Romney, chronic, habitual, compulsive, pathological liar.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad

Mitt Romney's campaign continued to attack President Barack Obama over welfare reform with the release of a new ad on Monday, once again falsely stating that the president dropped work requirements from welfare.
The Obama administration announced in July that states could seek waivers from certain welfare rules, but in doing so they would have to provide ideas for projects and initiatives that would do a better job of increasing employment among welfare recipients. Furthermore, the Obama administration has made it clear that it would not drop requirements for states that failed to promise better work outcomes.
Yet in the new ad, the narrator states, “On July 12th, Obama quietly ended work requirements for welfare. You wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job.
Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad
Romney ad: Obama is 'gutting welfare reform'

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama of Gutting Medicare to pay for ObamaCare.
Obama, Romney rev up base with lies - SFGate

RomneyCare Gutted Medicaid.

Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare
By Michael Tanner
Cato Policy Report, January/February 2008

Before RomneyCare was enacted, estimates of the number of uninsured in Massachusetts ranged from 372,000 to 618,000. Under the new program, about 219,000 previously uninsured residents have signed up for insurance. Of these, 133,000 are receiving subsidized coverage, proving once again that people are all too happy to accept something "for free," and let others pay the bill. That is in addition to 56,000 people who have been signed up for Medicaid. The bigger the subsidy, the faster people are signing up. Of the 133,000 people who have signed up for insurance since the plan was implemented, slightly more than half have received totally free coverage
The Massachusetts plan might not have achieved universal coverage, but it has cost taxpayers a great deal of money. Originally, the plan was projected to cost $1.8 billion this year. Now it is expected to exceed those estimates by $150 million. Over the next 10 years, projections suggest that Romney-Care will cost about $2 billion more than was budgeted. And the cost to Massachusetts taxpayers could be even higher because new federal rules could deprive the state of $100 million per year in Medicaid money that the state planned to use to help finance the program.
Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare

RomneyCare a complete costly failure.

RomneyCare Gutted Medicaid.

Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare
By Michael Tanner
Cato Policy Report, January/February 2008

Before RomneyCare was enacted, estimates of the number of uninsured in Massachusetts ranged from 372,000 to 618,000. Under the new program, about 219,000 previously uninsured residents have signed up for insurance. Of these, 133,000 are receiving subsidized coverage, proving once again that people are all too happy to accept something "for free," and let others pay the bill. That is in addition to 56,000 people who have been signed up for Medicaid. The bigger the subsidy, the faster people are signing up. Of the 133,000 people who have signed up for insurance since the plan was implemented, slightly more than half have received totally free coverage
The Massachusetts plan might not have achieved universal coverage, but it has cost taxpayers a great deal of money. Originally, the plan was projected to cost $1.8 billion this year. Now it is expected to exceed those estimates by $150 million. Over the next 10 years, projections suggest that Romney-Care will cost about $2 billion more than was budgeted. And the cost to Massachusetts taxpayers could be even higher because new federal rules could deprive the state of $100 million per year in Medicaid money that the state planned to use to help finance the program.
Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare

RomneyCare a complete costly failure.

Blah, blah, want welfare work for it..PERIOD. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere please.
Uh oh: RomneyCare’s rising health care costs unsustainable

Romney claims: “Half of those people got insurance on their own. Others got help in buying the insurance.” That is False. In fact, 98% of the additional people insured after Romneycare was passed have it paid for or subsidized by the federal government or Massachusetts government. Of the 412,000 additional people who had health insurance in 2010 who did not have it in June 2006 (pre-reform), only 7K of the 412K (1.7%) had unsubsidized health insurance. The rest were covered through Medicaid, Commonwealth Care, or a program of subsidized care for the unemployed.

Romneycare has increased the price of healthcare premiums for every citizen of Massachusetts. Premiums have increased by 55 percent since Mitt Romney became Governor, a rate 13 points higher than the national average and the third highest growth rate among the states. Newt Gingrich 2012

Uh oh: RomneyCare’s rising health care costs unsustainable » The Right Scoop -

RomneyCare Gutted Medicaid.

Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare
By Michael Tanner
Cato Policy Report, January/February 2008

Before RomneyCare was enacted, estimates of the number of uninsured in Massachusetts ranged from 372,000 to 618,000. Under the new program, about 219,000 previously uninsured residents have signed up for insurance. Of these, 133,000 are receiving subsidized coverage, proving once again that people are all too happy to accept something "for free," and let others pay the bill. That is in addition to 56,000 people who have been signed up for Medicaid. The bigger the subsidy, the faster people are signing up. Of the 133,000 people who have signed up for insurance since the plan was implemented, slightly more than half have received totally free coverage
The Massachusetts plan might not have achieved universal coverage, but it has cost taxpayers a great deal of money. Originally, the plan was projected to cost $1.8 billion this year. Now it is expected to exceed those estimates by $150 million. Over the next 10 years, projections suggest that Romney-Care will cost about $2 billion more than was budgeted. And the cost to Massachusetts taxpayers could be even higher because new federal rules could deprive the state of $100 million per year in Medicaid money that the state planned to use to help finance the program.
Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare

RomneyCare a complete costly failure.

Blah, blah, want welfare work for it..PERIOD. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere please.

LINK or shut the fuck up and go elsewhere.:eusa_boohoo:

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad

Mitt Romney's campaign continued to attack President Barack Obama over welfare reform with the release of a new ad on Monday, once again falsely stating that the president dropped work requirements from welfare.
The Obama administration announced in July that states could seek waivers from certain welfare rules, but in doing so they would have to provide ideas for projects and initiatives that would do a better job of increasing employment among welfare recipients. Furthermore, the Obama administration has made it clear that it would not drop requirements for states that failed to promise better work outcomes.
Yet in the new ad, the narrator states, “On July 12th, Obama quietly ended work requirements for welfare. You wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job.
Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad
Romney ad: Obama is 'gutting welfare reform'

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama of Gutting Medicare to pay for ObamaCare.
Obama, Romney rev up base with lies - SFGate

Its called POLITICS you dumbass.:D:D:D This is just retaliation for the BS last week about the woman with cancer that Romney killed.

Tough shit asshole.................:clap2::clap2:

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad

Mitt Romney's campaign continued to attack President Barack Obama over welfare reform with the release of a new ad on Monday, once again falsely stating that the president dropped work requirements from welfare.
The Obama administration announced in July that states could seek waivers from certain welfare rules, but in doing so they would have to provide ideas for projects and initiatives that would do a better job of increasing employment among welfare recipients. Furthermore, the Obama administration has made it clear that it would not drop requirements for states that failed to promise better work outcomes.
Yet in the new ad, the narrator states, “On July 12th, Obama quietly ended work requirements for welfare. You wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job.
Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad
Romney ad: Obama is 'gutting welfare reform'

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama of Gutting Medicare to pay for ObamaCare.
Obama, Romney rev up base with lies - SFGate

Project Much sweet heart? You are a unapologetic Supporter of a massive liar in Obama, so what the hell is your point?

RomneyCare Gutted Medicaid.

Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare
By Michael Tanner
Cato Policy Report, January/February 2008

Before RomneyCare was enacted, estimates of the number of uninsured in Massachusetts ranged from 372,000 to 618,000. Under the new program, about 219,000 previously uninsured residents have signed up for insurance. Of these, 133,000 are receiving subsidized coverage, proving once again that people are all too happy to accept something "for free," and let others pay the bill. That is in addition to 56,000 people who have been signed up for Medicaid. The bigger the subsidy, the faster people are signing up. Of the 133,000 people who have signed up for insurance since the plan was implemented, slightly more than half have received totally free coverage
The Massachusetts plan might not have achieved universal coverage, but it has cost taxpayers a great deal of money. Originally, the plan was projected to cost $1.8 billion this year. Now it is expected to exceed those estimates by $150 million. Over the next 10 years, projections suggest that Romney-Care will cost about $2 billion more than was budgeted. And the cost to Massachusetts taxpayers could be even higher because new federal rules could deprive the state of $100 million per year in Medicaid money that the state planned to use to help finance the program.
Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare

RomneyCare a complete costly failure.

Don't try to get it away from the citizens of Mass. They love it. They get affordable health care and they're not stuck paying for the lazy, good for nothing pubs who refuse to pay for their own.

RomneyCare Gutted Medicaid.

Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare
By Michael Tanner
Cato Policy Report, January/February 2008

Before RomneyCare was enacted, estimates of the number of uninsured in Massachusetts ranged from 372,000 to 618,000. Under the new program, about 219,000 previously uninsured residents have signed up for insurance. Of these, 133,000 are receiving subsidized coverage, proving once again that people are all too happy to accept something "for free," and let others pay the bill. That is in addition to 56,000 people who have been signed up for Medicaid. The bigger the subsidy, the faster people are signing up. Of the 133,000 people who have signed up for insurance since the plan was implemented, slightly more than half have received totally free coverage
The Massachusetts plan might not have achieved universal coverage, but it has cost taxpayers a great deal of money. Originally, the plan was projected to cost $1.8 billion this year. Now it is expected to exceed those estimates by $150 million. Over the next 10 years, projections suggest that Romney-Care will cost about $2 billion more than was budgeted. And the cost to Massachusetts taxpayers could be even higher because new federal rules could deprive the state of $100 million per year in Medicaid money that the state planned to use to help finance the program.
Lessons from the Fall of RomneyCare

RomneyCare a complete costly failure.

As opposed to you, a lonely, bitter, hate filled skin bag?

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