Rick Perry Calls Shift From Fossil Fuels To Renewables ‘Immoral’


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Rick Perry wants everyone to know he thinks it's okay to waste $1.6 trillion on energy sources that put millions of lives at risk and destroy the climate. Why, because as a conservative, Perry believes moving from fossil fuels to renewables is ‘immoral’.

Like other Christian conservatives, it is Perry’s assertion that, God gave man His earth to plunder and destroy to profit the fat cats, not to cherish and protect for the benefit of all living things.

The idiot Trump appointed Perry Energy Secretary because the former Texas governor’s total ignorance on all issues matches that of the idiot Trump’s supporters.

The article at the link below provides the details.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


Perry can think it's immoral to shun gas guzzlers all he wants, but consumers are demanding green and super fuel efficiency. The days of dinosaur fuels are over.

The market has spoken. If we want to command overseas car sales, we need to understand this or the rust belt will perish.
It's to support Putin. He has a fetish about this shit. He thinks he can destroy us when he dies. But that's just him thinking too much of himself again.
As always, thoughtful comments are welcome....

Well, Perry is a delusional, deplorable moron... that's already common knowledge though

But I like his way or 'reasoning'

Look those people in the eyes that are starving and tell them you can’t have electricity, because as a society we decided fossil fuels were bad. I think that is immoral.”

I always thought starving people wanted food but what they really want is electricity generated by free market oil

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome.
Blind, obedient commitment to a partisan ideology makes people say stuff like that. Perry says:

“Look those people in the eyes that are starving and tell them you can’t have electricity. Because as a society we decided fossil fuels were bad. I think that is immoral.”

Standard partisan binary argument, pretending that only fossil fuels provide energy, as if it's all or nothing. The question is whether he really believes what he said, which is possible. Ideologues can talk themselves into damn near anything.
Energy, most especially electricity, obtained from renewable sources is as good as energy obtained from non-renewable sources. The notion that is immoral to use renewable-source energy rather than fossil fuel sourced energy is utterly preposterous.

Rick Perry wants everyone to know he thinks it's okay to waste $1.6 trillion on energy sources that put millions of lives at risk and destroy the climate. Why, because as a conservative, Perry believes moving from fossil fuels to renewables is ‘immoral’.

Like other Christian conservatives, it is Perry’s assertion that, God gave man His earth to plunder and destroy to profit the fat cats, not to cherish and protect for the benefit of all living things.

The idiot Trump appointed Perry Energy Secretary because the former Texas governor’s total ignorance on all issues matches that of the idiot Trump’s supporters.

The article at the link below provides the details.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.



#1) The government isn't spending anything on fossil fuels, numskull

#2) You didn't quote Perry's reasoning because your characterization of it is bullshit.

Here is what Perry said:

Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who leads a $2 billion clean energy program, argued on Wednesday that global efforts to shift away from fossil fuels were “immoral” by denying developing nations the plentiful, cheap energy needed to lift people out of poverty.

“Look those people in the eyes that are starving and tell them you can’t have electricity,” Perry said in remarks after his speech to the oil and gas industry at the annual CERAWeek energy conference in Houston. “Because as a society we decided fossil fuels were bad. I think that is immoral.”

In other words, turds like you are condemning the desperately poor to indefinite poverty with your "green energy" horseshit. Perry is right, and you are a jackass.
...The notion that is immoral to use renewable-source energy rather than fossil fuel sourced energy is utterly preposterous.

That depends on your point of view, you really want to rob all those CEOs of the free market oil companies of their well deserved bonusses? All those politicians whose bribes... eh, campaign donations depend on the profits of those same companies? Not to mention all those lovely oil fields in the ME that need to be liberated with shock & awe...

It's pretty immoral to take all that away just to keep the environmental hippies happy

Energy, most especially electricity, obtained from renewable sources is as good as energy obtained from non-renewable sources. The notion that is immoral to use renewable-source energy rather than fossil fuel sourced energy is utterly preposterous.

It's 5 times more expensive and not reliable. It's nowhere near as good.
As always, thoughtful comments are welcome.
Blind, obedient commitment to a partisan ideology makes people say stuff like that. Perry says:

“Look those people in the eyes that are starving and tell them you can’t have electricity. Because as a society we decided fossil fuels were bad. I think that is immoral.”

Standard partisan binary argument, pretending that only fossil fuels provide energy, as if it's all or nothing. The question is whether he really believes what he said, which is possible. Ideologues can talk themselves into damn near anything.
You can't run a city on "green energy." Your chart is bullshit. It was published at a site named "The Guardians of Democracy." That tells you all you need to know about its credibility.

Solar is 5 times the cost of fossil fuels. The cost/kw doesn't include the fact that it's only generating at 20% of capacity. It also doesn't include 100% backup from a reliable source of energy like coal.
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Rick Perry wants everyone to know he thinks it's okay to waste $1.6 trillion on energy sources that put millions of lives at risk and destroy the climate. Why, because as a conservative, Perry believes moving from fossil fuels to renewables is ‘immoral’.

Like other Christian conservatives, it is Perry’s assertion that, God gave man His earth to plunder and destroy to profit the fat cats, not to cherish and protect for the benefit of all living things.

The idiot Trump appointed Perry Energy Secretary because the former Texas governor’s total ignorance on all issues matches that of the idiot Trump’s supporters.

The article at the link below provides the details.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.



What a hack site. Do you think for one minute if renewable energy were cheaper than fossil, every power company in the country would insist on using the most expensive sources to create electricity?

I thought businesses were greedy corporate types. I thought all they cared about was making money and paying CEO's big salaries. Profit is the most important thing to them.
As always, thoughtful comments are welcome....

Well, Perry is a delusional, deplorable moron... that's already common knowledge though

But I like his way or 'reasoning'

Look those people in the eyes that are starving and tell them you can’t have electricity, because as a society we decided fossil fuels were bad. I think that is immoral.”

I always thought starving people wanted food but what they really want is electricity generated by free market oil


Electricity helps produce food, numskull. It's used to provide refrigeration, make fertilizer and do food processing. Pesticides and fertilizer are literally made from fossil fuel. Electricity also runs things like hospitals and electric lights.

You're just an arrogant, callous asshole who thinks Africans aren't entitled to have all the modern technology that you enjoy. You want children to be malnourished because their parents can't own a refrigerator to keep milk cold. What a fucking piece of shit.
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Perry can think it's immoral to shun gas guzzlers all he wants, but consumers are demanding green and super fuel efficiency. The days of dinosaur fuels are over.

The market has spoken. If we want to command overseas car sales, we need to understand this or the rust belt will perish.
If consumers were truly demanding that, then American corporations would be selling it to them. The fact that you don't see it tells you they aren't demanding it.
What is immoral is saddling our children with an energy policy that leaves them with rising sea levels, climatic chaos, and a degradated environment.

What is immoral is putting the profits of fossil fuel companies over the interest of future generations and this Country.

What is immoral is not preparing our country for a post-fossil fuel economy.
What is immoral is saddling our children with an energy policy that leaves them with rising sea levels, climatic chaos, and a degradated environment.

What is immoral is putting the profits of fossil fuel companies over the interest of future generations and this Country.

What is immoral is not preparing our country for a post-fossil fuel economy.

ROFL! The theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming is a con. Spending $trillions on a con is immoral.
What is immoral is saddling our children with an energy policy that leaves them with rising sea levels, climatic chaos, and a degradated environment.

What is immoral is putting the profits of fossil fuel companies over the interest of future generations and this Country.

What is immoral is not preparing our country for a post-fossil fuel economy.

Nothing, provided it's not by force.....especially government force.

I always laugh at this hysteria you on the left have over this MMGW myth. I picture a classroom of kids in about 100 years from now. The teacher tells the class that 100 years ago, people believed that they actually controlled the climate, and the class bursts out in laughter the way we did as kids when the teacher told us at one time, people thought the earth was flat.

Rick Perry wants everyone to know he thinks it's okay to waste $1.6 trillion on energy sources that put millions of lives at risk and destroy the climate. Why, because as a conservative, Perry believes moving from fossil fuels to renewables is ‘immoral’.

Like other Christian conservatives, it is Perry’s assertion that, God gave man His earth to plunder and destroy to profit the fat cats, not to cherish and protect for the benefit of all living things.

The idiot Trump appointed Perry Energy Secretary because the former Texas governor’s total ignorance on all issues matches that of the idiot Trump’s supporters.

The article at the link below provides the details.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


/——/ you are an idiot, but I love your worn out slogan you libtards attach to everything “puts lives at risk.” Did you know abortion puts lives at risk? Did you know illegals put lives at risk? Did you know gun grabbing puts lives at risk?
I see asshole liberals are again sacrificing the poor on the alter of the liberal agenda. Is there anything they won't sacrifice? Jobs for the poor, affordable energy, they let illegals kill and rape the poor.
Electricity helps produce food, numskull. It's used to provide refrigeration, make fertilizer and do food processing. Pesticides and fertilizer are literally made from fossil fuel. Electricity also runs things like hospitals and electric lights.

You're just an arrogant, callous asshole who thinks Africans aren't entitled to have all the modern technology that you enjoy. You want children to be malnourished because their parents can't own a refrigerator to keep milk cold. What a fucking piece of shit.

A, a true deplorable Ayn Rand fanatic

Now big oil is going to save the starving African children...


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