Rocket man bans suicide, calls it an a treasonous act against socialism


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
In fact, the more intelligent ones will understand that suicide is indeed an act against socialism.
Ask me sincerely for a further explanation.
Couldn't afford to eat, or the gas to drive to the grocery store anyway so just end it.
Nonstop inflation, crime, illegal immigrants, Marxists, and Alphabet people coming at you 24/7
In fact, the more intelligent ones will understand that suicide is indeed an act against socialism.
Ask me sincerely for a further explanation.
Banning it is hardly a deterrent however unless we're talking about assisted suicide..

There's no punishment for it unless the government threatens to attack a person's family members after they're gone.

Banning it is hardly a deterrent however unless we're talking about assisted suicide..

There's no punishment for it unless the government threatens to attack a person's family members after they're gone.


Banning it is hardly a deterrent however unless we're talking about assisted suicide..

There's no punishment for it unless the government threatens to attack a person's family members after they're gone.

Now you are starting to think like a Despot

But really, I think Despots like Rocket man are really OK with people killing themselves.

After all, China had a one child policy for the longest time, so they obviously want to kill people off as well.

Socialism is certainly the way to do it then, as people will want to kill themselves instead of Socialists doing it for them

That avoids all the genocide trial thingy's and bad feelings
Banning it is hardly a deterrent however unless we're talking about assisted suicide..
Kim Jong Un has the power of persuasion over his people. That's something Americans should understand after 4 years of the Trump regime.
There's no punishment for it unless the government threatens to attack a person's family members after they're gone.

Powerful leaders have convinced their followers to feed their babies the poisoned Kool-aid before drinking it themselves.

And today the Russian people will stick with Putin right up to him needing to start a nuclear war against America, to save mother Russia.

Socialism, it's so great it makes you want to kill yourself

You just can't make this stuff up!

Suicide was illegal in England and Wales until 1961. I think it's still illegal in about 20 countries. I don't think it's illegal in the States, but some states will put you under a three day watch.

North Korea is communist, one step above Socialism.

Socialism, it's so great it makes you want to kill yourself

You just can't make this stuff up!

A secret order banning suicide.

That's fucking hilarious.

I wonder what the punishment will be for the dead guy who killed himself
Kim Jong Un has the power of persuasion over his people. That's something Americans should understand after 4 years of the Trump regime.

Powerful leaders have convinced their followers to feed their babies the poisoned Kool-aid before drinking it themselves.

And today the Russian people will stick with Putin right up to him needing to start a nuclear war against America, to save mother Russia.
I have no doubt that what you're saying is true I'm simply pointing out that a person determined commit suicide will have no worries about the consequences regardless of who likes or t who doesn't like it. I suppose it's possible that being very primitive-minded and uneducated some of his citizens may think he can get them after they're dead. I wouldn't completely discount that notion. On the other hand I suppose it's possible that a political psychosis can run so deep that by merely expressing his disapproval of the practice you can somehow interfere with their thought process to the point where it would prevent them. Is this perhaps what you may be talking about? If it is I suspect it is a phenomenon that we are highly unfamiliar with here in the West.

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I have a feeling that the punishment for suicide is that the Socialists (N Koreas's version of Democrats) will punish the surviving family.
I have no doubt that what you're saying is true I'm simply pointing out that a person determined commit suicide will have no worries about the consequences regardless of who likes of the who doesn't like it.
No, that's not true. Most people contemplating suicide call out for help, and help is readily available in socially responsible countries
I suppose it's possible that being very primitive-minded and uneducated some of his citizens may think he can get them after they're dead. I wouldn't completely discount that notion.
I won't bother talking to you if you're going to judge people from that POV.
No, that's not true. Most people contemplating suicide call out for help, and help is readily available in socially responsible countries

I won't bother talking to you if you're going to judge people from that POV.
You seem to be taking this very personally. I'm not judging anyone I'm merely making some observations about a brutalized population that has been brainwashed to the point of being dysfunctional. I don't think there's any doubt that North Korea is in that situation. Having said that I supposed to some extent it could apply to North America also but certainly not to the same extent. If anything my heart is extended to those poor people and their plight.


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