Roger Golubski allegedly framed a Black man who spent 23 yrs in prison for murder, after targeting the man’s mother...Federal investigation under way!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
this guy is pure scum

same thing happens to whites
this guy is pure scum

what does his skin color have to do with it?? same thing happens to whites
this guy is pure scum

The abuse of police authority is some of the worst type of abuse. Destroying a mans life, his only life on earth. The punishment for such abusers must be extremely severe, or authorities will lose the social contract with citizens.

Glad to see the Feds are involved. In Canada we don't have oversight, in particular the Feds themselves!

He could probably apply to multiple police forces in Canada tomorrow and be hired before the end of the weekend...
he did it to multiple black folks. i don't believe in coincidences
ACCUSED/INVESTIGATION/etc !!!!!!!! = no proof
.....I've found 99% of RACISM claims are bullshit...most of it are blacks CLAIMING racism
The Ferguson Report = blacks CLAIMING [with NO PROOF ] that the cops stopped them/ticketed them/etc because of their RACE = one of the cases a black was at a park pavilion without a license/authorization to be, he VIOLATED a city ordnance and got a ticket--
basquebromance just because blacks claim something, doesn't mean it is true--there are MANY examples of the blacks screaming RACISM/bad cops/etc and it's proven to be bullshit = so many times that we LAUGH at that bullshit
this guy is pure scum

even with George Floyd = that had NOTHING to do with race
this guy is pure scum

and it's from CNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this guy is pure scum

Sadly African Americans are most likely to be convicted on less evidence and receive more time for the same offense.
this guy is pure scum

...and fuck that asshole, I hope he gets pounded up the ass for the rest of his life in a gen-pop hell hole.
this guy is pure scum

He is infamous here.
Have a through investigation. Give him a fair trial and when he’s convicted lock him up and throw away the key. Then take all his assets and give then to his victim Ali g with a multi million dollar check from his department, NOT the city. I always thought the best way to get departments to police their problem cops would be to take the penalties from their operating budgets and prevent them from getting replacement funding. Let’s see how long the Blue Line lasts when all the cops are taking seventy percent pay cuts to pay a judgement for a bad cop.
even with George Floyd = that had NOTHING to do with race
Floyd is dead, a bad cop is in prison. Decent people of any color should call that a twofer. The people who crossed police barricades on 1-6-21 should be charged with trespassing and those who went into the building should be charged with more. And they are.

The people who instigate violent riots should be charged and those who loot or commit arson should be charged, But most of them are not.

BLM still supports smollet and they have been mostly silent since their dishonest financial activities were brought to light, funny you have to look really hard to find out anything about it.

Is there racism in this country? Yes and it is in all groups, but not in everyone of all groups. But the extremes on both sides make it worse by being racist all the time.

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