Romney: Libya Attack 'Tragic Failure'


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I wonder if Obama will study for the next debate and have an answer as to why there wasn't security for our people in Benghazi. I think Obama thinks that other things will drive this out of people's minds. Not going to happen.
As for Libya, Republicans have been vocal in questioning the Obama administration's response to the attack last month that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Sources have described the Sept. 11 attack as a coordinated assault by extremists that appear to have ties to Al Qaeda, but an investigation still is under way.
"Let me note my condolences and sympathy for the families of those who lost their lives," Romney told Fox News in a joint interview with his running mate, Paul Ryan. "I believe obviously what happened there was a tragic failure. There had been warnings of a possible attack, there were requests ... to have additional security forces. They were turned down."
Romney also accused the Obama administration of giving "misleading information" about the attack.
The administration initially suggested it was an outbreak of "spontaneous" violence tied to protests over an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S. But Obama's advisers gradually backed away from that explanation, increasingly describing the attack as an act of terrorism.
"This was a terrorist attack. Lives were lost," Romney said. "We expect candor and transparency from the president and from the administration, and we didn't get it."

Read more: Romney takes foreign policy swipe at Obama, calls Libya attack 'tragic failure' | Fox News
True. I think he's really on edge with these debates because he is scared that will come up. He's already lied and lied about this and knows he dropped the ball in handling this. He can't get away with lying anymore and discussing it will reveal how badly this was handled. If he doesn't have the ability to prevent these attacks despite having plenty of warnings, how will be will able to handle anything serious? I don't feel safe with him at the helm.
Agreed. I just saw a head line that said that after 3 weeks the FBI FINALLY made it to Benghazi today. They stayed three hours. Somehow though, after leaving the place unattended for three weeks, the administration is saying that no sensitive documents were left behind to fall into unfriendly hands. I'd like to know how they think they can say that since I just say private papers from the consulate online yesterday.
Agreed. I just saw a head line that said that after 3 weeks the FBI FINALLY made it to Benghazi today. They stayed three hours. Somehow though, after leaving the place unattended for three weeks, the administration is saying that no sensitive documents were left behind to fall into unfriendly hands. I'd like to know how they think they can say that since I just say private papers from the consulate online yesterday.

The media goes right in... yet the FBI took 3 weeks.

This is an outrage!
Agreed. I just saw a head line that said that after 3 weeks the FBI FINALLY made it to Benghazi today. They stayed three hours. Somehow though, after leaving the place unattended for three weeks, the administration is saying that no sensitive documents were left behind to fall into unfriendly hands. I'd like to know how they think they can say that since I just say private papers from the consulate online yesterday.

The media goes right in... yet the FBI took 3 weeks.

This is an outrage!

No kidding...this administration is a joke...the media is getting information that our "investigators" cant go in because of danger? What?
True. I think he's really on edge with these debates because he is scared that will come up. He's already lied and lied about this and knows he dropped the ball in handling this. He can't get away with lying anymore and discussing it will reveal how badly this was handled. If he doesn't have the ability to prevent these attacks despite having plenty of warnings, how will be will able to handle anything serious? I don't feel safe with him at the helm.

Naaa, he was just affected by the altitude in Colorado as per the same expert that gave the world global warming.:D
Yea, wasn't it CNN who went in right away and found the ambassador's diary? Yet, Obama thinks 3 weeks is quick enough to secure any sensitive documents? This is a prime example of sheer incompetence.

If Obama can't handle a small threat with plenty of notice of an attack and can't even begin an investigation for 3 weeks because he's too busy lying, how in the hell would he be able to handle a major threat with no time to waste? He couldn't. He is dangerous.
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Agreed. I just saw a head line that said that after 3 weeks the FBI FINALLY made it to Benghazi today. They stayed three hours. Somehow though, after leaving the place unattended for three weeks, the administration is saying that no sensitive documents were left behind to fall into unfriendly hands. I'd like to know how they think they can say that since I just say private papers from the consulate online yesterday.

The media goes right in... yet the FBI took 3 weeks.

This is an outrage!

It really is a travesty. Romney is going to have alot to clean up come January. Who knows what else this administration has been up to?
Yea, wasn't it CNN who went in right away and found the ambassador's diary? Yet, Obama thinks 3 weeks is quick enough to secure any sensitive documents? This is a prime example of sheer incompetence.

If Obama can't handle a small threat with plenty of notice of an attack and can't even begin an investigation for 3 weeks because he's too busy lying, how in the hell would he be able to handle a major threat with no time to waste? He couldn't. He is dangerous.

Is it imcompetence or apathy?
God if it wasnt for a youtube video...then muslims would love us!!!!!!

(liberals really believe this)
Yea, wasn't it CNN who went in right away and found the ambassador's diary? Yet, Obama thinks 3 weeks is quick enough to secure any sensitive documents? This is a prime example of sheer incompetence.

If Obama can't handle a small threat with plenty of notice of an attack and can't even begin an investigation for 3 weeks because he's too busy lying, how in the hell would he be able to handle a major threat with no time to waste? He couldn't. He is dangerous.

Is it imcompetence or apathy?

That is a damn good question. Incompetence would mean he just doesn't know how to handle the big stuff. Apathy would mean he really doesn't give a shit. Hmmm, this is a tough one. Considering his reluctance to stop the terrorists from attacking and the fact that he didn't bother to investigate or threaten to come after them, I would have to say it's apathy.
World Trade Center is still being rebuilt..and that's after over 2000 Americans were killed at that site.

That's what a real disaster looks like.

And on the homeland.
World Trade Center is still being rebuilt..and that's after over 2000 Americans were killed at that site.

That's what a real disaster looks like.

And on the homeland.

Thanks Bill Clinton, Osama could have been dead long before that
World Trade Center is still being rebuilt..and that's after over 2000 Americans were killed at that site.

That's what a real disaster looks like.

And on the homeland.

Yeah I forgot the video that caused that one

and hey only a few dead Americans this time...Swallow only cares if they're killed under a republican watch.
World Trade Center is still being rebuilt..and that's after over 2000 Americans were killed at that site.

That's what a real disaster looks like.

And on the homeland.

Thanks Bill Clinton, Osama could have been dead long before that

Bill Clinton didn't fund and protect Osama Bin Laden. That was Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. Heck..Bush's son George W. took over Osama Bin Laden's business, Arbusto. The Bushies love Terrorists...don'cha know. Orlando Bosch ring a bell? Jeb asked Daddy to let him live in the good ol US of A. And George W. gave Gaddafi, and opportunity to pay blood money for Lockerbie.

Clinton sent Osama a love the form of a cruise missile. He missed. Obama didn't.
World Trade Center is still being rebuilt..and that's after over 2000 Americans were killed at that site.

That's what a real disaster looks like.

And on the homeland.

Yeah I forgot the video that caused that one

and hey only a few dead Americans this time...Swallow only cares if they're killed under a republican watch.

Listen Bucky..DJ Hi Tek wants your faggot ass..

Not me.

[ame=]läskigt - YouTube[/ame]

DJ Hi Tek => :suck: <= buckeye45_73 (da faggot extraordinaire!)

World Trade Center is still being rebuilt..and that's after over 2000 Americans were killed at that site.

That's what a real disaster looks like.

And on the homeland.

Thanks Bill Clinton, Osama could have been dead long before that

Bill Clinton didn't fund and protect Osama Bin Laden. That was Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. Heck..Bush's son George W. took over Osama Bin Laden's business, Arbusto. The Bushies love Terrorists...don'cha know. Orlando Bosch ring a bell? Jeb asked Daddy to let him live in the good ol US of A. And George W. gave Gaddafi, and opportunity to pay blood money for Lockerbie.

Clinton sent Osama a love the form of a cruise missile. He missed. Obama didn't.

Yeah and Clinton had him in Sudan and wanted Saudia Arabia to take him.......Kill him then, would have been a good idea.....
Thanks Bill Clinton, Osama could have been dead long before that

Bill Clinton didn't fund and protect Osama Bin Laden. That was Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. Heck..Bush's son George W. took over Osama Bin Laden's business, Arbusto. The Bushies love Terrorists...don'cha know. Orlando Bosch ring a bell? Jeb asked Daddy to let him live in the good ol US of A. And George W. gave Gaddafi, and opportunity to pay blood money for Lockerbie.

Clinton sent Osama a love the form of a cruise missile. He missed. Obama didn't.

Yeah and Clinton had him in Sudan and wanted Saudia Arabia to take him.......Kill him then, would have been a good idea.....


Sudan again? guys don't give up on lies.

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