "infidel" and that it is not a sin to spill the blood of an infidel, but did you know that Brigham Young said exactly that from the pulpit. Tis true!!! His sermon on the subject is part of the record books.

If you ask them about past atrocities, such as the Mountain Meadow Massacre they will say that later "revelation" showed them their error. Hockeypuck!! A true revelation is ALWAYS true, it doesn't change from week to week or year to year. They were operating on the basis of "revelation" in the first place.

I find it inconcievable that if Mitt Romney considers himself to be a devout Mormon, which I am certain that he does, that his religeous heritage would not dramatically influence his policies and purposes. It most certainly does not bode well for mainstream Christians, people of color, nor for any business not operated by bona fide paid up member of the LDS.

Mormon theology does not consider women to be "second-class citizens." That is absurd. I've been an active Mormon for over 30 years. I would say that no group, secular or religious, has a more exalted, nobler view of women and their importance than does the LDS Church.

As for your profession that you believe in religious liberty, what you really mean is that you believe that all people have equal rights but that religious people should have less rights because, heaven forbid, they believe in traditional values, which you interpret to be "oppressive" to women and minorities.

FYI, there are THOUSANDS of local Mormon leaders--including bishops, elders quorum presidents, and relief society presidents--who are minorities.
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OK folks, time for the big question.

While I support freedom of religion as a basic tenant of this country I also hold dear the concept of equality regardless of race, or gender. I do not think that someone who's religeous heritage places women and people of color as second class citizens, (or lower), should be president, do you? That same heritage comes from an orgainization that dis-approves of soda pop but owns Coca Cola, considers gambling to be in-appropriate but has invested huge sums in casino's. It's an orgainization that will dismiss a mortgage for one of it's own that has financial difficulty but walk right on by a starving black person on the street. They will fogive startup loans to paid up members and refuse loans to non members even tho the business had the same merits.

I know, I lived in SLC for 10 years and watched these things happen.

We all know that the Muslim's consider Christians to be "infidel" and that it is not a sin to spill the blood of an infidel, but did you know that Brigham Young said exactly that from the pulpit. Tis true!!! His sermon on the subject is part of the record books.

If you ask them about past atrocities, such as the Mountain Meadow Massacre they will say that later "revelation" showed them their error. Hockeypuck!! A true revelation is ALWAYS true, it doesn't change from week to week or year to year. They were operating on the basis of "revelation" in the first place.

I find it inconcievable that if Mitt Romney considers himself to be a devout Mormon, which I am certain that he does, that his religeous heritage would not dramatically influence his policies and purposes. It most certainly does not bode well for mainstream Christians, people of color, nor for any business not operated by bona fide paid up member of the LDS.

See my previous post about the DNC plan to have their people post everything they can think of that is Anti-Mormon.

This certainly appears to be one to me.

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