Roiling health care waters, Obama’s fix could make matters worse


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Roiling health care waters, Obama’s fix could make matters worse

1. Facing growing outrage from Americans, President Barack Obama reversed course Thursday and offered to let insurance companies sell existing plans even if they don’t meet the minimum standards set by his new problem-fraught health care law.

2. This plan faces strong opposition from insurance companies, which warn that rates might spike, and it risks undermining the basic premise of his law, which requires quality, affordable insurance.

3. The debacle threatens to swamp Obama’s entire second-term agenda, raising questions about his competency and credibility. Polls released this week show the president’s job-approval rating at a historic low and a majority of voters saying, for the first time, that he isn’t trustworthy.

4. Insurance companies already have devised plans for next year, received the necessary approval from states and begun to sell policies. They aren’t required to continue to offer their existing policies and state insurance commissioners aren’t required to approve those 2013 plans.

5. “Changing the rules after health plans have already met the requirements of the law could destabilize the market and result in higher premiums for consumers,” Karen Ignagni, the president and CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans, which represents the industry.

6. Obama, who was limited in what he could do without approval from an often unfriendly, inactive Congress, acknowledged that his administrative fix might not solve the problem and that lawmakers may still have to act.

7.The House voted Friday on legislation that let new customers buy existing policies, not just current customers. The White House said the House bill goes too far, but some frustrated Democrats, many of whom face tough re-election campaigns next year, said Obama hasn’t done enough to fix the problems. Obama promises now to veto the bill when it comes to his desk.

Read more here: WASHINGTON: Roiling health care waters, Obama’s fix could make matters worse | White House | McClatchy DC

Obama proposes a fix. Obama says it may need Congress to Act. Congress acts on his fix. Obama promises to veto the action. Go figure.

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