romney knows how to create wealth for himself


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


But not so sure he wants to share it with me. If I benefit it is not because he loves me it is because in the process of his getting rich I may benefit. But he has not problem chopping heads off in the process.
Mass. unemployment rate at 6.8 percent but does Romney have anything to do with it? Where are the jobs Romney created?

Only four of 10 private employment sectors added jobs in Massachusetts last month with the largest increases in trade, transportation, and utilities, which gained 2,300 jobs. Manufacturing added 1,100 jobs.
The additions were offset by losses in key sectors that help drive the Massachusetts economy. Professional, scientific, and business services -- which includes a variety of technology firms -- lost 5,000 jobs in December. Employment in education and health fell by 2,400 jobs, and leisure and hospitality lost 1,200 jobs

Mass. unemployment rate falls to 6.8 percent, lowest in three years - Business Updates - Massachusetts business news from The Boston Globe
Are you trying to say that the damage obama did to the national economy is having an effect in Massachusettes? Yes, I have to agree with you. Are you trying to say that despite the damage obama did to the national economy Massachusettes is hanging on? Yes I have to agree with you.
Are you trying to say that the damage obama did to the national economy is having an effect in Massachusettes? Yes, I have to agree with you. Are you trying to say that despite the damage obama did to the national economy Massachusettes is hanging on? Yes I have to agree with you.

Right winger on a stick with only the mouth moving. From the very day obama took office we have seen nothing but his trying to fix what Bush broke.
What did Obama do to damage Mass economy?:eek::cuckoo:

How much stimulus money did Mass take from Obama?:tongue:
Massachusetts Recovery - Mass.Gov

When are you radical right wingers going to stop blaming Obama for Bush's out of control spending, borrowing, tax cut for the rich and two wars on borrowed money from China. Obama spending was trying to fix what Bush almost destroyed. IF something is broken it cost money to fix. That is where Obama's spending has gone.
Are you trying to say that the damage obama did to the national economy is having an effect in Massachusettes? Yes, I have to agree with you. Are you trying to say that despite the damage obama did to the national economy Massachusettes is hanging on? Yes I have to agree with you.

Right winger on a stick with only the mouth moving. From the very day obama took office we have seen nothing but his trying to fix what Bush broke.
What did Obama do to damage Mass economy?:eek::cuckoo:

How much stimulus money did Mass take from Obama?:tongue:
Massachusetts Recovery - Mass.Gov

When are you radical right wingers going to stop blaming Obama for Bush's out of control spending, borrowing, tax cut for the rich and two wars on borrowed money from China. Obama spending was trying to fix what Bush almost destroyed. IF something is broken it cost money to fix. That is where Obama's spending has gone.

Take from Obama?

What? He used his own personal money to stimulate the economy? I think you'll find he did not... he used taxpayers money - and, as far as I am aware - that includes the people of Mass.

Well heck yeah he knows how. Anyone who can make a $10,000 bet right on the spot knows how to create wealth. He lost my vote right there.
From the very day Obama took office we have seen nothing but his trying to fix what Bush broke. What did Obama do to damage Mass economy?

How much stimulus money did Mass take from Obama
Massachusetts Recovery - Mass.Gov

When are you radical right wingers going to stop blaming Obama for Bush's out of control spending, borrowing, tax cut for the rich and two wars on borrowed money from China. Obama spending was trying to fix what Bush almost destroyed. IF something is broken it cost money to fix. That is where Obama's spending has gone.

You keep ignoring that the Clinton "Community Reinvestment Act" was the real cause of the financial crisis. This is what happens when the banks are forced to give mortgages to the unqualified, and the low-lifes default on their loans.

Late-2000s financial crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Concept:2008 Financial Crisis

I'm no Bush fan, but lets not forget that financial crisis was caused by liberalism, not capitalism. Fannie, Freddie, and the crooks in-congress made the financial disaster.
You keep ignoring that the Clinton "Community Reinvestment Act" was the real cause of the financial crisis.

As that is utter bullshit, he has every right to do so. The VAST majority of the defaulted mortgages that triggered (but did not "cause") the financial crisis were not part of the CRA.
Sorry but I am leaning Newt now. I know he is filthy rich too but Romney just seems too arrogant for me. Someone who is worth that much cannot relate to my nor any middle class persons circumstances. Too bad we have to always vote for rich people no matter what party. Perhaps its time for someone who isnt wealthy to run for office. Of course they wouldnt ever stand a chance.
From the very day Obama took office we have seen nothing but his trying to fix what Bush broke. What did Obama do to damage Mass economy?

How much stimulus money did Mass take from Obama
Massachusetts Recovery - Mass.Gov

When are you radical right wingers going to stop blaming Obama for Bush's out of control spending, borrowing, tax cut for the rich and two wars on borrowed money from China. Obama spending was trying to fix what Bush almost destroyed. IF something is broken it cost money to fix. That is where Obama's spending has gone.

You keep ignoring that the Clinton "Community Reinvestment Act" was the real cause of the financial crisis. This is what happens when the banks are forced to give mortgages to the unqualified, and the low-lifes default on their loans.

Late-2000s financial crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Concept:2008 Financial Crisis

I'm no Bush fan, but lets not forget that financial crisis was caused by liberalism, not capitalism. Fannie, Freddie, and the crooks in-congress made the financial disaster.

Bush tried 17 different times to stop the CRA Juggernaut. He couldn't overcome the democrat legislature and senate.

It wasn't only giving mortgages to the unqualified that caused the massive failure. It was that giving mortgages to the unqualified caused housing prices to rise. As homes became worth more, people refinanced and took out the equity. Then they spent it. People refinanced several times until they ended up paying a mortgage on a home financed at $700.000 for a home that was worth only $90,000. Every person that did not get sucker baited into refinancing to take out the equity and be rich for a few months is doing just fine now. They aren't losing their homes.
You keep ignoring that the Clinton "Community Reinvestment Act" was the real cause of the financial crisis.

As that is utter bullshit, he has every right to do so. The VAST majority of the defaulted mortgages that triggered (but did not "cause") the financial crisis were not part of the CRA.

Got a few credible links to back that opinion up there Drago?
Are you trying to say that the damage obama did to the national economy is having an effect in Massachusettes? Yes, I have to agree with you. Are you trying to say that despite the damage obama did to the national economy Massachusettes is hanging on? Yes I have to agree with you.

How can you break something when it has already been broken?:cuckoo:
Did you sleep the 8 years Bush/Cheney was in office? Two war unpaid for and tax cuts for the rich unpaid for. Thousands of jobs sent overseas assisted by Romney and friends. You should get on your knees and thank Obama for avoiding a depression. :cuckoo:
Well heck yeah he knows how. Anyone who can make a $10,000 bet right on the spot knows how to create wealth. He lost my vote right there.

He spent millions last year and still has 250 million left, a true "man of the people":lol: (Obama is not poor either.)
I believe it was Bush who first bailed out banks, auto industry and wall street. When Bush left office he did not take the mess he made with him, he left if for Obama and Obama has performed miracles with the mess. You have to be a complete idiot not to know that.
You keep ignoring that the Clinton "Community Reinvestment Act" was the real cause of the financial crisis.

As that is utter bullshit, he has every right to do so. The VAST majority of the defaulted mortgages that triggered (but did not "cause") the financial crisis were not part of the CRA.

Yes, but the blame goes anywhere but on the baby boy Bush.:eusa_whistle:
I believe it was Bush who first bailed out banks, auto industry and wall street. When Bush left office he did not take the mess he made with him, he left if for Obama and Obama has performed miracles with the mess. You have to be a complete idiot not to know that.

Alright I mean damnit Dean. Oh fuck it, you're an idiot.
Well heck yeah he knows how. Anyone who can make a $10,000 bet right on the spot knows how to create wealth. He lost my vote right there.

He spent millions last year and still has 250 million left, a true "man of the people":lol: (Obama is not poor either.)

Obama did not get a hand out from daddy either. He worked his way up and he is not worth a fraction of what Romey is worth. Romney's worth is about $250 million. Obama's worth is about $2.6 million. That make his poor compared to Romeny. Obama did not make millions from making others poor either. Some say about $10 million but that still poor compared to Romney.
Well heck yeah he knows how. Anyone who can make a $10,000 bet right on the spot knows how to create wealth. He lost my vote right there.

He spent millions last year and still has 250 million left, a true "man of the people":lol: (Obama is not poor either.)

Obama did not get a hand out from daddy either. He worked his way up and he is not worth a fraction of what Romey is worth. Romney's worth is about $250 million. Obama's worth is about $2.6 million. That make his poor compared to Romeny. Obama did not make millions from making others poor either. Some say about $10 million but that still poor compared to Romney.

Obama is poor?!?!?!

You keep ignoring that the Clinton "Community Reinvestment Act" was the real cause of the financial crisis.

As that is utter bullshit, he has every right to do so. The VAST majority of the defaulted mortgages that triggered (but did not "cause") the financial crisis were not part of the CRA.

Yes, but the blame goes anywhere but on the baby boy Bush.:eusa_whistle:

Almost four years in and still nothing is Obama's fault.:eusa_whistle: At what point can we blame Obama for what has happened during his Presidency?
As that is utter bullshit, he has every right to do so. The VAST majority of the defaulted mortgages that triggered (but did not "cause") the financial crisis were not part of the CRA.

Yes, but the blame goes anywhere but on the baby boy Bush.:eusa_whistle:

Almost four years in and still nothing is Obama's fault.:eusa_whistle: At what point can we blame Obama for what has happened during his Presidency?

[ame=]You can do it montage. - YouTube[/ame]

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