RIP Michael Collins

That's a pretty modest kitchen considering his life achievements.

Unless I am mistaken, he was paid the standard military pay for his rank and time in service. In other words, not much.

Astronauts were the Rock Stars of their day.

They had other sources of income. Mercury Astronauts could buy a brand new Corvette for $1. The only stipulation was they had to turn it in at the end of the year for a new Corvette.

The old Corvette was sold as “owned by an astronaut”

With Apollo 10 CM pilot John Young...




His world famous photo of the moon landing crew return...


That pic with Young is from their Gemini 10 flight. That's a Titan rocket.
When he had to do a spacewalk and grab the Agena spacecraft that was spinning out of control. He was pretty funny about having to do such a dangerous task nobody planned for.
All of those astronauts had nerves of steel.
When Armstrong crashed his LM simulator and ejected within a second of death, they found him in his office a half-hour later at his desk doing some paperwork.
He had a fantastic personality, loved every interview he gave. Michael orbited the moon while Neil and Buzz became the first humans to walk on the moon.
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Life was a LOT simpler in the 60s and even the 70s. RIP Michael, your place in history is assured.

I agree. Hell I watched all those Mercury flights launched from my front Yard. Those guys were celebrities as were all those that followed.

RIP Mike Collins. Your place in history is assured.

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