RINO Dominated Repub party = reducing the size of our salaries aka our wallets


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
The so called republicans aka RINO's are always making wallets smaller even though they come out against it.

This is their favorite tool.....create the illusion while they rob us blind.
They've done it to millions upon millions as we speak.


Introducing the Republican Job Killing Plaftorm Written In Stone:

1. TABOR is Coming by Grover Norquist and Koch Bros sells out state governments, public schools,SRS services etc etc to private industry = Grab Your Wallets!
Beware: TABOR Is Coming | Dollars & Sense

2. The Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist aka home loan scandal sent the economy out the window costing taxpayers many many $$ trillions (Cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion), Plus millions of jobs, loss of retirement plans and loss of medical insurance.
The Bush family and the S&L (Savings and Loan) Scandal

3. Bush/Cheney Home Loan Wall Street Bank Fraud cost consumers $ trillions, millions of jobs, loss of retirement plans and loss of medical insurance. Exactly like the Reagan/Bush home loan scam. Déjà vu can we say. Yep seems to be a pattern.
What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

4. Bush/Cheney implied more than ONLY 3 financial institutions instead of several were at risk so why $700 billion in bail out money? One of the biggest lies perpetrated to American citizens. Where did this money go? Why were some banks forced to take bail out money?
"Good Billions After Bad" - One Year After Wall Street Bailout, Pulitzer Winners Barlett and Steele Investigate Where All the Money Went

5. Tax cuts the ENTITLEMENT program for the wealthy which do nothing to make an economy strong or produce jobs. Tax cuts are a tax increase to others in order to make up the loss in revenue = duped again.

Still A Bad Idea – Bush Tax Cuts - The ENTITLEMENT program for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class = duped one more time.
Still a Bad Idea | Dollars & Sense

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