Romney nabs supporter from House GOP leadership


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010

On a fundraising trip to Oregon today, Mitt Romney picked up more than just checks; he announced the endorsement of the state's only Republican member of the U.S. House, Greg Walden.

Walden's endorsement is the 20th officially announced endorsement for Romney by a sitting member of the House, but Walden is more than just another tick mark in Romney's column, thanks to his other job—chairman of the House Republican Leadership. In that role, Walden becomes the highest member of the House GOP leadership to back Romney.

Walden's chairmanship has few official duties, but allows Walden a seat at the leadership table, and gives him the ear of the other top policy and political minds in the House Republican conference.

Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, the chairman of the House GOP conference and the fourth-ranking House Republican, is the only other member of leadership to have offered an endorsement; Hensarling backed his home state governor,

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Romney is trying to steer a canoe without both oars in the water. and sadly, he is the best the GOP has so far.

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