Romney Lie number (Lost count) - Reagan stopped having national security meetings.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Well Romney continues his bullshit. It's probably because he's got no interest in foreign affairs.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Mitt Romney is recounting a Jim Baker anecdote in which President Reagan ordered Baker, as White House chief of staff, to hold no national security meetings over a hundred day period early in his first term so that President Reagan and his team could focus on the economy. If the Journal's reporting is accurate—and I don't believe the Romney camp has challenged it—Romney should stop telling this false and foolish tale.

Here's the reporting:

Mr. Romney made that clear [that he's most focused on the economy] at a July fundraiser in Montana as he rehashed the challenges Mr. Reagan faced when he took office. He recounted how [James] Baker, a former secretary of state, held a national security meeting about Latin America during the first 100 days of Mr. Reagan’s presidency. “And after the meeting, President Reagan called me in and said, ‘I want no more national-security meetings over the next 100 days—all of our time has to be focused on getting our economy going,’” Mr. Romney recalled Mr. Baker saying.

For one thing, as Marc Thiessen points out, the fact that Romney's recounting this anecdote doesn't reflect well on Romney's understanding of the job he's campaigning for:
Did President Reagan Neglect National Security? | The Weekly Standard
The notion that a President just should just focus on domestic affairs is a dangerous one. And usually results in some pretty horrible outcomes.

President George W. Bush floated this notion during his campaign.
Romney Lie number (Lost count) - Reagan stopped having national security meetings.
October 24, 2012

"From Tuesday's Rachel Maddow Show, it turns out that Mitt Romney, during a fundraiser in Montana on July 11th, told supporters of a conversation he had with Ronald Reagan's former Secretary of State James Baker. According to Romney, Baker told him how ... following a National Security Briefing on Latin America... The Gipper told Baker that he wanted "no more national security briefings for his first 100 days so that he could focus entirely on the economy."

Problem is, as the Conservative Weekly Standard and AEI point out, the story isn't true."


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