
Originally posted by MtnBiker
That would make a great avatar. :D

Wow wee! Neat-O! Cool!

Grow up kiddies. What the president does has real consequences. You might recall the pictures on the front page of just about every newspaper in the country last week of the flag drapped coffins being flown into Dover Air Force Base. Do you think that would make a good avatar?

According to my newspaper, six more US soldiers died in Iraq yesterday. Bush shoots off his mouth and commits the US to war that was not necessary, without a gameplan for the post-conflict occupation. He leaves it to others to pay the price for his incompetence and arrogence. The jack-ass should be impeached.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
Wow wee! Neat-O! Cool!

Grow up kiddies. What the president does has real consequences. You might recall the pictures on the front page of just about every newspaper in the country last week of the flag drapped coffins being flown into Dover Air Force Base. Do you think that would make a good avatar?

According to my newspaper, six more US soldiers died in Iraq yesterday. Bush shoots off his mouth and commits the US to war that was not necessary, without a gameplan for the post-conflict occupation. He leaves it to others to pay the price for his incompetence and arrogence. The jack-ass should be impeached.
Even though I don't think the photo is funny, please get a grip. Bush didn't commit us to anything. Congress did that. And, if memory serves, our congress wasn't the only entity engaging the enemy...seems to me the UK, Spain, Italy, Australia...lots of people commited to this action. It seems arrogence and incompetence are world-wide so others weren't "left" they volunteered.

Oh, and just for the record, there is nothing for which he can be impeached.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
I haven't seen you complain about Bullypulpit's avatar, wow wee!

I guess calling our Commander in Chief 'satan' is not offensive to him. What a dolt.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
Wow wee! Neat-O! Cool!

Grow up kiddies. What the president does has real consequences. You might recall the pictures on the front page of just about every newspaper in the country last week of the flag drapped coffins being flown into Dover Air Force Base. Do you think that would make a good avatar?

According to my newspaper, six more US soldiers died in Iraq yesterday. Bush shoots off his mouth and commits the US to war that was not necessary, without a gameplan for the post-conflict occupation. He leaves it to others to pay the price for his incompetence and arrogence. The jack-ass should be impeached.

Dude, take a good look at who posted the picture and then accept it for the humor that it is. My god, some of you are such tight asses you couldn't get a greased BB up your butt.
Here's a better one, just for st8

Guys ST8 is just an inside the beltway sack of shit un American dumbass. He's a little concerned and panic is settling in because he's realizing that Kerry couldn't get elected dog catcher.

Good luck with impeachment ST8.
Originally posted by OCA
Guys ST8 is just an inside the beltway sack of shit un American dumbass. He's a little concerned and panic is settling in because he's realizing that Kerry couldn't get elected dog catcher.

Good luck with impeachment ST8.

Nest time you call me a “un American dumbass” please remember to use a hyphen. I don’t have to tell you where to stick it do I?

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