Bush And Romney Are The Same Person


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I was outside enjoying the cooler weather when I heard my Liberal neighbor yelling again. "GD Bush is back!!!!!"

I walked over to his driveway and he's sitting on his 21 speed mountain-bike. It was obvious he wasn't going anywhere soon because his derailer was broken completely off. The chain hanging limp and useless.

"What happened", I asked.

He looked up and his face red with anger, tears rolling down dripping on his "I heart Obama" T-shirt and he starts yelling "Bush and Romney are the same person!!!"
"How did you come to that conclusion" I said.

"Because ever since Romney won the nomination I've had one thing go wrong after another.....it reminds me when Bush was president. I never had any luck. Now I've backed over my $1200 bike and busted the derailer", he sobbed.

"I think they're the same person. You never see them together!!!!"

"Well that's a pretty good disguise" I said trying to humor him.

"Yup, he's good at fooling people.....now he acts like he never had a drop to drink although everyone knows he's a drunk!!!"

Right about then I started looking for an exit strategy.

I said "Wasn't Obama supposed to end all of this turmoil?"

"He wanted to but those rat-bastard Repugs stopped him before he could finish the job!!!" He yelled.

I could see this was gonna get ugly so I said "Say high to Karen for me" and did a quick move to leave.


"Must be" I shouted over my shoulder.

Man, if he's this bad now, imagine what he'll be like if Obama loses.
Tell you neighbors this: "Actually it would be more accurate to say Bush, Romney AND Obama are the same person!" then point out all the Bush Programs and Executive Orders that Obama continued.
We would be better off back under Bush than we have been under obama.

I know right? Look at the Bush economy and compare it to Obamas. Obama just uses the "We inherited this" Statement to cover his own tracks of being a socialist with failed socialist policies. Reagan inherited a mess too, from the socialist carter, and he turned it around and you never heard him blame it on carter.
Obama ain't great for sure, mud, but far preferable to Bush.

I would rather have had McCain, as I have stated for three years plus now, and I want Romney not Obama for the next term.

The fact is that Bush is one of the three worst disasters in America.
Obama ain't great for sure, mud, but far preferable to Bush.

I would rather have had McCain, as I have stated for three years plus now, and I want Romney not Obama for the next term.

The fact is that Bush is one of the three worst disasters in America.

No, according to the Drivebys he was the worst.

Still, I miss the days of 5% unemployment.
Obama ain't great for sure, mud, but far preferable to Bush.

I would rather have had McCain, as I have stated for three years plus now, and I want Romney not Obama for the next term.

The fact is that Bush is one of the three worst disasters in America.

If you consider unemployment being around 5% and the economy alot better off than it is now as being a disaster I guess you're right. I am failing to see how Bush was worse than Obama. Bush spent 4 trillion in 8 years, Obama spent 5 trillion in under 4 years. Maybe someone could explain to me how Bush was worse.
Dont even mention the housing market blowing up, that was democrat legislation that led to that with the frank dodd bill.

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