Romney has every possible advantage.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
He has the most money.

He runs the most advertising.

He has the best organization.

He's been running for president the longest...almost 5 years.

He has the backing of the GOP establishment.

He has the support of the media.

He even has the support of most Obama supporters. (Brer Rabbits)

In the General Election, all those advantages disappear except GOP establishment support.

When he cannot win easily with every will he fair when he has none?
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Poor Republicans, thinking they can pick their own nominee.

Mitt Romney has been hand picked by the billionaire boys club, and they will shove him down your throats.

Welcome to the world of Citizens United.
Poor Republicans, thinking they can pick their own nominee.

Mitt Romney has been hand picked by the billionaire boys club, and they will shove him down your throats.

Welcome to the world of Citizens United.

Yep same as Obama. When will stop falling for this crap?
Poor Republicans, thinking they can pick their own nominee.

Mitt Romney has been hand picked by the billionaire boys club, and they will shove him down your throats.

Welcome to the world of Citizens United.

Yep same as Obama. When will stop falling for this crap?

As long as the obvious solution isn't implemented, all we'll get is crap. The ins listen to whoever pays the freight. If we're not doing it, it ain't us.
Poor Republicans, thinking they can pick their own nominee.

Mitt Romney has been hand picked by the billionaire boys club, and they will shove him down your throats.

Welcome to the world of Citizens United.

Yep same as Obama. When will stop falling for this crap?


Obama won in 2008 with mostly small contributions.

Citizens United changed the game forever.

Just a few years ago, a “big” political donation during the presidential primaries was about $4,800 – the maximum any individual could give to a candidate through the primary and general election phases.

The Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizen United ruling, however, has opened up the floodgates for donations 10, 20, even 100 times more than that, as long as the money goes to so-called Super PACs that can support, but not coordinate with, candidates.

Now, billionaires and other high net worth individuals are using the new guidelines to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars to the candidates they prefer – and Republican front-runner Mitt Romney is benefiting big time. Romney’s Super PAC, Restore Our Future, disclosed its funding report for the second half of 2011, and a lot of familiar faces make the list.

Ten billionaires, including Wal-Mart heirs Alice and Jim Walton, donated to Restore Our Future. Private equity tycoons Marc Rowan, Sam Zell and hedge funders Julian Robertson, Ken Griffin, and Paul Tudor Jones showed up. Combined, the group of ten Forbes 400 Super PAC donors accounted for $2.8 million of the $18 million rolling in from July 1st to December 31st, 2011.

Romney, who founded Bain Capital, also scored big from his non-billionaire connections in the lucrative world of private equity. 27 executives from private equity firms donated, at an average of $134,000 each.

Billionaires, Private Equity, CEOs Give Big to Romney Super PAC - Forbes
Poor Republicans, thinking they can pick their own nominee.

Mitt Romney has been hand picked by the billionaire boys club, and they will shove him down your throats.

Welcome to the world of Citizens United.

Yep same as Obama. When will stop falling for this crap?


Obama won in 2008 with mostly small contributions.. ...

So, we won't (quit falling for this crap)?

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets
Yep same as Obama. When will stop falling for this crap?


Obama won in 2008 with mostly small contributions.. ...

So, we won't (quit falling for this crap)?

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Thanks for making it easy for me to disprove your point....

Individual contributions $656,357,572 88%
PAC contributions $1,830 0%
Candidate self-financing $0 0%
Federal Funds $0 0%
Other $88,626,223 12%

Individual contributions were limited in 2008 to $4,600. Obama had almost no PAC money.

Citizens United has changed everything.
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Obama won in 2008 with mostly small contributions.. ...

So, we won't (quit falling for this crap)?

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Thanks for making it easy for me to disprove your point....

You're simply ignoring my point. We're never going to have anything like real democracy as long as we fall for the partisan crap. While it's encouraging that you (quite rightly) call bullshit on Romney, and (quite rightly) point out that he's where he is because of big money and establishment support - you turn a blind eye to the fact that Obama is cut from exactly the same cloth. He may have marginally greater populist appeal, but any notion that he's a "man of the people" is laughably naive. He's where he is because he is no threat to the powers that be, and never had any intention of changing anything of substance.
So, we won't (quit falling for this crap)?

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Thanks for making it easy for me to disprove your point....

You're simply ignoring my point. We're never going to have anything like real democracy as long as we fall for the partisan crap. While it's encouraging that you (quite rightly) call bullshit on Romney, and (quite rightly) point out that he's where he is because of big money and establishment support - you turn a blind eye to the fact that Obama is cut from exactly the same cloth. He may have marginally greater populist appeal, but any notion that he's a "man of the people" is laughably naive. He's where he is because he is no threat to the powers that be, and never had any intention of changing anything of substance.

I understand what you are saying, but I would respectfully disagree.

Hillary was the establishment candidate in 2008, and she lost because of the black vote, not because Obama had a 7 to 1 money advantage from billionaires like Romney has.

The base hates Romney, but he will win because he has the billionaires behind him.
Yeah I also find it somewhat amazing that the GOP is shooting itself in the foot every other day.

One would think with the state of the economy in such disarray one would think the candidates running for the GOP nod would focus their attention on that issue.

Instead they're busy insulting women, minorities and thinking Americans of all stripes.

I wonder if the MASTERS don't really WANT Obama in the Oval Office, I really do.
Yeah I also find it somewhat amazing that the GOP is shooting itself in the foot every other day.

One would think with the state of the economy in such disarray one would think the candidates running for the GOP nod would focus their attention on that issue.

Instead they're busy insulting women, minorities and thinking Americans of all stripes.

I wonder if the MASTERS don't really WANT Obama in the Oval Office, I really do.

I have very little doubt on that score.
So, we won't (quit falling for this crap)?

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Thanks for making it easy for me to disprove your point....

You're simply ignoring my point. We're never going to have anything like real democracy as long as we fall for the partisan crap. While it's encouraging that you (quite rightly) call bullshit on Romney, and (quite rightly) point out that he's where he is because of big money and establishment support - you turn a blind eye to the fact that Obama is cut from exactly the same cloth. He may have marginally greater populist appeal, but any notion that he's a "man of the people" is laughably naive. He's where he is because he is no threat to the powers that be, and never had any intention of changing anything of substance.

Except he's not "cut from the same cloth". And not cut from the same cloth as Bush, either. He didn't grow up wealthy..

You'd be a little more correct if you posted that he was cut from the same cloth as Clinton. Another President who started out life pretty poor. And another President reviled by Republicans.
He has the most money.

He runs the most advertising.

He has the best organization.

He's been running for president the longest...almost 5 years.

He has the backing of the GOP establishment.

He has the support of the media.

He even has the support of most Obama supporters. (Brer Rabbits)

In the General Election, all those advantages disappear except GOP establishment support.

When he cannot win easily with every will he fair when he has none?

It's the slow march to Mittdom. What, don't you feel the Mittmentum?
He has the most money.

He runs the most advertising.

He has the best organization.

He's been running for president the longest...almost 5 years.

He has the backing of the GOP establishment.

He has the support of the media.

He even has the support of most Obama supporters. (Brer Rabbits)

In the General Election, all those advantages disappear except GOP establishment support.

When he cannot win easily with every will he fair when he has none?

He has the support of the media.

I will disagree on this tremendously....
The media is and will be behind Obama....

The media makes fun of Romney all the time.....
Rush,Mark Levine ( who hates all Republicans) no one I listen to
on the radio supports Ronmey... :eusa_shifty:

Romney can't keep track of what he said an hour earlier.
While he may win the nomination I doubt he can stand up
to the Obama media machine.... :evil: The Obama team will run all the
flip flopping on video and that should be enough to sink Mitt.
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He has the support of the media.

I will disagree on this tremendously....
The media is and will be behind Obama....

The media makes fun of Romney all the time.....
Rush,Mark Levine ( who hates all Republicans) no one I listen to
on the radio supports Ronmey... :eusa_shifty:

Romney can't keep track of what he said an hour earlier.
While he may win the nomination I doubt he can stand up
to the Obama media machine.... :evil: The Obama team will run all the
flip flopping on video and that should be enough to sink Mitt.

I think that the media is drinking the koolaid for Obama. But in the confines of the GOP nominating race, Romney has gotten a lot of positive press in the media while they've gone around digging up crap Santorum and Gingrich said years ago in order to slime them. That was Missourian's point, I think.

I think after Romney locks down the nomination, whether in June after the Utah Primary or in August at the convention, you are going to see the media going after him full bore.

We're going to see all those ex-AmPad workers who lost their jobs while Romney got rich. We are going to get that first class education on how absolutely batshit crazy Mormon beliefs are. We're going to see all those flip-flopping voted for it before I was against it vids. The media is letting them drip out a bit now to lay a foundation, but it will be a flood once Romney has it locked down...

Or in the immortal words of Admiral Akbar...

[ame=]ITS A TARP! - YouTube[/ame]
Your list oddly looks the same for Obama... The big difference is Mitt can't get people to show up for him and he was already the "frontrunner" from day 1.
I will disagree on this tremendously....
The media is and will be behind Obama....

The media makes fun of Romney all the time.....
Rush,Mark Levine ( who hates all Republicans) no one I listen to
on the radio supports Ronmey... :eusa_shifty:

Romney can't keep track of what he said an hour earlier.
While he may win the nomination I doubt he can stand up
to the Obama media machine.... :evil: The Obama team will run all the
flip flopping on video and that should be enough to sink Mitt.

I think that the media is drinking the koolaid for Obama. But in the confines of the GOP nominating race, Romney has gotten a lot of positive press in the media while they've gone around digging up crap Santorum and Gingrich said years ago in order to slime them. That was Missourian's point, I think.

I think after Romney locks down the nomination, whether in June after the Utah Primary or in August at the convention, you are going to see the media going after him full bore.

We're going to see all those ex-AmPad workers who lost their jobs while Romney got rich. We are going to get that first class education on how absolutely batshit crazy Mormon beliefs are. We're going to see all those flip-flopping voted for it before I was against it vids. The media is letting them drip out a bit now to lay a foundation, but it will be a flood once Romney has it locked down...

Or in the immortal words of Admiral Akbar...

[ame=]ITS A TARP! - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt Romney's Greatest hits.

"I like to be able to fire people..."
"Corporations are people, too, my friend."
"I can't have illegals, I'm running for office for Pete's Sake".
"I'll bet you Ten thousand dollars."
“I’m not concerned about the very poor,”

You sort of made my point for me...
I see the media using these quotes and video of Romney
saying this stuff a few times a week....
Al Sharpton does a show 5 nights a week and he's after Mitt
non stop...

I really don't see the media having anything positive to say about Mitt at all.
They are all on the Obama bandwagon...

At least that's my take on it..
Your list oddly looks the same for Obama... The big difference is Mitt can't get people to show up for him and he was already the "frontrunner" from day 1.

Yeah, and Romney could never get 80,000 Berliners to show up for one of his speeches, either. Nor 75,000 Oregonians. I think he got something like 800 people at a football stadium recently.

The GOP just didn't get their collective crap together for 2012 and Obama is going to win by a landslide. And I say this from a purely objective place because I've been mad at Obama ever since he dropped "single payer" out of his vocabulary in 2009.

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