Right Wing Politics & National Security: Exhibit A: General Petraeus

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Right Wing Politics & National Security: Exhibit A: General Petraeus

Fox News strategic analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters weighs in again as he so often does with a view of what happens or could have happened according to a wingnut view of reality
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters On Petraeus: "Timing Is Just Too Perfect" | RealClearPolitics
(Ralph Peters (born 1952) is a retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel and author. As a novelist he has sometimes written under the pen name Owen Parry. He never served actual combat duty...but he was an expert on Soviet Union ala Condi Rice :lol: Oddball Dude and Crusader Frank?),

contrast the Lt. Col. FOX News Mouthpiece with Jack Howard Jacobs (born August 2, 1945) is a retired colonel in the United States Army and a Medal of Honor recipient for his actions during the Vietnam War.

Some analysts said Petraeus's exit was the only way to prevent a lengthy, distracting scandal as embarrassing emails and other details of the affair emerged.

"Bad news doesn't get any better with age. I'm surprised it took the president 24 hours to accept the resignation. Dragged out it would be much, much worse. It's the best thing for the country," retired Army Col. Jack Jacobs said on NBC.
No Pass For Patraeus

We have examples right here @ USMB, people like Charles who claim to be fair and balanced (I'm sure in their own warped minds they are as ignorance is bliss)...
What I don't get is why him Stepping down, means he can't testify. He was the Director at the time the questions will be about, he is a central player in the Investigation. The fact they felt the need to announce he wont be testifying at the same time he steps down, just makes them look even more like they are hiding stuff.

Both Congressional and Senate investigational committees have the power to subpoena someone to testify before them. Petraeus would be obligated under the law to appear and testify. That's a fact Jack.

His apparent involvement with a writer may have complicated the situation for Petraeus.

Congress has been irate in recent months over national security-related leaks. In July, the Senate Intelligence Committee proposed legislation requiring intelligence officials to report all contacts with the media. Discussion of such issues would have been exceedingly awkward if the CIA director had an intimate relationship with a writer that became public, even if she wasn't a traditional journalist\
Earlier this year, Obama's pick for U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Brett McGurk, withdrew after racy emails were leaked online indicating he'd had an affair with Wall Street Journal reporter Gina Chon while both were stationed in Iraq in 2008. They were married to other people at the time, but later McGurk and Chon married.

... http://www.nj.com/us-politics/index.ssf/2012/11/no_pass_for_petraeus.html

and we know how right wingers love to attack
Earlier this year, Obama's pick for U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Brett McGurk, withdrew after racy emails were leaked online indicating he'd had an affair with Wall Street Journal reporter Gina Chon while both were stationed in Iraq in 2008. They were married to other people at the time, but later McGurk and Chon married.

The right wing would sacrifice the economy, and national security if it meant beating on other Americans they view as enemies. They have no political opponents, they only have enemies. They have a mental illness.

If there were right wingers among the men in Philadelphia, we would never have gained Independence or have ratified the US Constitution.

Right wingers are a 'faction' of the kind Madison and others feared more than anything. Factionalists threaten cohesion and compromise, the very things needed for a republic to thrive and survive.

The right wing faction has taken over the GOP. It's time others outside the GOP helped fellow citizens within the GOP battle the enemy within -- the right wingers
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You can browse this thread (hazmat suit warning as willowtwee is the OP) http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...d-petraeus-submits-letter-of-resignation.html for an example of ideology and imbecility over patriotism and belief in American exceptionalism

It's all politics all the time with these right wingers. I' not saying left wingers do not do this, they do, but they do not run the DNC or get access to Foreign Policy as right wingers and neocons do. Dennis Kucinich never got his Dept of Peace. Bernie Sanders is not in charge of the Federal Reserve and Jesse Jackson is not Secretary of State.
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So now someone having a affair is all important to ya people huh?

It sure wouldn't of been a National Security thing with Clinton having blow jobs with women in the whitehouse..oh no

something fishy with all this and I'm waiting to find out more details
So now someone having a affair is all important to ya people huh?

It sure wouldn't of been a National Security thing with Clinton having blow jobs with women in the whitehouse..oh no

something fishy with all this and I'm waiting to find out more details

reality check: I guess you chose to ignore the fact that the OP said nothing about how bad an affair is.

when it comes to commenting on affairs it is the right wing who makes politics number one:
When the flap arose over McGurk's out-of-wedlock relationship, six Republicans wrote Obama urging him to withdraw the nomination. Sens. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and others said the disclosures about McGurk showed "poor judgment and will affect the nominee's credibility in the country where he has been nominated to serve."

Any comments supporting the Gen resigning came from people like Jacobs who are concerned about the damage to the intel community and the security risks involved. they were not scoring cheap political points

But right wingers like Steph see everything through a prism of their own warped view of the world. They see a chance to play politics with national security and automatically assume that is what others would do. It's called - projection

right wingers as a faction with any type of control of message on national security, are a danger to a republic
Didn't really read this OP horseshit, but is the Kenyan trying to blame Petreaus' fuckup on the GOP?


See? The President waited to accept the resignation. Some counseled accepting it right away to mitigate damage to the intel community and national security. He did teh right thing, but people like you just can't see it.

It's all projection with right wingers. They would use any opportunity to score cheap political points and assume that is what others would do -- as with the warped world view of right wingers, it only makes common (to them) sense to play politics with everything
Obama had to THROW someone under the bus for this awful fuck up by HIS administation and Hillary Clinton..looks like he found it..

this is what now, the fourth or fifth excuse for what happend
Obama had to THROW someone under the bus for this awful fuck up by HIS administation and Hillary Clinton..looks like he found it..

this is what now, the fourth or fifth excuse for what happend

Poor Steph, she is arguing against a decorated man with a Medal of Honor and others with no dog in the hunt,.. I guess her talking points or lack of them make her feel knowledgeable and informed
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Out of all of the politicians as far back as I can remember and this is the first one to just Resign before anything came out at all. He's also the first one about to go on the stand to defend what is appears to be a coverup of which questions have refused answering for 2 months already.

If he needed to resign, and according to reports the FBI has been investigating for months, then he should have done it well before now. Like maybe in August. I'm not with either party and it definitely sounds fishy to me. Before the election nobody wanted to talk, now Hillary is too busy to do her duty after an Ambassador and 3 others were murdered, the President refuses to answer simple direct questions. Now the CIA Boss resigns? Yeah, none of that is fishy at all.
Right Wing Politics & National Security: Exhibit A: General Petraeus

Fox News strategic analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters weighs in again as he so often does with a view of what happens or could have happened according to a wingnut view of reality
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters On Petraeus: "Timing Is Just Too Perfect" | RealClearPolitics
(Ralph Peters (born 1952) is a retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel and author. As a novelist he has sometimes written under the pen name Owen Parry. He never served actual combat duty...but he was an expert on Soviet Union ala Condi Rice :lol: Oddball Dude and Crusader Frank?),

contrast the Lt. Col. FOX News Mouthpiece with Jack Howard Jacobs (born August 2, 1945) is a retired colonel in the United States Army and a Medal of Honor recipient for his actions during the Vietnam War.

Some analysts said Petraeus's exit was the only way to prevent a lengthy, distracting scandal as embarrassing emails and other details of the affair emerged.

"Bad news doesn't get any better with age. I'm surprised it took the president 24 hours to accept the resignation. Dragged out it would be much, much worse. It's the best thing for the country," retired Army Col. Jack Jacobs said on NBC.
No Pass For Patraeus

We have examples right here @ USMB, people like Charles who claim to be fair and balanced (I'm sure in their own warped minds they are as ignorance is bliss)...
What I don't get is why him Stepping down, means he can't testify. He was the Director at the time the questions will be about, he is a central player in the Investigation. The fact they felt the need to announce he wont be testifying at the same time he steps down, just makes them look even more like they are hiding stuff.

Both Congressional and Senate investigational committees have the power to subpoena someone to testify before them. Petraeus would be obligated under the law to appear and testify. That's a fact Jack.

His apparent involvement with a writer may have complicated the situation for Petraeus.

Congress has been irate in recent months over national security-related leaks. In July, the Senate Intelligence Committee proposed legislation requiring intelligence officials to report all contacts with the media. Discussion of such issues would have been exceedingly awkward if the CIA director had an intimate relationship with a writer that became public, even if she wasn't a traditional journalist\
Earlier this year, Obama's pick for U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Brett McGurk, withdrew after racy emails were leaked online indicating he'd had an affair with Wall Street Journal reporter Gina Chon while both were stationed in Iraq in 2008. They were married to other people at the time, but later McGurk and Chon married.

... No pass for Petraeus | NJ.com

and we know how right wingers love to attack
Earlier this year, Obama's pick for U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Brett McGurk, withdrew after racy emails were leaked online indicating he'd had an affair with Wall Street Journal reporter Gina Chon while both were stationed in Iraq in 2008. They were married to other people at the time, but later McGurk and Chon married.

The right wing would sacrifice the economy, and national security if it meant beating on other Americans they view as enemies. They have no political opponents, they only have enemies. They have a mental illness.

If there were right wingers among the men in Philadelphia, we would never have gained Independence or have ratified the US Constitution.

Right wingers are a 'faction' of the kind Madison and others feared more than anything. Factionalists threaten cohesion and compromise, the very things needed for a republic to thrive and survive.

The right wing faction has taken over the GOP. It's time others outside the GOP helped fellow citizens within the GOP battle the enemy within -- the right wingers

The Director of the CIA is a very sensitive Position. You don't have affairs when you are in the Position. You don't do anything that someone could use to Compromise, or black mail you. I have nothing but respect for the man and his long service to this country, but you just can't be privy to all that intel, and have things like Affairs going on in your life.

I think He did the right thing stepping down. I will not pass a judgement on all the theories spinning around this story until we know more.

By the way I am fully aware he can still be subpoena at anytime, I said what I said about him Not Testifying, because that is what some Dems are saying now, that he wont.
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The Director of the CIA is a very sensitive Position. You don't have affairs when you are in the Position. You don't do anything that someone could use to Compromise, or black mail you. I have nothing but respect for the man and his long service to this country, but you just can't be privy to all that intel, and have things like Affairs going on in your life.

I think He did the right thing stepping down. I will not pass a judgement on all the theories spinning around this story until we know more.

By the way I am fully aware he can still be subpoena at anytime, I said what I said about him Not Testifying, because that is what some Dems are saying now, that he wont.

you are free to change your opinions like others change socks and underwear...

What I don't get is why him Stepping down, means he can't testify. He was the Director at the time the questions will be about, he is a central player in the Investigation. The fact they felt the need to announce he wont be testifying at the same time he steps down, just makes them look even more like they are hiding stuff.

...but I also think you also change your principles too...we'll show how you do in another post
I thought it was strange Petreaus went along with Obamination's lies about Libya....but now it all makes sense.

Obamination blackmailed him into lying with him on Libya, but eventually Petreaus understands that is treason against this country.

Obamination should be going to jail over this Libya mess if this country has any good left in it...which I doubt. Now, if Petreaus is willing to admit to perjury when he spoke with Congress...then the media might have to finally bring down Obamination.

The OP is part of the scum protecting Obamination.
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