Romney has an incomplete resume.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And he should be disqualified for the job as President.

Romney want us to know what he want us to know and nothing more but that’s not how campaigning is done. It’s dog eat dog. (Hypothetically) He don’t want to talk about his past but Obama has to reveal where he was born. His relationship with Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, his grade school records, etc. And his “drug addiction” which Rush the convicted drug addict call it but there is no evidence of any “addiction” to drugs.

Romney don’t want to reveal his work record and his resume is incomplete and his application should be trashed. That is what he would have done with incomplete resumes
"liloilady"... PLEASE it's like fingers on a blackboard when grammatically challenged people like you use the word.."He don't" or "Romney don't".
But what about his "work record" are you concerned?
I mean his employment history is an open book.
Maybe you mean his "tax returns" which people are so concerned about because Romney HAS used tax deductions and has money off shore?
Is that what you mean?
Nicotine is a drug and it's well documented that Obama is addicted to it.

Romney's work record is pretty public knowledge. He built a company that purchases failing company and manages to save 80% of them. He managed to make millions of dollars doing that. He late eliminated the corruption of the 2002 SL games and cut costs in a way that the city made money from them. He's got a 4 year record as Governor thats public knowledge.

What part of his resume do you think is missing?
I want to know why he was picked to save the Olympics. What skill sets can he use to save the US? The guy has a boatload of business skills, as long as he isn't the fox in the henhouse.

Instead of bullshit, we need the MSM to question Mitt about his gameplan for saving the US economy. Will he save SS & Medicare? Will he eliminate Fed Departments? Etc. We need to know big picture stuff.

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