Right Wingers Switch Gears on Immigration Issues/Proof Their Principles are Malleable

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Right Wingers Switch Gears on Immigration Issues/Proof Their Principles are Malleable

I guess Mitt Romney was the perfect standard bearer of the right wing GOP after all, eh?

For all you right wingers here in steerage on the Good Ship Wingnut, the rats up above are jumping ship.

Fox News star Sean Hannity suddenly likes immigration reform

I know there are some here who have counseled sanity on immigration issues, but come on .. principles of convenience will not convince a majority of Americans that you care and are sane.

A couple of years back, Hannity said the American people did not want such “amnesty” for those who came to the U.S. without permission. He railed against Congress considering a plan that would “ram this down America's throat.”

Hannity played host to right-wing members of Congress and others who insisted that even illegal immigrants who served in the U.S. military should not be granted legal residence and a chance at citizenship.

He referred to the Dream Act, which would have given young people brought to the U.S. by their parents a path to citizenship if they attended college or served in the military, as “an amnesty nightmare.”

The Fox star put his animus toward the issue on display again and again. When one conservative commentator on his show suggested there might have to be at least “limited amnesty,” and Fox analyst Juan Williams called for a “reasonable resolution,” Hannity retorted: “Right, deportation.”

He listened politely as right-wing virago Michelle Malkin suggested that Democrats wanted amnesty so they could “recruit more illegal aliens, so they can turn them into Democratic voters.”

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This isn't about Hannity or even immigration, it's like the issue of national security where the right wing faction in American politics will do and say anything in order to do what they consider winning against the rest of America whom they view as enemies.

The right wing in America took a beating this election year. Look at the Tea Party candidates who ran. Many of them beaten easily.

The principles the right wing claims to abide by are just window dressing, as far as the mouthpieces and leaders are concerned. The shock troops of teh right wing have always been around, but for decades they were powerless. No one took up their cause, until Roger Ailles persuaded that creep Murdoch they could make money exploiting the hate, fears, and anger of the far right...and voila! Wingnut Nation was born
so ONE PERSON makes it ALL right wingers now

okey dokey:eusa_shifty:

poor Steph, still ignoring reality?

Members here have been posting the same switcheroo. Many GOP leaders have too

deflect and deny all you want, but this thread is about you right wingers being exploited and used and how pathetic you all now look

How is it in steerage on the Good Ship Wingnut anyway?

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This isn't about Hannity or even immigration, it's like the issue of national security where the right wing faction in American politics will do and say anything in order to do what they consider winning against the rest of America whom they view as enemies.

The right wing in America took a beating this election year. Look at the Tea Party candidates who ran. Many of them beaten easily.

The principles the right wing claims to abide by are just window dressing, as far as the mouthpieces and leaders are concerned. The shock troops of teh right wing have always been around, but for decades they were powerless. No one took up their cause, until Roger Ailles persuaded that creep Murdoch they could make money exploiting the hate, fears, and anger of the far right...and voila! Wingnut Nation was born

OMG...so much dramatics and bs
so ONE PERSON makes it ALL right wingers now

okey dokey:eusa_shifty:

poor Steph, still ignoring reality?

Members here have been posting the same switcheroo. Many GOP leaders have too

deflect and deny all you want, but this thread is about you right wingers being exploited and used and how pathetic you all now look

How is it in steerage on the Good Ship Wingnut anyway?


It would be a shame to think that handing the nation over to cartels will help get votes.
poor Steph, she is unclear on how exposure and sunlight can free her darkened soul

now all she is armed with are deflections and self-deceit

omg, who did you steal that from?

one of my multiple identities?

but seriously Steph, why are you unable to form credible arguments anymore? does IT hurt that much, to wake up one day and realize for just a brief moment before denial stepped in and saved you, just how wrong you are about everything?
poor Steph, she is unclear on how exposure and sunlight can free her darkened soul

now all she is armed with are deflections and self-deceit

omg, who did you steal that from?

one of my multiple identities?

but seriously Steph, why are you unable to form credible arguments anymore? does IT hurt that much, to wake up one day and realize for just a brief moment before denial stepped in and saved you, just how wrong you are about everything?

and what truth is that? something you say it is?
If I am wrong it's taking no skin off anyone's ass but mine...now you seem to think YOUR views are the right ones and I see there just is no sense trying for credible argument with it..
You're like Joe, two peas in a pod

Your damn thread title was a LIE to begin with, you were talking about ONE peron who might of changed his mind on something so automatically I said pfeeeeeesh..not my proplem you have to dishonest
The GOP didn't lose as much in the 2012 election as the right wingers did.

It's been a great week to be a true Red, White, and Blue American!!!

I don't think the GOP lost as much in this election as the country did. Half the voters want corruption, envy, and greed in gov't.
The GOP didn't lose as much in the 2012 election as the right wingers did.

It's been a great week to be a true Red, White, and Blue American!!!

I don't think the GOP lost as much in this election as the country did. Half the voters want corruption, envy, and greed in gov't.

that post of his shows some real hate for his fellow Americans all over a election

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