RIP David Stern


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
He took a dying league in the NBA and turned it into a global force. Thank you commissioner Stern. You will be missed.
He took a dying league in the NBA and turned it into a global force...

And he allowed the 1999 CBA to be signed in changing the, landscape, of how players get paid via profit-sharing the annual revenues of that global force. Fly away, our little Stern-butterfly yes you get to fly high, high away now...
Stern changed the business of Basketball, expanded the league and turned franchises into billion dollar properties
Lol nba is horrible ,, only people that watch is whites like right winger it’s the only way they can see blacks lol

The best commissioner in sports. He brought basketball from near extinction to the Golden Age to the global community it is today. My thoughts and prayers go out his family.
... near extinction...

ROFL @ near extinction ... How soon we forget that the 'Magic vs Bird' and Magic vs Dr J legendary duels, were both already in Phase 3. In truly launching the golden age before the day Stern was hired as commish. Golden Age started in June 1979, on draft day, David Stern showed up 5 yrs later then turned that Golden into Diamonds
... near extinction...

ROFL @ near extinction ... How soon we forget that the 'Magic vs Bird' and Magic vs Dr J legendary duels, were both already in Phase 3. In truly launching the golden age before the day Stern was hired as commish. Golden Age started in June 1979, on draft day, David Stern showed up 5 yrs later then turned that Golden into Diamonds

Attendance flatlined from 75-86, after 86 it started a sharp trend up. :itsok:
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Attendance flatlined

Nothing comes before how the revenue $$$ have, skyrocketed, thanks mainly to mega-(tv network) broadcasting contracts. And last I checked, the tv networks (ESPN TNT ABC etc) care not for who is sitting in the stands.

TV from the 70’s into the mid 80’s produced low ratings as well.
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Stern did good things financially for the Owners and the Players. This is true.

However, he was in cahoots but his buddy Clay Bennett and that criminal Aubrey McClendon, who eventually killed himself by intentionally speeding his car into a bridge, and allowed OKC to steal the Sonics from Seattle.

Stern screwed Seattle and the Sonics, and I will NEVER forgive Stern for that.
Stern screwed no one, the governor of Washington nor the politicians in the Seattle area wanted the Sonics. I feel bad for the Sonic fans but the state sold them out.
Stern screwed no one, the governor of Washington nor the politicians in the Seattle area wanted the Sonics. I feel bad for the Sonic fans but the state sold them out.

Gov Nichols was a sell out. For sure. ( Edit*** Not Gov Nichols, my bad, Mayor of Seattle.)
There were 2 years left on the lease before Bennett could move them to OKC, but Nichols let them move to OKC.

Stern and Bennett could NOT believe their ears, when Nichols made the announcement. Neither could I.
I blame Nichols for allowing them to leave early, and that fucking Seattle Council and their motto of "More Important Things"

Stern wanted Bennett to be able to move the team, and Stern did everything he could to allow it, and nothing to stop it.
Was Stern complicit in the move to OKC, absolutely.
Was Nichols in FACT the eventual one to screw over the Seattle Sonics and allow the move to OKC. YES.
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Stern screwed no one, the governor of Washington nor the politicians in the Seattle area wanted the Sonics. I feel bad for the Sonic fans but the state sold them out.

Gov Nichols was a sell out. For sure.
There were 2 years left on the lease before Bennett could move them to OKC, but Nichols let them move to OKC.

Stern and Bennett could NOT believe their ears, when Nichols made the announcement. Neither could I.
I blame Nichols for allowing them to leave early, and that fucking Seattle Council and their motto of "More Important Things"

Stern wanted Bennett to be able to move the team, and Stern did everything he could to allow it, and nothing to stop it.
Was Stern complicit in the move to OKC, absolutely.
Was Nichols in FACT the eventual one to screw over the Seattle Sonics and allow the move to OKC. YES.

The governor of Washington at the time was Gregoire was. Nickels was the mayor of Seattle. Both didn’t care if the Sonics left, I blame them.
NBA is dull. Some of the rules are ridiculous. I saw a player stop and shoot just inside the foul line and literally get clobbered by a defender with a hard enough block attempt to send the shooter to the floor — with no foul called! Some kind of rule about being in the lane or something. Stupid shit!
...allowed OKC to steal the Sonics from Seattle...


Your logic here can be viewed as very, strabismic, when you consider the fact that the people who own the company* decided to move their company to a different location^ in the USA.

Relocating your family or your business/that is a huge constitutional right, which we all get to have, as citizens of this great country.


* - denotes Seattle Supersonics

^ - denotes OKC

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