Role Of Primary Factual Fundamentalist Explained

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Role Of Primary Factual Fundamentalist Explained

As a Primary Factual Fundamentalist I tackle the very foundation of primary issues. I tackle the very heart, the very fundamental of the subject with facts thus verifying or falsifying the foundation of the primary issue being addressed. As a Primary Factual Fundamentalist I expose deceptions, lies, truths (which is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every time) I expose beliefs, theories etc. as falsified or verified with simple demonstrations of fact on the foundations of primary, Canadian, North American and global issues. As a World Class Activist, I contact to raise global awareness tens of thousands of elected, appointed, designated etc. officials of close to every country on the globe (excluding war torn countries which are very complicated to get in contact with.) I also have been raising public awareness on forums around the globe. Wherever you are from, I know that there is a good chance that your elected official has heard of me.

It is not my deliberate intention to exclude any country etc. for everyone needs access to this information for clarity on the foundations of the primary issues for constructive positive progressive growth in unity through understanding. Lies and deceptions have diseased the globe far too long and as a Primary Factual Fundamentalist I feel that it is time to put an end to such nonsense with simple demonstrations of fact on the foundation of primary issues I address. For now bias control over media brainwashes the general population with factually proven lies and deceptions etc, factually proven false theories and factually proven false beliefs etc. to keep getting support from the general population by keep feeding the public lies and deceptions. It's a sick cycle that I am here to put an end too.

A Primary factual Fundamentalist is one who clearly sees flaws and presents facts revealing those flaws, deceptions, lies, misleading information, etc. on the foundations of subject / primary issues. I focus on Primary Canadian, North American and global subjects / issues for the well being and sanity of the future of the life on this planet by sharing fact that back my claims on the foundations of the primary issues I address.

A Primary Factual Fundamentalist is One who gets discriminated against by those who are unable to contest with so much as a shred of validity the facts I share on the foundations of primary issues I address which reveal those I expose for the followers of falsified theory, falsified belief etc. that they prove to be followers of. As well expose those who themselves reveal themselves for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be on the very foundations of their very own making and or following to do with primary issues I address. I also get to see many of them first try to desperately hide the facts I share behind a veil of their many desperate attempts at trying to make anything else including their every delusion etc. the issue of which have absolutely nothing to do with the foundation of the issue being addressed as subject. Instead they make up vacant un backed claims, trying to make me out to be the liar yet all the while evading contesting the facts I share which reveal them for the bunch of phonies that they themselves prove to be in the first place. You could say I enjoy watching people of various backgrounds squirm like a bunch of worms that just got stepped on while on a wet side walk and at times I might even have a little fun with it along the way. Even I could use a good laugh every now and then.

As a Primary Factual Fundamentalist only I pick and choose the foundations of Primary issues I address weighing in on the bigger picture out of necessity / top priority as I see fit need be done for the well being and sanity of all current and future generations / for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.

Here are some examples of Primary factual fundamentalism 101,

Higgs Boson And Big Bang Theory Factually Falsified X s 3Higgs boson was a

of which the following is a different subject with the same foundation

Now That The Religious Are Exposed Welcome The Soon Coming Destruction Of Religion US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Canadian and Global

Canada projet de loi C-279 indique que vous ne avez pas le droit d tre h t rosexuel. S nat canadien Lance Le projet de loi de Down -pas-le-droit-d-etre-heterosexuel-senat-canadien-lance-le-projet-de-loi-de-down

and there is so much more of which you are welcome to research me

Hence the term
Primary Factual Fundamentalist

As a Primary Factual Fundamentalist I do not join circles of butt kiss. I don't owe any favors now would I accept with any strings attached if anyone offered.

This Primary Factual Fundamentalist gave up on his own selfishness years ago to persue the fight for the well being of the future of the life on this planet. In a billions years none of us are likely ever to be remembered but our survival depends upon us, what we always do in the now, not just thrive on and feed greed selfishness and ignorance ripping us apart on many levels and in many ways all the while expecting our innocent little children to do all the work as they come of age as future generations whom are doomed to suffer for our ignorance and taking for granted the opportunity to survive as a potentially long term evolving race. So now the life on the plant remains priority over my own selfishness thus assuring I get the job done so that our current and future generations stand a chance at not only surviving but thriving with understanding instead of divided by a bunch of lies, deceptions, falsified belief, falsified theory etc.

It doesn't matter if you are a scholar, a physicist, a biologist, a governing official, a king, a queen, a so called genius etc. you will never contest the facts that I share on the foundations of primary global issues I address. No one ever has and no one ever will because again what I share is non contestable fact

I also use my talents to direct attention towards the foundations of primary issues I address. For example, I am, go ahead and see for yourself, the very best multi and single player scenario creator for a game called Age Of Mythology and The Titans. The game itself exemplifies one of the very reasons I fight for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.

Age of Mythology Heaven Single Player Scenarios

Primary:Effects all involved directly or indirectly
Factual: only shares facts backing claims on the foundation of the primary issue being addressed
Fundamentalist: There's no messing around, straight to the foundation of the issue like a starving carnivore on a bone

Before attempting to become such, make sure you see beyond everyone else's version of the bigger picture and back that claim with fact, Pioneer.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
So some simple facts are : you're homophobic, a drug abuser and a strong proponent of self indulgent bullshittery...

The world needs less people like you Dave, I hope you don't own guns. If I was a neighbour of yours I'd be very worried.

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