Right-Wing Bergdahl Flip Flop is All About Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
You don't negotiate with terrorists. That is my is and was my stand. 5-1? It just encourages more terrorists act and increases their power.
Actually it is a good study in liberals love hate for the military.

Conservatives make heros out of our men and women in uniform, that is why when someone like Bergdahl comes around it makes the service look bad thus conservatives don't like it.

On the other hand liberals hate those who do what they would not and serve in the military. Thus when someone like Bergdahl comes around they say he severed with honor and distinction.

That is pretty much what Obama has done, which is separate from what Bergdahl did.
No...it is about not knowing he was a traitor and a deserter...I saw a poster about that in the gun store I go to......I didn't know that he deserted his post in a combat zone...and I don't think they did either...they in fact put a gag order on the men in his unit.....so please.....pedal your lefty crap somewhere else......
Actually it is a good study in liberals love hate for the military.

Conservatives make heros out of our men and women in uniform, that is why when someone like Bergdahl comes around it makes the service look bad thus conservatives don't like it.

On the other hand liberals hate those who do what they would not and serve in the military. Thus when someone like Bergdahl comes around they say he severed with honor and distinction.

That is pretty much what Obama has done, which is separate from what Bergdahl did.
You might be retarded. Get checked.
See...the reason we didn't know the truth....his fellow soldiers were forced to sign non-dislosure statements to keep us from knowing the truth....that is why we thought he was and actual U.S. soldier ....and we turned on him when he deserted his post, joined the enemy and cost the lives of at least 6 soldiers who spent 90 days trying to "save" him....

Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter not a hero - CNN.com

Many of Bergdahl's fellow troops -- from the seven or so who knew him best in his squad to the larger group that made up the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division -- told CNN that they signed nondisclosure agreements agreeing to never share any information about Bergdahl's disappearance and the efforts to recapture him. Some were willing to dismiss that document in hopes that the truth would come out about a soldier who they now fear is being hailed as a hero, while the men who lost their lives looking for him are ignored.


So please...sell your crap somewhere else...we are all full up on left wing crap and stupidity......

"I don't think I could have continued to go on without being able to share with you and the people the true things that happened in this situation," Korder said Monday. "Because if you guys aren't made aware of it, it will just go on, and he'll be a hero, and nobody will be able to know the truth."

Obama planned on finding a way to trade those taliban killers...and the real story about this traitor would have screwed that up....he needed to keep the story quiet till he traded the killers of Americans for the traitor........
Actually it is a good study in liberals love hate for the military.

Conservatives make heros out of our men and women in uniform, that is why when someone like Bergdahl comes around it makes the service look bad thus conservatives don't like it.

On the other hand liberals hate those who do what they would not and serve in the military. Thus when someone like Bergdahl comes around they say he severed with honor and distinction.

That is pretty much what Obama has done, which is separate from what Bergdahl did.
You might be retarded. Get checked.

Thanks for the heads up, but no I am no retarded. I checked my voter id and it doesn't say democrat.

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