
Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010



Riot After Kentucky Loss Ignites Race Debate On Twitter

Many Twitter users argued that the reports of the mostly white Kentucky fans’ rioting was reflective of a racial hierarchy in the U.S. They likened images of Kentucky fans burning objects to photos of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, after the fatal shooting of black teen Michael Brown at the hands of a white police officer. They said the treatment of white vs. black rioters by law enforcement and news media showed that while black rioters were considered dangerous, white rioters were painted as merely “misunderstood.”

Many of the commentators were actually using images not of this riot, but past events at the University of Kentucky. The most widely-used photo—a woman screaming by a fire, which can be seen below—is actually from Kentucky’s celebration after its victory over the University of Louisville to advance to the Elite 8 in the NCAA tournament in 2014.


Tim McDougall @TimMcDougall13

Kentucky fans riot, burn cars, etc. For SOME reason, looks different than other recent riot images.

Michelle @SHELBERT
Follow… Kentucky basketball riot. Where are the tanks, tear gas & police snipers? #Ferguson #RichWhite

9:34 AM - 5 Apr 2015


Brian Joyce @the_brianjoyce

Good thing #Kentucky fans didn't riot in #Ferguson! We'd be calling them thugs, not "fans."




Riot After Kentucky Loss Ignites Race Debate On Twitter

Many Twitter users argued that the reports of the mostly white Kentucky fans’ rioting was reflective of a racial hierarchy in the U.S. They likened images of Kentucky fans burning objects to photos of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, after the fatal shooting of black teen Michael Brown at the hands of a white police officer. They said the treatment of white vs. black rioters by law enforcement and news media showed that while black rioters were considered dangerous, white rioters were painted as merely “misunderstood.”

Many of the commentators were actually using images not of this riot, but past events at the University of Kentucky. The most widely-used photo—a woman screaming by a fire, which can be seen below—is actually from Kentucky’s celebration after its victory over the University of Louisville to advance to the Elite 8 in the NCAA tournament in 2014.


Tim McDougall @TimMcDougall13

Kentucky fans riot, burn cars, etc. For SOME reason, looks different than other recent riot images.

Michelle @SHELBERT
Follow… Kentucky basketball riot. Where are the tanks, tear gas & police snipers? #Ferguson #RichWhite

9:34 AM - 5 Apr 2015


Brian Joyce @the_brianjoyce

Good thing #Kentucky fans didn't riot in #Ferguson! We'd be calling them thugs, not "fans."

They act the same way win they win.

I was searching pictures of the backabawl riots, and some were from past victory "celebrations", and looked the same.



Riot After Kentucky Loss Ignites Race Debate On Twitter

Many Twitter users argued that the reports of the mostly white Kentucky fans’ rioting was reflective of a racial hierarchy in the U.S. They likened images of Kentucky fans burning objects to photos of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, after the fatal shooting of black teen Michael Brown at the hands of a white police officer. They said the treatment of white vs. black rioters by law enforcement and news media showed that while black rioters were considered dangerous, white rioters were painted as merely “misunderstood.”

Many of the commentators were actually using images not of this riot, but past events at the University of Kentucky. The most widely-used photo—a woman screaming by a fire, which can be seen below—is actually from Kentucky’s celebration after its victory over the University of Louisville to advance to the Elite 8 in the NCAA tournament in 2014.


Tim McDougall @TimMcDougall13

Kentucky fans riot, burn cars, etc. For SOME reason, looks different than other recent riot images.

Michelle @SHELBERT
Follow… Kentucky basketball riot. Where are the tanks, tear gas & police snipers? #Ferguson #RichWhite

9:34 AM - 5 Apr 2015


Brian Joyce @the_brianjoyce

Good thing #Kentucky fans didn't riot in #Ferguson! We'd be calling them thugs, not "fans."

They act the same way win they win.

I was searching pictures of the backabawl riots, and some were from past victory "celebrations", and looked the same.

Oh, well thats comforting
Other than the over turned car, looks like a bunch of bonfires to me. One protestor is taking a selfie with a cop. White people protesting is boring compared to the brothers protesting. Lol



Riot After Kentucky Loss Ignites Race Debate On Twitter

Many Twitter users argued that the reports of the mostly white Kentucky fans’ rioting was reflective of a racial hierarchy in the U.S. They likened images of Kentucky fans burning objects to photos of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, after the fatal shooting of black teen Michael Brown at the hands of a white police officer. They said the treatment of white vs. black rioters by law enforcement and news media showed that while black rioters were considered dangerous, white rioters were painted as merely “misunderstood.”

Many of the commentators were actually using images not of this riot, but past events at the University of Kentucky. The most widely-used photo—a woman screaming by a fire, which can be seen below—is actually from Kentucky’s celebration after its victory over the University of Louisville to advance to the Elite 8 in the NCAA tournament in 2014.


Tim McDougall @TimMcDougall13

Kentucky fans riot, burn cars, etc. For SOME reason, looks different than other recent riot images.

Michelle @SHELBERT
Follow… Kentucky basketball riot. Where are the tanks, tear gas & police snipers? #Ferguson #RichWhite

9:34 AM - 5 Apr 2015


Brian Joyce @the_brianjoyce

Good thing #Kentucky fans didn't riot in #Ferguson! We'd be calling them thugs, not "fans."



Man, am I glad I never had a daughter.

That would be one child instantly funding her own lifestyle.
Other than the over turned car, looks like a bunch of bonfires to me. One protestor is taking a selfie with a cop. White people protesting is boring compared to the brothers protesting. Lol

Yeah, you seem to have special eyes that always sees the silver lining.

Unless its black people then all you see is a dark cloud



Riot After Kentucky Loss Ignites Race Debate On Twitter

Many Twitter users argued that the reports of the mostly white Kentucky fans’ rioting was reflective of a racial hierarchy in the U.S. They likened images of Kentucky fans burning objects to photos of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, after the fatal shooting of black teen Michael Brown at the hands of a white police officer. They said the treatment of white vs. black rioters by law enforcement and news media showed that while black rioters were considered dangerous, white rioters were painted as merely “misunderstood.”

Many of the commentators were actually using images not of this riot, but past events at the University of Kentucky. The most widely-used photo—a woman screaming by a fire, which can be seen below—is actually from Kentucky’s celebration after its victory over the University of Louisville to advance to the Elite 8 in the NCAA tournament in 2014.


Tim McDougall @TimMcDougall13

Kentucky fans riot, burn cars, etc. For SOME reason, looks different than other recent riot images.

Michelle @SHELBERT
Follow… Kentucky basketball riot. Where are the tanks, tear gas & police snipers? #Ferguson #RichWhite

9:34 AM - 5 Apr 2015


Brian Joyce @the_brianjoyce

Good thing #Kentucky fans didn't riot in #Ferguson! We'd be calling them thugs, not "fans."

The party was already set. Imagine the damage if they were to win the championship.
Other than the over turned car, looks like a bunch of bonfires to me. One protestor is taking a selfie with a cop. White people protesting is boring compared to the brothers protesting. Lol

Yeah, you seem to have special eyes that always sees the silver lining.

Unless its black people then all you see is a dark cloud
No killings or businesses burnt down, or am I missing something?
Other than the over turned car, looks like a bunch of bonfires to me. One protestor is taking a selfie with a cop. White people protesting is boring compared to the brothers protesting. Lol

Yeah, you seem to have special eyes that always sees the silver lining.

Unless its black people then all you see is a dark cloud
No killings or businesses burnt down, or am I missing something?

Oh was someone killed in Fergueson? No? So what are you down too to excuse this now? Businesses? What about property destruction? Oh thats fine

Arson? No problem

Fights? Cool!

Arrests? Fine

but what it really comes down to is a business being hurt and thats what makes Fergueson riots so different! lol....Yeah like the discussions centered on businesses and not behavior
Other than the over turned car, looks like a bunch of bonfires to me. One protestor is taking a selfie with a cop. White people protesting is boring compared to the brothers protesting. Lol

Yeah, you seem to have special eyes that always sees the silver lining.

Unless its black people then all you see is a dark cloud
No killings or businesses burnt down, or am I missing something?

Oh was someone killed in Fergueson? No? So what are you down too to excuse this now? Businesses? What about property destruction? Oh thats fine

Arson? No problem

Fights? Cool!

Arrests? Fine

but what it really comes down to is a business being hurt and thats what makes Fergueson riots so different! lol....Yeah like the discussions centered on businesses and not behavior
Man killed amid Ferguson riots was shot set on fire cops - NY Daily News
Other than the over turned car, looks like a bunch of bonfires to me. One protestor is taking a selfie with a cop. White people protesting is boring compared to the brothers protesting. Lol

Yeah, you seem to have special eyes that always sees the silver lining.

Unless its black people then all you see is a dark cloud
No killings or businesses burnt down, or am I missing something?

Oh was someone killed in Fergueson? No? So what are you down too to excuse this now? Businesses? What about property destruction? Oh thats fine

Arson? No problem

Fights? Cool!

Arrests? Fine

but what it really comes down to is a business being hurt and thats what makes Fergueson riots so different! lol....Yeah like the discussions centered on businesses and not behavior
The liberal media doesn't seem to care either.
Other than the over turned car, looks like a bunch of bonfires to me. One protestor is taking a selfie with a cop. White people protesting is boring compared to the brothers protesting. Lol

Yeah, you seem to have special eyes that always sees the silver lining.

Unless its black people then all you see is a dark cloud
No killings or businesses burnt down, or am I missing something?

Oh was someone killed in Fergueson? No? So what are you down too to excuse this now? Businesses? What about property destruction? Oh thats fine

Arson? No problem

Fights? Cool!

Arrests? Fine

but what it really comes down to is a business being hurt and thats what makes Fergueson riots so different! lol....Yeah like the discussions centered on businesses and not behavior
Man killed amid Ferguson riots was shot set on fire cops - NY Daily News
I just ran by that and was fixing to post it. Thanks.
It's obviously a false equivalence to say this was like fergusson. It's just the OP's latest attempt to marginalize/excuse what was extremely antisocial behavior that should be condemned by all civilized people.
It's obviously a false equivalence to say this was like fergusson. It's just the OP's latest attempt to marginalize/excuse what was extremely antisocial behavior that should be condemned by all civilized people.
I know in Ferguson cops feared for their lives, in Kentucky rioters are taking selfies with them. Also looks like a bunch of college students partying. Wonder if this will go on for days, like Ferguson did.
It's obviously a false equivalence to say this was like fergusson. It's just the OP's latest attempt to marginalize/excuse what was extremely antisocial behavior that should be condemned by all civilized people.

Whats different? I didnt know some guy was killed during the riots but it also doesnt say that it was because of the riot. So basically someone was killed on the day the riots were happening and that means something different to you people something.

Why is this riot not anti social but whites who riot over sports...loses, wins and even pumpkins different? Business?
It's obviously a false equivalence to say this was like fergusson. It's just the OP's latest attempt to marginalize/excuse what was extremely antisocial behavior that should be condemned by all civilized people.
I know in Ferguson cops feared for their lives, in Kentucky rioters are taking selfies with them. Also looks like a bunch of college students partying. Wonder if this will go on for days, like Ferguson did.

Is that why they arrested so many people?

They should be scared they only murdered someone and has been fucking with that community for years.

But thats not the point. The point is both were riots. Where are the conversations about family values? Or is that only a conversation when a business is hurt?
It's obviously a false equivalence to say this was like fergusson. It's just the OP's latest attempt to marginalize/excuse what was extremely antisocial behavior that should be condemned by all civilized people.

Whats different? I didnt know some guy was killed during the riots but it also doesnt say that it was because of the riot. So basically someone was killed on the day the riots were happening and that means something different to you people something.

Why is this riot not anti social but whites who riot over sports...loses, wins and even pumpkins different? Business?
They are a bunch of college kids. Lol apples to oranges.
Not to mention the amount of money the state spent on containing these riots, but its all good when its white people because its "innocent" dont cha know.
It's obviously a false equivalence to say this was like fergusson. It's just the OP's latest attempt to marginalize/excuse what was extremely antisocial behavior that should be condemned by all civilized people.

Whats different? I didnt know some guy was killed during the riots but it also doesnt say that it was because of the riot. So basically someone was killed on the day the riots were happening and that means something different to you people something.

Why is this riot not anti social but whites who riot over sports...loses, wins and even pumpkins different? Business?
They are a bunch of college kids. Lol apples to oranges.

Behavior what?

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