Right-To-Lifers Are Finally Getting It


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Just so no one makes any assumptions about me, I am pro-life.

I've been saying for years, long before I came to this forum, that the repeal of Roe v. Wade would probably have no effect on the number of abortions that are performed in the US. I do believe as a matter of principle, though, that decision should be repealed.

What I have said many times is that the best way to actually reduce abortions by a significant amount is to get people to use birth control, and use it properly. Half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used during sex. Another fifth are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

So birth control is the answer to reducing abortions.

Then there is the argument revolving around federal funding of Planned Parenthood, which I am against so long as they perform abortions.

But I have often said the best way to defeat Planned Parenthood is for pro-lifers to open women's health clinics across the street from Planned Parenthood clinics and provide the exact same health services as the PP clinics do, except no abortions. Then they could also get federal funding, and may the best team win.

Well...finally...they are starting to get it:

A new chain of Christian pregnancy centers will provide a controversial service: Contraception

When a low-income woman searches for reproductive care, she often goes to a Planned Parenthood clinic, where she’s treated as a patient with an array of medical options. Or she might go to a Christian pregnancy center, where she is counseled to carry a pregnancy to term.

But some Christians now see an opening for a third way to reach women — before they become pregnant — that also enables them to compete for federal money Planned Parenthood has decided to relinquish.

Eight independent Texas-based pregnancy centers merged earlier this year to form a chain called The Source. With Christian women’s health centers in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, the nonprofit organization plans to offer a full array of medical services, to include testing for sexually transmitted diseases, first-trimester prenatal care and contraception choices.

I’m also pro-life – indeed, everyone’s pro-life.

I also recognize the right to privacy and the necessary, proper and Constitutional limits that right places on the state prohibiting government from interfering in personal, private decisions – such as whether to have a child or not.

Roe v. Wade is much more than just about abortion – as the progeny of Griswold and Eisenstadt, Roe is a logical, consistent, and warranted ruling further safeguarding the privacy rights of citizens.

Overturning Roe would be both reckless and irresponsible, further increasing the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Affording men and women birth control therapies that prevent unwanted pregnancy should be the goal, not seeking to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

The Christian right and other social conservatives should refrain from their propensity for authoritarianism and instead focus their efforts to establish more healthcare providers as outlined in the OP.
I’m also pro-life – indeed, everyone’s pro-life.

I also recognize the right to privacy and the necessary, proper and Constitutional limits that right places on the state prohibiting government from interfering in personal, private decisions – such as whether to have a child or not.

Roe v. Wade is much more than just about abortion – as the progeny of Griswold and Eisenstadt, Roe is a logical, consistent, and warranted ruling further safeguarding the privacy rights of citizens.

Overturning Roe would be both reckless and irresponsible, further increasing the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Affording men and women birth control therapies that prevent unwanted pregnancy should be the goal, not seeking to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

The Christian right and other social conservatives should refrain from their propensity for authoritarianism and instead focus their efforts to establish more healthcare providers as outlined in the OP.

The decision to have a child is made when you choose to have sex.

Once the woman is pregnant the child is there.

Now the only choice is to let it live or to kill it...which should really not be a choice.
In order to receive federal funds, won't they have to remove any mention of Christ or the bible?
In order to receive federal funds, won't they have to remove any mention of Christ or the bible?

The government can fund religious based organizations. What it can't do is discriminate in that.
How do you justify late term infanticide when a full term infant is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain is sucked our so it's face looks like a freaking cabbage patch doll? Whoops I forgot my birth control pills?
In order to receive federal funds, won't they have to remove any mention of Christ or the bible?
President Obama’s Faith-Based Initiatives

President Clinton
Version 1.0 of the federal faith-based initiative dates back to the Bill Clinton administration. Congress applied the Charitable Choice provision to three federal programs (welfare services, Community Services Block Grants, SAMHSA’s substance-abuse treatment and prevention funding). President Clinton’s Department of Housing and Urban Development opened a Center for Community and Interfaith Partnerships.

President Bush
Version 2 was the extensive George W. Bush initiative. President Bush created a White House Office for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. He also opened faith-based Centers in 12 major federal agencies to pursue the reforms inside their programs and in state and federal programs that receive federal funding from these agencies. His administration adopted Charitable Choice regulations and created similar Equal Treatment regulations to govern other federal programs. The administration clarified the extensive freedom faith-based organizations have to hire on a religious basis when they receive government funds. And in speeches and visits to local groups President Bush highlighted the vital work that faith-based and secular grassroots organizations perform daily in communities across the nation.

President Obama
To the surprise of many, given Democratic criticisms of the Bush initiative, on the campaign trail in July, 2008, Barack Obama promised that he would preserve and even expand the federal faith-based initiative. Shortly after taking office, President Obama renamed the Bush faith-based office as the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and he appointed Joshua DuBois as its executive director. The President created a new Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. And he said he would maintain the existing 12 faith-based centers in federal agencies.
PP has historically been at the forefront of stopping unwanted pregnancies and STDs. This organization makes abortion available as a last resort, not a first option.

Why these johnny-come-lately efforts by people calling themselves Christians? These "Christians" have been at the forefront of keeping people, particularly girls, ignorant about their bodies, about sexuality itself, and about contraception.

Abstinence education was the most stupid idea to hit the streets in a long time, but the "abstinence only" bimbos who call themselves "Christians" made millions off of the American taxpayer by pushing it, including people who have been placed by trump on the federal government payroll, all the while sacrificing girls and women so that they could deliver unspoiled meat to fundie men with certain sexual predilections.

Women and girls need good, practical advice, backed by solid medical findings, on their issues relating to sexuality and reproductive choices. They should never turn to people who call themselves "Christians" since these people have proven themselves untrustworthy and, well, liars. PP has been reliable all along.
PP has historically been at the forefront of stopping unwanted pregnancies and STDs. This organization makes abortion available as a last resort, not a first option.

Why these johnny-come-lately efforts by people calling themselves Christians? These "Christians" have been at the forefront of keeping people, particularly girls, ignorant about their bodies, about sexuality itself, and about contraception.

Abstinence education was the most stupid idea to hit the streets in a long time, but the "abstinence only" bimbos who call themselves "Christians" made millions off of the American taxpayer by pushing it, including people who have been placed by trump on the federal government payroll, all the while sacrificing girls and women so that they could deliver unspoiled meat to fundie men with certain sexual predilections.

Women and girls need good, practical advice, backed by solid medical findings, on their issues relating to sexuality and reproductive choices. They should never turn to people who call themselves "Christians" since these people have proven themselves untrustworthy and, well, liars. PP has been reliable all along.
I think you have utterly failed to comprehend the OP.
As Soon as You DemNazis agree that Illegals have No Right To Life IN America, I'll listen to what you have to say.

So you do not actually believe in "pro-life."
Only for American Citizens. Everyone else who hates America should be aborted.

A zygote hates America? It doesn't even have a brain yet.
I agree, most Illegal Aliens and Leftists never develop a brain, so they should be aborted.
PP has historically been at the forefront of stopping unwanted pregnancies and STDs. This organization makes abortion available as a last resort, not a first option.

Why these johnny-come-lately efforts by people calling themselves Christians? These "Christians" have been at the forefront of keeping people, particularly girls, ignorant about their bodies, about sexuality itself, and about contraception.

Abstinence education was the most stupid idea to hit the streets in a long time, but the "abstinence only" bimbos who call themselves "Christians" made millions off of the American taxpayer by pushing it, including people who have been placed by trump on the federal government payroll, all the while sacrificing girls and women so that they could deliver unspoiled meat to fundie men with certain sexual predilections.

Women and girls need good, practical advice, backed by solid medical findings, on their issues relating to sexuality and reproductive choices. They should never turn to people who call themselves "Christians" since these people have proven themselves untrustworthy and, well, liars. PP has been reliable all along.
I think you have utterly failed to comprehend the OP.
You have failed at being a human being.

You suck worse at pretending you are an American.
PP has historically been at the forefront of stopping unwanted pregnancies and STDs. This organization makes abortion available as a last resort, not a first option.

Why these johnny-come-lately efforts by people calling themselves Christians? These "Christians" have been at the forefront of keeping people, particularly girls, ignorant about their bodies, about sexuality itself, and about contraception.

Abstinence education was the most stupid idea to hit the streets in a long time, but the "abstinence only" bimbos who call themselves "Christians" made millions off of the American taxpayer by pushing it, including people who have been placed by trump on the federal government payroll, all the while sacrificing girls and women so that they could deliver unspoiled meat to fundie men with certain sexual predilections.

Women and girls need good, practical advice, backed by solid medical findings, on their issues relating to sexuality and reproductive choices. They should never turn to people who call themselves "Christians" since these people have proven themselves untrustworthy and, well, liars. PP has been reliable all along.

PP is acorn.

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